Chapter 3. WHAT THE HECK?!?

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Your POV:


You may be wondering what happened. Earlier I was eating lunch with my friends enjoying their company. Then this happened!


We were walking back to class and I was thinking about Tobey's remote. I was slightly concerned until the end of the day. It's just a remote what could go wrong?? I saw Tobey in the hall with a mischievous grin holding the remote. I said bye to my friends and followed Tobey.

"Bye guys!"

"Bye Y/n!" They all said in union.

I started to follow tobey a bit and saw his about to press a button on the remote. Not good, I'm running screw that. I as fast as I could while making SO much noise. I'm pretty sure Tobey saw me. You wanna know why I think that? CAUSE THERE'S A FUCKING ROBOT FOLLOWING ME!


Today is the day I die, isn't it?


"Why not?" He said in a sultry tone.

What a dick...WAIT! I have superpowers, damn I'm stupid. I quickly stopped and the robot almost crushed me. I touched it with my finger and set it back about 5 minutes. Hopefully, that will be enough time to run.

Tobey's POV:Β 

I'm so close to crushing th- I was by the school again.Β 

"Wha? How am I back here?"

Did I imagine them? They were just right here? Never mind, I'll head to downtown. That'll get Wordgirl's attention!

"Robits! Go to downtown!"

Wordgirl will be here soon sweet, sweet WordgirlπŸ’™Β 

Your POV:

I hid behind a building crouching down. I need a plan, what if I stop Tobey? Maybe I's dangerous but...I need to get to my house now. I put my hand on my chest and time-traveled myself back to my house. I ran into my room with my mom sleeping on the couch.Β 

"Ready suit? Of course, you are!"

I grabbed my suit I made myself. I didn't expect I would need to use this but here I am!

Clocks appeared behind me and a tiny moon and sun appeared floating on top of my head. I put on my piercings (The ear piercings) and grabbed a pair of glasses. Put my outfit on and some ripped jeans with some combat boots. Time to get running!

Becky/Wordgirl's POV:

I was watching my favorite show when I heard something.

"Bob do you hear clanking?"

Bob listened then nodded. He said it could be Tobey causing the noise. I listened once more and decided it was Tobey.

"You're right huggy! Cmon we need to go, Word up!"

After huggy and I got into our suits I flew to downtown and saw Tobey's robots destroying buildings and flipping cars. It's always Tobey and when I was watching my show!

"Tobey!" Tobey turned around to look at me. Ugh, why do villains attack at the worst times!

"Ah, Wordgirl there you are! I was waiting for you!"

"Hey!" Said an unknown voice, I turned slowly to see...y/n!?!

Your POV:

After running for a bit I jumped onto the sun on my head and started to follow the noise. It's quicker transportation, I need to save energy. Ohhhhh that's a lot of buildings broken. I hope they have construction workers here.

"Hey!" I hope I won't regret this! Then again,

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β what am I getting myself into?

(Sorry if it's short! More chapters will be coming soon! :D )

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