Eight: The Oath Of Pain

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*From where we left off*

Kakashi: *Holding a kunai on Zabuza's throat* You're finished!

Naruto: All right!

Sakura: *Relieved*

Zabuza: *Starts laughing*

Kakashi: Huh?

Zabuza: Finished, you really don't get it do you? Your technique is nothing but a crass imitation. I'll never be defeated by a mere copycat ninja like you

Kakashi: *Grunts*

Zabuza: *Laughter* You are full of suprises though. You'd already copied my water clone jutsu when you made your little speech

Y/n: . . .

Zabuza: Very skill-fully executed. You made your clones say those words to draw my attention. While you hid in the mist waiting for me to make my move. Nice try

Zabuza: But I'm not that easy to fool!

Kakashi: *Shocked*

Naruto: Hey! That ones a clone too!

Y/n: Well shit


Zabuza: Makibishi spike! Trying to slow me down *Scoffs* Foolish

Naruto: Sensei!

Sakura (T): I can't believe Kakashi Sensei got kicked through the air like that!

Sasuke: He has great physical skill too

Kakashi (T): *Gets out of the water* This isn't normal water. It's dense... heavy

Zabuza: *Teleports behind Kakashi* Haha! Fool! Water prison jutsu!

Kakashi: No! (T- Escaping underwater. Bad mistake)

Zabuza: This prison is made out of water but it's stronger than steel. It's hard to fight when you can't move. So much for the great Kakashi. I'll finish you off later but first your little friends will have to be eliminated

Y/n: . . .

Zabuza: Water clone jutsu! *Creates a clone*

Kakashi (T): He's even more skilled than I thought!

Naruto: *Absolutely terrified*

Zabuza: You think wearing a headband makes you a ninja? When you've hovered between life and death so many times it doesn't faze you anymore. Then you may be called a ninja. When you become as deadly that your profile is entered in my bingo book then you may have earned the title ninja

Y/n: . . .

Zabuza: But to call up starts like you ninja is a joke *Disappears*

Naruto (T): He disappeared again!

Zabuza: *Kicks Naruto in the face knocking his headband of him*

Naruto: Argh!

Zabuza: Your just brats

Sakura: Naruto!

Kakashi: Listen! Get the bridge builder and run! You can't win this fight! He's using all his power to keep me in this prison! So he can only fight you with his water clone! But the clone can't go far from his real body! If you get away from him he can't follow! No run!

Sasuke (T): Run away not a option. That become unthinkable the moment you got caught. No matter how fast we run or how far we go he'll track us down and wipe us out. If we try a manji formation he get around that in a instant in the end if we're on our own we're finished our only chance of survival is to rescue you!

Sasuke: We've got to do it! Now!

Zabuza: Too easy *Throws Sasuke on to the floor*

Sakura: Sasuke, no!

Naruto: He got Sasuke!

Zabuza: *Appears in front of naruto*

Naruto (T): So this is what a Jonin is! A true elite ninja! I... I've got to get away! If I don't seriously he'll annihilate me!

Naruto becomes stunned

Naruto: *Looks at his hand* *Has a few flashbacks* *Gets up*

Naruto (T): I swore a oath of pain! I won't run away! *Charges at Zabuza*

Kakashi: Naruto! No!

Sakura: Ahh!! Naruto?! What in the world are you doing?!

Zabuza: Fool *Punches Naruto*

Naruto: *On the floor*

Sakura: What are you thinking charging at him by yourself?! Even Sasuke couldn't get to him! We're only genin we can't defeat a Jonin! What do you think you'd accomplish by that?!

Naruto: *Gets up*

Sakura (T): *Shocked* The headband? That's what he wanted?

Naruto: *Fully gets up* Hey you! The freak with no eyebrows

Y/n (T): 😂

Naruto: Put this in your bingo book! The ninja that will become hokage of the village hidden in the leaves

Zabuza: *Smirks*

Naruto: He never backs down! *Puts his headband back on* His names Naruto Uzumaki

Kakashi (T): Naruto...

Tazuna: I thought we was all talk but this kids got guts

Naruto: Listen up, Sasuke can you hear me?

Sasuke: Yeah, I can hear you

Naruto: I got a plan

Sasuke (T): Now he's got a plan? This guy

Sasuke: So your finally thinking about teamwork Huh?

