Backstory: Just like our mother

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๐Ÿ‘† You're welcome!

The backstory I'm gonna tell you today started roughly about 1 and half to 2 years before Itachi's massacre of the Uchiha clan

And now without further a do let's begin

*With Y/n*

On a sunny and peaceful summers day, Y/n was training outside to master his skills in Kunai and shrunken throwing. Also he bet with his older brother that he could master it within 4 days if he lost he'd give B/n $5; but if Y/n won B/n would give him $20

It was 6:30am but the temperature was 19 degrees celcius a very good temperature to be training at:

Y/n: *Takes a deep breath*

Y/n: *Sighs* I had to think a bit before doing that... I can't afford to do that if I wanna properly master Kunai throwing

B/n: What are you talking about?

Y/n: Huh??

B/n walks out from behind the tree where he was watching you practice for quite a while it seems

B/n: It was a amazing throw 

Y/n: Big brother!? What are you doing here?

B/n: We'll I just came to check on your progress on Kunai throwing

Y/n: Oh ok

B/n: Oh and the throw was way better than what I could do at your age

Y/n: Yeah that's because I'm not you!

B/n: ๐Ÿ˜•๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ๐Ÿ˜…

Y/n: ?

B/n: *Pats Y/n on the head*

Y/n: Hey! What are you doing?

B/n: Head patting you

Y/n: Why?!

B/n: Because your so adorable

Y/n: I am not! And stop head patting me! It's embarrassing!

B/n: Okay okay I'll stop

Y/n: Thank you

B/n: You might be half tough guy half tsundere on the personality end but you definitely know how to be polite

Y/n: . . .

B/n: Even if you don't give a crap most of the time... hehe... your still quite polite in your own way, I guess

Y/n: Who are you talking too?

B/n: You.... wait.... nvm

Y/n: ?

B/n: You'd 100% try and commit murderous acts on me if I repeated myself so I'm not going to repeat myself

Y/n: ??

B/n: Anyways Y/n, since I'm free today

Y/n: Huh?

B/n: Where do you wanna go?

Y/n: Um....Oh! I know!

B/n: ?

Y/n: Could you please please please train with me!

B/n: ๐Ÿ˜“ I had a feeling you were gonna say that

Y/n: Hey! What's that suppose to mean?!

B/n: Sure I'll tran with you

Y/n: Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!!

B/n: But what exactly do you want to train with me on? Your ninjutsu, taijustu, genjutsu, shrunken bending? What do you wanna train on today?

Y/n: My Sharingan!

B/n: Huh?

Y/n: You heard me! I wanna train my Sharingan! I wanna know how to evolve it!

B/n: Huh? What do you mean evolve it? Your already at the maximum level of the sharingan

Y/n: Stop lying to me!

B/n: ??

Y/n: I know about the Mangekyล Sharingan

B/n: !

Y/n: I also know that your sharingan is the same Mangekyล Sharingan that is suppose to be all cool and powerful!

B/n: Ehhh.... Y/n maybe you don't want the Mangekyล Sharingan for yourself

Y/n: What! Why not?!

B/n (T): Because I don't want you to feel the pain of losing someone you love all for the extra power boost of the Mangekyล Sharingan

Y/n: Hello, earth to big brother!

B/n: *Snaps back to reality* Oh um so yeah...

Y/n: Well? Why not?

B/n: Well you see....

Y/n: ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ Well....?

B/n: Well you'll see one day. But not today I don't want you to become cold blooded yet at least

Y/n: Huh? What?

B/n: Nothing! Nothing.... Nothing....

Y/n: . . . Okay then... if you say so?

B/n (T): *Sighs* That was close

B/n: Anyways, how about we get ramen. Does that sound good to you?

Y/n: Yeah! That sounds great!

B/n: *Giggles* So cute

*Later whiles walking to the Ichiraku ramen's place*

Y/n: No I don't!

B/n: Well you do so... yeah

Y/n: I said no I don't!

B/n: Well I saw you and.....

B/n and Y/n both look above them to see a familiar face, since B/n crouched down to talk to Y/n

Itachi: Ummm.... Am I intruding in something here?

B/n: Oh Itachi

Itachi: Hey, I seem to be interrupting you so I'll just be leaving...

