JiHanCheol -> Nervous

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It's a JiHanCheol os but Chan ( Dino ) gonna appears a lot hehe ~


The members of Seventeen are in their practice room, training for their new comeback, and despite his best efforts, Joshua can't coordinate his movements; he looks around at the others and realizes he's the only one having so much trouble. He sighs and runs his hand through his hair, completely fed up with the situation. He's angry with himself for not being able to do it, and it makes him extremely nervous and anxious that he'll never get it right when the others can do it so easily.

The American sighs and finally sits down on the floor, his legs starting to shake with stress, he watches the other members practicing and bites his lower lip anxiously.

" Shuji ! What's going on ? "

" Joshie, what's wrong ? "

The other two boys in the 95 line are obviously worried about the youngest member of their trio, Seungcheol slowly comes over to massage Joshua's shoulders while Jeonghan comes over to sit next to the American and gives him some cakes from his pocket.

" I'm not hungry hyung. "

" You never use hyung on us. What's the matter ? "

" I suck next to you, I can't do it, it stresses me out."

" Joshie, calm down, don't be nervous, we've only just learned this choreography, we're all struggling, you're not alone. If you need help, the performance team is there."

" I don't want to be a burden to them."

" Shh, what's wrong Shuji ? Don't think like that."

" You know very well that Dino is always very happy when he helps you or when he helps anyone else for that matter. "

Joshua lowers his head to the ground and sniffles, the two older men look at each other and they continue to soothe the black-haired man as best they can, Seungcheol continues to massage the young man and Jeonghan wraps his arms around the younger man's waist to show him that he's there for him.

The leader looks towards his maknae and once his gaze locks with Dino's he urges him to come to them. Chan gets the message so he approaches his three elders and when he sees Joshua's condition he immediately becomes concerned.

" Shua hyung ? Why are you crying, what's going on ? "

" I suck Dino, I can't do it. I'm too stupid."

" Stop being nervous, look at your body how it shakes. Hyung, stop panicking, we just learned this dance we have plenty of time to learn it. You don't suck, you just need time to assimilate and coordinate your gestures."

" You're a very good dancer Joshie, don't doubt it."

" You're perfect just the way you are Shuji."

Joshua finally sighs, his friends' words soothe him and really do him a world of good, Seungcheol stops his gentle massage and Jeonghan stands up, he holds out one of his hands to his youngest and Joshua takes it, he quickly lands in his eldest's arms. The latter gives him the hug of his life and at the same time calls out to Seungcheol to join in, the leader smiles and comes over to hug his friends.

The three eldest stay like this and sigh together, Seungcheol lets go of his two cadets and Jeonghan places a quick kiss in Joshua's hair before letting go.

The choreographer calls out to them and tells them they can go to bed as they are well worked. Joshua becomes nervous and anxious again because this first day of learning hasn't been concrete and he's disappointed in himself. Jeonghan and Seungcheol have noticed this because the American keeps his head down and does this all the time when he's not feeling well.

The leader and the second oldest come to Joshua and stay together to cheer him up.

" Dino ! Please come here."

" What's the matter Coupsie Hyung ? "

" Can you give us an extra dance lesson ? We haven't managed to learn the choreography."

" Ah but of course ! Let me be your teacher come on."

Chan's energy is still at its peak, Seungcheol knows that's why he's called him for help. So the four boys stay in their practice room while everyone else goes to sleep.

" Seungcheol, Jeonghan. I'm sorry it's my fault you're awake. You can go to bed and..."

" Shuji stop, we'll stay with you you need support and we're here for you until the end of your life whether you like it or not that's the way it is."

The American nods gently, he feels slightly better but he knows that as this dance is hard he's still going to be nervous about learning it, when the boys arrive in front of the room's mirror, Chan smiles and starts to dance softly, little by little Joshua relaxes, he looks at his youngest and his body starts to move naturally.

The two older boys watch Joshua dance and are proud of him, really pleased to see that their friend's anxiety is gradually dissipating.

" Shua hyung ! You're doing it, I'm so happy for you."

Dino, stops in his tracks and Joshua stops too, he feels the youngest coming to hug him, the American smiles and returns the hug to his friend, he feels good and is completely relaxed. Nervousness gradually leaves his body, and that's good for him.

Chan finally lets go of his eldest and takes a bottle from the back to offer it to his friend, Joshua thanks him by rubbing Dino's hair, the youngest giggles like a child and this makes the older three laugh.

" Feeling better Shuji ?"

" Yes, I'm no longer nervous and I seem to have less trouble coordinating my movements, which makes me happy. "

" We're proud of you, Joshie. Right, now everyone to bed, Dino you're coming to sleep with me ! "

" Of course Cheollie hyung."

" Shuji-ya, will you sleep with me ? "

The American nods and starts to blush softly, it's been a really long time since he's slept with his eldest and he'd missed it.
Jeonghan gently takes his hand, intertwines his fingers with those of his eldest and leads him into his room.

Joshua puts his head against Jeonghan's chest because Jeonghan had asked him to, and before he fell asleep he received a message from Seungcheol, who told him : Don't be nervous Joshie, you're amazing, don't doubt yourself, you're wonderful. Love you β™₯︎

Joshua smiles and Jeonghan places a quick kiss in his hair, making him smile even more. He has no reason to be nervous anymore, and for that he has his two elders and his maknae to thank. He falls asleep soothed and happy, in Jeonghan's arms.

<3----------------<The end>--------------<3

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