...I went back downstairs to see Robert already jumping and making backflips on the trampoline.
A smile spread across my face, I didn't even knew why.
It was just funny to me, seeing him jumping up and down and making all those flips...
"Having fun without me?" I asked jokingly. Robert laughed and let himself fall on the trampolin, so he was now sitting there.
I opend the zipper and crawled in, sitting down next to him.
"So do you wanna do anything special today?" Robert asked. "Uhm , no not really, I just wanna hang out with my best friend and catch up with him" I smiled "maybe I'm going to start edit my vlog tonight, but I'm not sure yet." I toled him and Robert nodded.
Than suddenly Robert had a bright smile on his face "What do you think about doing a video for your YouTube channel?" He asked me.
"Yes, that's a great idea! That would be so much fun!" I answered ( a little bit surprised that it was his idea to make a video). "How about, we just chill here for a little while and think about what kind of video we wanna film, and than I'm going to grab all the stuff we need to film." I asked. "Sounds good." Robert answered and we both lay down on the trampoline.
After a short moment of comfortable silence Robert spoke up once again.
R: It's so crazy to think about how we met each other, nearly a year ago , at the tonight show. And this is the first time we see each other in person again. But it's still like we've seen each other every day.
Y: Well, technically we did see each other every day, but just not in person.
R: Yeah, but it's still different you know?
I'm just happy that you are here now.
Robert smiled and sat up. I had to smile too and sat up as well. "I'm really happy to be here too."
We looked at each other for a moment, and before I got lost in his beautiful blue eyes, we both moved towards each other and Robert tackled me down on the trampoline in a huge hug.
We both began to laugh realy hard and because of that (and the fact that Robert was laying on top of me) I struggled to breath. "Robert! Get off of meee! I can't breath!!" I yelled while laughing.
"Oh sorry!" Robert laughed while he got off. He rolled to my left side and with that we were yet again laying on the trampoline.
"You know what? I don't feel like making a video today. Let's just chill here and have fun."
Robert agreeingly hummed and we both turn our heads to look at each other.
"I'm really, really happy that you are here now , y/n. You know that right? Because I never ever had such a strong friendship with anyone else before. Especially not with such a cute girl like you." Robert said , his expression really serious, but still soft.
I felt my face getting hot and just hoped that I didn't look as red as it felt like. "I know Robert.." I said in a soft light voice (I didn't even intended to speak that quietly) "and I can say that I feel just like you. It's amazing that we build up such s strong friendship , despite living thousands of miles away from each other." I smiled at him and he returned a soft smile.
We locked eyes and I watched as Robert slowly started to lean over myself. His strong arms were placed on both sides of my head and our faces were so close that our noses were only a few centimeters apart.
I didn't knew why, but I didn't move a single muscle.
We just continued staring into each others eyes , and from one second to another Robert closed the gap between our faces and placed a soft kiss on my lips.
The kiss lasted a few seconds before Robert pulled away.
We looked each other in the eyes once more before his expression went from a soft to a shocked one and with huge eyes he said " Oh my, I'm so so sorry y/n , I-I didn't mean to do that , I d-don't know w-what went into me!"
He stuttered and I interrupted his rambling.
"It's ok Robert, really. I.. actually really liked it..." I told him now knowing that my face had the color of a tomato.
"You- You did?!" Robert asked surprised , and I just nodded.
Quickly Robert got off of me once again and pulled me up in the process. As we both sat therer again Robert looked at me for a second before pulling me into a tight hug.
"I love you y/n!" he said muffled. "I love you too Robert!" I replied, squeezing him even tighter...
An: Hey everybody! Here is the long awaited update, and I hope the long waiting was worth it.
I am so sorry , but also so thankful for the 10k reads.
Thank you so so much, you guys are truly the best!β‘
Concerning the story: Because of what happened in this chapter the age of y/n will be set to 15y.o and Robert is 16.
I hope you don't mind and are all ok with this.
Again thank you guys so so much for your patience and loyalty for this book . I hope y'all like the new cover just as much as I do, and I try to update as fast as I can.
Love: Naomiβ‘
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