We didn't want to let what we saw go in vain, so we headed for the most usual place a civilian would go to report such a matter - the police. Though right now, it should have been some hero agency,
Because this, was not it.
Eugene's brows furrowed and he gets up from the chair,
"We saw a dead body right there! We can bring you to the place if you don't believe us!"
It's only been a day, we took a break yesterday because we were worried to come out - We were scared. And now we felt hopeless because none of these officers were believing us, just assuming we were dumb college students making a joke out of a crime.
'They don't even take their jobs seriously!'
I grit my teeth glaring at them who only stared back with bored eyes. It was so degrading. Inhumane. To think that these people worked with pro-heroes? I couldn't ever imagine it.
"Hey what's with all the commotion here?" The whole station immediately stands upright in a uniform manner, confused, you and Eugene looked at the entrance to see -
Pro Hero Hawks?!
"What the hell is he doing here?" Eugene whispers to your ear, "He's a pro hero you nerd of course he'll come by- this is our perfect chance!"
Hawks tilted his head interested, "Perfect chance for what?" Eugene coughed grinning spitefully and pointed at the officers.
"They won't listen to us at all! We're trying to report a crime here and they're just shrugging us off!" He barked glaring at them, Hawks' eyebrows furrowed.
"Your chief will be hearing about this." He sternly warns and those shitty officers could only shiver in their boots. I gave a sneaky high five to Eugene and that iconic grinch smile crept up his lips like the spiteful bastard he is. I'm not complaining though.
After a bit of that mess, the three of us headed into a private office to have a chat.
"What was your names ya say?" he pops a candy in his mouth plopping unto the couch tilting his head, "Y/n and Eugene." I introduced pointing towards me and him. "Okay- Now onto what we're actually talking about- We're here to report a crime, a murder." Eugene interrupts.
"A murder?" Hawks immediately sat up straight on the couch, I nodded.
"We were both hanging out at some alleyway in midnight until we heard a sudden bang, we saw the body but we didn't see the face of the killers.." I report with timidness, remembering the way the body was smudged across the floor.
It made me gag.
The winged hero nodded and crosses his arms, "You're lucky you two survived, recently that part of the city has been reeking of reports about villains lurking around. It's best to look out for anyone suspicious."
Eugene gulped, 'And we survived? This is some major plot armor..'
"Yeah... It's not everyday we encounter a crime scene..." I say hugging my arms uncomfortably as I remember the events of that night.
"Y-You're going to look into it right...?" Hawks was taken aback by the awfully hidden teary look in Eugene's eyes. He smiled softly: "Of course I will, anything for the people."
My best friend plays with the hem of his shirt, not sure whether to trust the hero. I place a reassuring hand on his back and return the smile: "Thank you for listening to us." Eugene nodded and took a deep sigh, his eyes became less troubled. Atleast we felt better.
Hawks looks back and forth between us and claps his hands together, flapping his broad wings which made his feathers flutter out a bit.
"You both seem tensed, mind if I take y'all for some outing?" He happily offers and Eugene perks up- another new opportunity to go out- and of course an excuse for me to not stay cooped up in my room.
"Sure-!" "Oh theres no need for that-!"
Me and Eugene glared at eachother for a moment, I slightly kicked his foot and used my eyes to point at 'The' Hawks literally taking his time to take care of the both of us, "We don't need to go out we're gonna disturb him!" I whispered scolding Eugene.
"Come on..! He offered. If he didn't want to he wouldn't have!" He whisper-yelled nudging your foot back. "That's not nice! Hes on his break and he needs to take res-"
Excuse me?
I almost blurted out snapping my head at Hawks who was looking at us with a playful 'bored' face. He smirked and stood up placing his hands on his hips,
"Little Missy here is right, i'm on my break - But i'd like to have some company aswell." Eugene immediately flashes me a winning grin to which I facepalmed in response.
"So.. Where exactly are we going?" Eugene babbles - occasionally getting attracted to the windows of certain boutiques like a magnet.
"We are only going to eat, nothing else." I pulled him from the glass, wiping the dust off his skin.
Hawks chuckles and shakes his head, "Psh, get anything you want its on me!"
Eugene and I halt to a stop.. anything? on him?
