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"SOMETIMES I feel like waving my hands up in the air! But you got the love I need to see it through! When things go wrong no matter what I do-"

"Please god, make it stop!" Prue groaned, hiding beneath her pillow.

Mya stuck her tongue out, cuddling Mr Freddie closer to her chest as she continued to dance on her bed.

"Mymy, we have potions!" Prue groaned, throwing the cotton blue pillow back.

"And Harry wrote I love you!" Mya screeched as Prue tackled her down, "I think that's more important!"



After much arguing, both Ravenclaws found themselves racing through the halls to their potions class, skidding through the halls and sliding through another, they managed to make it so they were only five minutes late.

Prue muttered obscenities as Slughorn told them off, giving the back of Mya's blonde hair a dirty look.

They sat down, still trying to catch their breath as someone connected their tables. "Hey girls." Harry Potter greeted, in a suspiciously cheerful mood as he looked at the two.

Mya breifly turned to face him before falling out of her chair in surprise. Prue stared as her with no pity, "Why are you like this?" She grumbled.

Mya flushed as she sat back down. Hermione (who seemed to be Harrys desk partner) raised an eyebrow at her. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, nothing but a wounded pride." She answered sheepishly, uncomfortable with intensity of the muggleborns stare.

"Why are you so cheerful?" Prue asked, pointing a spoon at Harry suspiciously. "You're usually a right strop."

"Prue!" Mya hissed, going, if possible, more red.

Harry shrugged, "I just got a nice letter, that's all."

Prue raised an eyebrow, carefully avoiding Mya's flecked green orbs as she returned to stirring. "Interesting." She hummed. "I could say more, but I won't."

"And we thank god." Mya murmured sassily in response, reading the instructions from her book before pulling out a knife to cut the roots.

The lesson ended without anything note worthy happening, unless you count Prue getting paired up with Potter for their homework while Mya got Prues sister, Pansy. Which seemed to put the teen in a worser mood.

The rest of the week passed with nothing note worthy. Letters continued to be exchanged between 'Ysa' and Harry with the latter none the wiser.

Though, there was one thing. Ginny Weasley and Micheal Corner had started dating again. (Much to his sisters discomfort)

"In here, Potter." Prue grumbled sourly. Leading the famous boy into her shared (empty) dorm. "Salazar, how do you deal with all those dimwits ogling you all the time?"

He shrugged politely, gazing around the room. "I just do, I guess."

She rolled her eyes, "Right. Hang on, I need to finish up this letter to that Skeeter bit-witch. She's been writing articles about me and Pansy again, the cow." Prue marched to her desk and grabbed her quill.

Harry frowned, "Why are all the other beds made but these two aren't?" He wondered aloud, looking between Prues and Mya's.

"Because we're the only two that came back in our year." She huffed. "Well, the only girls. Terry and that came back. Two girls, three boys. No- four boys."

Harry raised his brow curiously. So his mystery girl had to be in the year below him or something, unless she had lied, but Harry had feeling she'd been truthful to him.

"Ugh, damn it Sherlock." Prue grumbled, slamning her quill down. "I wish Mya would stop using my owl, it's getting annoying." She stood up from her desk and strolled across the room.

Harry frowned slightly. He didn't understand the pang of jealousy he felt. Who would Mya keep sending letters to?

Why did he care? Mya was just a Ravenclaw in his year who he talked to about Ysa. She was just a golden blonde haired, green eyed girl. But not completely green eyed like him, she had these little orange-y flecks in them. She puffed her cheeks out when she didn't know what to say and only wore the same pair of red doc martins.

Wait- how'd he know all that?

"So that's Mya's bed, is it?" Harry asked, feeling awkward.

"No, it's her creepy sock teddys." Prue shot back sarcastically, waving Mr Freddie at him before throwing it back. "But don't tell her I said that! She's wayyy too over protective of that thing."

He laughed slightly, staring into the space just above the stuffed toy before it hit him. "She has... a sock-"

"Yeah yeah." Prue cut off, sliding her letter into an envelope. "Mr Freddie, she calls it. I swear, for the first two years I thought she was crushing on that Weasley twin."

Harry seemed to be seeing things through tunnel vision. Mya had a sock teddy. Called Mr Freddie. She was a Ravenclaw. She was in his year. She was a girl. She knew Prue. She'd talked to him plenty of times.

"-It creeps me the fuck out." Prue continued obliviously, tying the letter to her owls foot. "I swear, she treats it better then me. And don't let her awkwardness phase you! She's actually a lil sass ball."

The dark haired girl huffed as the owl finally left the dorm, unaware that Harry was completely frozen on the spot. Staring at her best friends bed.

"Bye bye, little birdy. Don't bloody die until you deliver thar letter!" She hissed, sticking her head out the window.

"Right!" She said, coming back in and turning around. "Where were we? Oh right. Homework. Why does the world hate me?- Harry? Hellooo?" She called.

"Mya is Ysa." He whispered.

"Well fuck."



I know a girl who likes to drink her coffee black
Cause sugar, no, she don't got time for that
Leaves her desires at the welcome mat when she walks in

Yeah, I know a boy who likes to keep his burner on
He's always running with no one to keep warm
It's like he's flirting with the smoke alarm, his fire's fading

But still we laugh, we cry, we fall, we get high
Just like we were kids, just like we were kids
And when I, I'm feeling small you get me through it all
Just like we were kids, just like we were kids again

I know a girl who's never tried to settle down
She wears her loneliness like a crown
But when she smiles all the kings will bow down, down, down

(Kids again- Artist Vs Poet) Also known as the official
D E S I R E | H.Potter song!

So, late update (sorry!) But sticking to my guns on this being a short story, cause we're nearing the end!

New cover (obviously). I hope you guys enjoyed!

Q: Are you a Prue or a Mya?

I think I'm more like a Luna.

This chapter was dedicated to pizza?

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