B/n: What? No, it's nothing we were just bickering about something of minor importance

Y/n: My love life is not of "Minor importance" thank you very much!

Itachi: Oh.... Alright then...

B/n: *Sighs* Anyways, Itachi what brings you here?

Itachi: Firstly, I live here; secondly, because it's the hidden leaf village and finally, because I want to ask you about something

B/n: Well the first two were just mean, but the third one. what did you wanna ask me?

Itachi: Can I borrow your katana please

B/n: What? Of course you can, you don't need to ask me that we live in the same house Itachi

Itachi: I know but I thought it'd be at-least polite to ask if I could borrow and use it

B/n: I see that makes sense.....

Itachi: . . .

B/n: So what do you need it for anyways?

Itachi: I need.... well I don't need it.... but it'd be really helpful if I did have it

B/n: For what?

Itachi: A mission

B/n: And that mission is?

Itachi: That's classified

B/n: Oh I see... so why do you need my katana for this mission? You have your own really well made katana can you not just use your own?

Itachi: I could but your is just of better quality and sharpness and it just feels good to fight with it

B/n: It is really well made

Itachi: So can I use it?

B/n: I didn't answer you did I? Not properly anyways. Yeah sure you can Itachi just don't break it

Itachi: Got it!

Itachi turns around and begins to leave

B/n: Oh Itachi!

Itachi: Yes? What is it?

B/n: You just wanted to use it again didn't you?

Itachi: . . .

B/n: Itachi Uchiha

Itachi: Alright! You got me, but who could blame me?! It was sooooo good to use!

B/n: I guess your not wrong... *Sighs* .... Fine just go

Itachi: Thank you!

B/n: Just remember not to break it. It cost a lot to make one of those top quality katana's. I don't wanna have to spend 6 missions worth of money just to but another one because you broke the damn thing

Itachi: Right! Got ya! See ya

B/n: See ya

Y/n: Bye

Itachi: Bye Y/n!

Itachi leaves the scene

B/n: *Sighs* Well not that's done and over with let's go and get some ramen together

Y/n: Finally! I've been waiting for years!!

B/n: It was 3 minutes of talk Y/n

Y/n: Well it felt like years so that's what counts

B/n: Alright then...?

*2 minutes later at Ichiraku Ramen's*

Teuchi: Two Miso Pork ramen dishes, thanks for waiting! Dig in!

B/n: Thx

Y/n: ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿคค It looks delicious!

B/n: This place makes the best ramen in town

Y/n: This is the only place that makes ramen

B/n: . . .

Y/n: ๐Ÿ˜

B/n: That's besides the point. What I'm trying to say is that it makes really good ramen

Y/n: You can say that again! ๐Ÿ˜‹ It's time to eat!!

Y/n: Yaaa! I haven't had ramen for ages! It tastes so good!

B/n: IKR

Y/n: *Continues to eat his ramen*

B/n: Hey Y/n

Y/n: ???

B/n: How about after we finish the ramen I test out your combat skills

Y/n: Really?

B/n: Really

Y/n: *Smirks*

B/n: ?

Y/n: Hehe! I've got much better than the last time we spared. I won't go down as easily as last time

B/n: *Smiles* That's great and all.... But there's no point in all talk no action. You'll have to prove to me that your good enough for me to use my sharingan

Y/n: You know I'm not the type to just talk and not anything to show for it

B/n: I know but you can get a little cocky from time to time

Y/n: Fine then I'll just have to show you what I mean! Hm!

B/n (T): *Chuckles* Your just like our mother ... Y/n

*Sometime later after eating the ramen*


B/n: Not bad

Y/n: Take this!

B/n: Slightly better

Y/n: Stop talking and fight

B/n: If you say so

Y/n: Eh!

B/n: Hidden mist Jutsu: Fog

Y/n: That won't work on me

B/n: Looks like it did

Y/n: !

B/n: Don't move or you might get hurt

Y/n: What!!! Where?! How?! When?!

B/n: Of course I was going easy on you. I'd probably kill you if I went all out

Y/n: Awww!! And I thought I was doing so well!

B/n: *Sighs* You still have a ways to go until you can match me

Y/n: I know that, you don't have to rub it in

B/n: Fine fine....