Oh nono.... my eyes quickly fall on Eugene and I mouth a huge 'no', as expected, and to my dismay there is a Cheshire cat-like smile on his face that I know all too well.
"Hawks.. Please I- We really appreciate it! But we're just eating lunch." I smiled shyly - while at the same time lecturing Eugene between my grit teeth.
Eugene huffs and puffs, pulling me aside for a moment. "Seriously, not another pep talk.." I complained rolling my eyes sarcastically.
"PLEASE don't ruin this chance! Have you- no- You've seen our closet! And its shit!"
This is very morally incorrect of you.
Thats so true but i'm not gonna show that of course.
"You sound selfish! We can't just use someone's money for our own needs!" Eugene pauses and sighs,
"You're kind of right on this one...." he admits and rolls his eyes. I let out a relieved sigh and we made it back out to Hawks. "Lets just go get some chicken." Eugene beamed pulling both of us to his favorite place.
"I took you out both to talk privately, No one should hear us." Hawks suddenly interrupts biting into a chicken wing, me and Eugene paused - worry washing over our faces.
"Whats up?" I asked putting down my food, Eugene is the complete opposite hes still eating - I nudged his foot and he put his chicken down.
"Listen, those killers you saw that night are the League of Villains, you heard of them right?" we both nodded, Hawks continues;
"Since you're a witness of a crime, you both are more likely to be their victims, so I suggest you both to be extra cautious. They'll find you and your family, discover everything about your life. Just a glimpse of you is enough."
Whoa. That was definitely out of the blue.
Eugene frowns, "What do you suggest we do then?"
"If you love those who are close to you, you should leave Japan. Or atleast from here, Tomura Shiguraki is a dangerous man." The hero bluntly replies
- we both immediately glared at him. "Excuse me? Do you really think its that easy?" I blurt out without thinking, my eyebrows furrowing.
"Yeah you think we can just leave our whole life behind? No way!" Eugene adds, both of us glaring at him, Hawks' gaze hardens:
"This is a safety precaution, you both cannot stay unguarded. Not only will you both be targets, you might be taken as a hostage-"
"Why would we even be taken as a hostage!" I slammed the table, offended by his conclusion for us to leave. Like, who just says that so easily? Tickets aren't free mate, bills still exist.
"One of our latest reports, say that the 'Nomu's' the League of Villains harbor have shown similar resemblance to the missing people's quirks. I assume that they have taken multiple abilities and manifested a monster out of it." He informs,
Hearing this made the hair in the back of my neck rise, my skin getting goosebumps. What happened to those people? I glanced at Eugene beside me who had an unreadable expression.
"So you're saying we might just get kidnapped huh?"
"Yeah, basically."
"Hey, I respect all Pro heroes, but this? This is just insane!" Eugene grunts kicking a pebble on the path.
"No shit sherlock, is he insane? He says this as if- We don't have debts to pay, or a life to catch on!" I growled plopping unto the ground on my bottom, staring at the glistening river feeling Eugene take his spot beside me.
"Where do we even go! (Nickname) you're most likely to get kidnapped!" I winced at his comment.
"I can handle myself.." I whispered, Eugene shook his head and points at the water,
"The most you can do is heal, but you can't defend yourself in a situation! Damn it why didn't you ever train your quirk?!" He covered his eyes defeated thinking about the possibilites.
"Hey I can still bend a little, just not really a huge amount..." Eugene shook his head looking into his hands: "My quirk is weak, all I can do is just jump really quick and shit..." It was my turn to shake my head and I placed my hand on his shoulder.
"Hey, agility isn't weak, y'know you can kick ass with that right? Like literally- Y'know Pro Hero Miruko?"
"Yeah of course I do... She rocks for real." He snickered to himself taking a look at his own legs.
"But for that I actually should train for that- I don't think I'll make it that far. I'm weak man, both physically and mentally." he grumbled under his breath.
My eyes soften, "Hey you're beating yourself up.." he chuckled to himself:
"This whole time I wished for an eventful life, I think its coming back to bite me on the ass now.." Eugene mumbles and I sighed.
"Could you ever imagine us as hostages-?"
"I feel bad for the League of Villains i'm gonna be real with you." we joked, coping with the fact that our life probably won't be the same anymore.
A minute of silence passes by,
"We really have gotten into trouble this time huh?"
"Yeah.. we did."
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