Sakura (T): Why don't I have this feeling? Narutos so... determined!

Naruto: Alright! Now guys let's go wild!

Naruto: Let's bring this

Zabuza: Big words for such a little manthink your plans gonna keep you in the game?

Kakashi (T): This isn't good

Kakashi: What are you doing?! I told you to run! This fight was over the moment I got caught! Now take off! Your mission is not to prove how brave you are! It's to save the bridge builder stay on mission!

Naruto: Bridge builder?

Tazuna: Well I... I guess.. this all happened because of me. Because of my desire to live but I won't let that stand in your way now. Forget about me and do what you have to do! Go ahead to fight to save your Sensei!

Sasuke: Alright, you hear that?

Naruto: Yeah, believe it! You ready?

Zabuza: *Starts laughing* You really haven't learned anything have you? Still playing your little game. Pretending to be ninja. When I was your age this hand had already crushed many opponents!

Everyone but Y/n: *Shocked*

Kakashi: Zabuza the demon

Zabuza: So I was in your book too Huh?

Kakashi: Long ago in a village hidden in the mist also know as blood mist village. Before a student could become a ninja there was one final test

Zabuza: You know about the graduation exam?

Naruto: What graduation exam?

Zabuza: *Laughs*

Naruto: What's the big deal anyways? We had graduation test too!

Zabuza: *More laughter* Did you have to kill the other students to pass?

Naruto: *Shocked*

Zabuza: Image young ninja like you eating together, training together. And then comes the final exam only they change the rules kill or be killed! You can't stop whiles your opponents still breathes he was your friend! Shared your dreams now it's him who you kill

Sakura: That's so cruel

Kakashi: 10 years ago in the village hidden in the mist the graduation exam changed. One year before a dark evil had filled the school with terror

Sakura: What's he saying? What evil.. what kinda of change? What coursed the terror?!

Kakashi: Without pause or hesitation a young boy who was not even a ninja approached the class and took down over 100 other students

Zabuza: It... it felt so... Good!

Naruto and Sasuke: *Scared*

Naruto: *Shocked* Ahhh!!

Sasuke: Argh!!!!!

Sakura: Sasuke!

Zabuza: *Proceeds to step on Sasuke*

Sasuke: *In pain* Argh!!!

Kakashi: *Mad*

Zabuza: *Laughs* Your nothing

Y/n: Get your foot off him

Zabuza: Huh?

Y/n: I said get your foot off him

Zabuza: *Laughs* Hahaha! And what are you gonna do?

Y/n: *Death stares*

Zabuza: Huh?

Y/n: I'll Burn You

Zabuza: And just how are you gonna do that?!

Y/n: I wanted to be soft on you but since Kakashi sensei is trapped I'm gonna have to burn you alive

Zabuza: *Laughs*

Naruto: Y/n! You can't beat him alone! He even caught Kakashi sensei!

Sakura: Yeah! Listen to naruto!

Sasuke: Argh!

Y/n: *Looks at Zabuza*

Zabuza: Huh?

Y/n: You guys underestimate me too much

Kakashi: What...?

Y/n: Did you think Kakashi sensei was the only one who had a Sharingan?

Zabuza: !

Everyone: !

Y/n: Amaterasu!

(This completely burns then disintegrates the clone)

Zubuza: How the hell does he have that?!

Kakashi: Y/n...

Y/n: Now Naruto!

Naruto: Right! *Grabs a Windmill Shuriken out his bag and Chucks it too Sasuke*

Sasuke: *Gets up and catches the Shuriken* So this was your plan all along? Not bad

Sasuke: Demon wind Shuriken! Wind mill of shadows!

Sakura: *Wow omg!*

Kakashi and Tazuna: *Shocked*

Zabuza: A Shuriken? You'll never be able to touch me with that!

Sasuke: *Throws the Shuriken*

Zabuza: That's it? Huh? A second Shuriken in the shadow of the first! The shadow Shuriken jutsu!

Sakura (T): The second Shuriken's on target and he can't catch this one!

Zabuza: *Dodges* I told you a Shuriken can't touch me!

Sakura (T): *Shocked* He dodge it!

(Yeah it was Naruto all along)

Sasuke: *Smirks*

Everyone but Y/n and Sasuke: *Shocked*

Zabuza: What!?!

Naruto: Eat this!!

To be continued...

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