B/n (T): However you are already several times stronger than an average Anbu black ops party member...... I'm starting to understand maybe why Dad wanted you so much

Y/n: And...! I'm bored

B/n: Hm?

Y/n: Can we just go home?

B/n: Sure we can but why?

Y/n: I just wanna relax

B/n: Well sure I guess?

*Whiles walking back home*

Y/n: Are you sure you don't have a girlfriend?

B/n: Yes I'm sure I don't have a girlfriend

Y/n: Hm.....

Y/n (T): He's definitely lying

Sakura: Hey!

Y/n: Huh?

Sakura: Hey over here!

Y/n: Sakura?

B/n: Who is she?

Sakura: *Walks over to Y/n* Hey Y/n

B/n: ?

Y/n: Why are you here Sakura?

Sakura: I just wanted to give your pen back. The one I used and never gave back yesterday

Sakura gives Y/n his pen back

Y/n: Um... Thank you?

Sakura: No problem

Y/n: ?

Sakura: Anyways, see ya Y/n

Y/n: Bye?

Sakura walks off

B/n: Who was that?

Y/n: Sakura, she's one of my classmates

B/n: Is she your girlfriend?

Y/n: No

B/n: Are you sure?

Y/n: She's a Sasuke simp

B/n: So she's Sasuke's girlfriend?

Y/n: No, I don't think Sasuke cares about her feelings for him.... Like at all

B/n: Oh okay....

Y/n: Yeah so I didn't want that kinda attention so I tried my best to put most of the attention on Sasuke

B/n: And did it work?

Y/n: Yes, it worked like a Nokia. Oh! And also can you tease Sasuke about her when we get home. I like to see him get triggered like that

B/n: *Sighs* Fine I'll do it

Y/n: Yes! Let's go!

B/n: But! I have a request for you

Y/n: What is it?

B/n: I want you to go to bed on time today, Okay?

Y/n: Ugh!!! Fine! Just promise me you'll remind me

B/n: I do that all the time anyways

*Later after arriving home*

Y/n: Sasuke!

Sasuke: Y/n?

Y/n: Sasuke! I have very important news!

Sasuke: What? What is it?

Y/n: I talked to Sakura!

Sasuke: What? Why would I care about that?

Y/n: She's your girlfriend isn't she?

Sasuke: W...what?! What gave you that idea?!

Y/n: Well.... Yesterday I saw you and Sakura sneak about of class to talk to each other

Sasuke: What? No! That was because I wanted something to eat and for some odd reason she followed me

Y/n: Worst excuse I've ever heard

Sasuke: What?! No! I'm telling the truth! The truth I tell you!!!

Y/n: I'm not buying it!

Sasuke: Y/n! Shut up! I don't like her! He's annoying and her pink hair makes me wanna vomit!

Y/n: I hear the emotions of a Tsundere

B/n: Hey Sasuke

Sasuke: What? What is it?!

B/n: So you and that Sakura girl. Are you two gonna get married or what?

Sasuke: ๐Ÿ˜Ÿโ˜น๏ธ That's it! I'm done!

B/n: Done about what?

Sasuke: Hey B/n! You wanna know who Y/n's Gf is?!

B/n: Huh?! Who is it? Tell me!

Y/n: I'm curious myself

Sasuke: Ino! He loves Ino! Every time Ino looks at  Y/n she's goes red without any control

B/n: Y/n is this true?

Y/n: No

Sasuke: Lies! I only hear lies!

Y/n: Listen I protected her from a couple of older bullies once and only once

Sasuke: Wait.....


*Blood warning*

Girl: Pathetic

Ino has blood falling from her head

Guy: Yeah so pathetic! You can't even fight us! How are you ever gonna become a ninja?

Both: *Laughing*

Ino: Tsk!

Girl: Oh? She wants to fight back? How cute

Guy: Yeah as if she could ever fight us! That would be out of this wor......Argh!


Ino: !


Guy: Argh!!! Ugh!! Arrrrr!! Aaaarrghhh! AAARRRGGHHH!!!!!

Girl: ๐Ÿ˜จ

Ino: Y/n....

Guy: *Gasping for air* Argh!

Girl: Brandon!

Y/n: You know I find that pain is the best way to teach someone a quick lesson. And trust me, physical pain works far better than emotional

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