Chapter 8. Meeting Victoria the worst

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Tobey's POV:

Hmm, the bell has rung I have to go to class. H/n... My new robit isn't complete but I'm sure it'll impress them. I started to walk to Ms. Davis' classroom and saw y/n. Why are they beet red? They turned around and saw me. They gave a wave and turned back around. That's strange, yesterday they didn't really talk to me and now they give me a wave?

Your POV:

Oh god, why did I wave at him? Well, it was just a kind gesture so never mind. Should I go talk to him?Β 

"Hey, guys I'll be right back."

"Ok y/n! We'll see you in class!" Scoops replied as they kept walking. Ok time to talk to Tobey.

"Umm hey, Tobey." He looked at me annoyed.

"What do you want y/n."

"I just wanted to talk?"

"I don't buy it your trying to get something."

"What? No, I just wanted to be friends." Tobey looked shocked.


"Yeah, Friends!" Does Tobey not have any friends?

"I um, sure then we can be friends."Β 

I smiled at Tobey and took his hand. I lead him to class and sat down. His face looked flush as he sat down.Β  Ms. Davis then started the lesson and I doodled in my notebook.


It was then art class and the assignment was pretty easy. Draw a few people in your class and show it to them when you're done. As I said, easy. I think I'm gonna draw Scoops, Becky, Violet, and Tobey. Time to get to work!

I'm done! I hope they like it.

"Hey, guys!"

"Hi, y/n did you finish the assignment?" Violet asked.

"Yep! Hold on let me grab Tobey." They all looked confused as I dragged Tobey over to them.

"Y/n what are you doing!"

"Showing you my drawing."

As I dragged Tobey over the three walked over to my drawing.

"Aww, y/n is that all of us?"

"Yep! I drew all of my friends."

All of them smiled and Tobey kept looking at the drawing.

"Thank you y/n for drawing me in your painting." I smiled at him and gave him a quick hug.

His cheeks filled with blush and he ran back to his spot...Cute.

"Everyone please stop with your sad drawing. Look at my drawing it's the best!" Ok, who's being narcissistic?Β  No narcissists aloud! >:( I looked and saw a girl with pigtail braids wearing a cardigan with a pink skirt.

Oh god, I already hate her.

"I'm sorry what?"

"I said that I'M THE BEST, at everything."

"You can't be the best at everything."

"Oh yes I can, or well I am the best at everything. It's my name, Victoria Best."

I'm getting annoyed at this Victoria ugh.

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β "Well your not the best superhero."

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