Disappointment. It happens to the best and worst of us every now and then. I mean we can't all be perfect. We're humans and we are imperfectly flawed. We make mistakes. We fall in love. We get our heart broken. We hurt those we love. And worst of all if we least expect it - we lose ourselves. And that's the biggest disappointment of them all.
"Yeah, I kind of already knew," Alison said as she paced back and forth as Derek stood in the hallway with his arms crossed as he watched his person reveal the secret.
"How did you already know?" Derek asked confused. "No one in this hospital knew."
"Except me. I watched one of his surgeries and Cristina filled in for him doing a whip stitch. Why does Bailey want justice done against Burke and Yang? I mean they technically didn't do anything wrong..."
"Makes sense now," he commented as he made a face. "But how can you say they didn't do anything wrong?" Derek exclaims. "He had Yang performing his surgeries for him basically. That's what Bailey is saying is wrong."
"But on the plus side no one died from them. So this isn't like Denny's situation," Alison pointed out and Derek sighed.
"I agree with you. I don't really know why Bailey wants justice done."
"Can I just say something and you promise not to hate me?" She asked as she suddenly stopped and looked at him.
"Depends on what it is," he teased her as he smiled at her.
"When you were doing his post-op eval, why did you clear him? I mean you're his surgeon, like you said. And as his surgeon you are supposed to know these things because oh I don't know they're kind of important," she said making him kind of smile and shake his head at her trying to make light of a heavy situation. "Were you distracted that day or something? Or asked the right questions? I'm not questioning you as a doctor, I promise. I know you're the best neurosurgeon. But even the best of us make mistakes sometimes and that's okay but only if we own up to them and learn from them."
"No I-" He cut himself off because he remembered that he was distracted that day about Meredith.
"What?" She asked as her eyebrows furrowed.
"Ali you are a genius," he exclaimed as he smiled at his person. "Are you sure you aren't a therapist?"
"Oh didn't I tell you I'm a surgeon by day and therapist by night," he laughed at her comment and kissed her forehead before running away. "Your welcome!"
Alison finally understood why O'Malley told her to ask Cristina.
"Doctor Bailey?" Addison asked the short doctor. "Can I have Doctor Grey?"
"You can have them all," Bailey sassed back.
"This is none of my business but I just thought you might want to be warned."
"I'm sorry?" Meredith asked confused.
"Your sister Molly has just been admitted for an emergency c-section. Doctor Anderson is with her now."
"Molly's not my sister," Meredith said setting the record straight.
"Okay, but technically she is. You have the same father and Susan-"
"Susan Grey is definitely not my mother. I have a mother and she isn't mine. I appreciate you trying to be nice and giving me a heads up but I really didn't need to know."
"So this is the crack team, huh?" Mark asked Miranda as he looked at the trio of interns consisting of Izzie, Alex and George.
"Feel free to take one," Bailey offered looking down at her charts.
"How about I take the one that doesn't touch or speak or breathe?" He asked looking up at them and for once Alex was disappointed that he wasn't chosen.
"Thank you, for picking me," Izzie said to the plastic's doctor as they began walking.
"Will you be working on the nerve graph and skin reconstruction?" She asked as they walked up the stairs.
"Yes," he said. "I think I'll handle them a whole lot better with a little caffeine in my system. Maybe a blueberry scone too? Can you get me a bone dry cappuccino oh and you can get something for yourself and for Doctor Anderson," Mark said as he looked through his money and handed Izzie and twenty and she looked at him like she couldn't believe that he was asking this of her.
"Why Doctor Anderson when she's all the way in Peds?" She asked as she let out a scoff.
"Because she works hard and she deserves it," he tried to defend his actions.
"Is something going on between you two? Because I've seen the looks you two share," she said as she squinted her eyes.
"And so what if there is? Whose business would it be?" He questioned with narrowed eyes.
"I'm just saying that would be a pretty bitchy thing to do to Doctor Shepherd. You know they're like best friends, right? And if he somehow found out that you two were having sex, he would never ever forgive her."
"Well let's say then hypothetically that we aren't just having sex. That we could be in a relationship but we were trying to figure us out before we tell other people. Why the hell would you tell Derek just before we even tried? All that would do is hurt everyone. So if you say anything, I'll take you off all of my future services and surgeries. Got it?"
Mark had heard from not only from his girlfriend but also Callie and few others about Izzie Stevens and what had happened with the patient Denny Duquette. According to Alison, he was something special and it seemed as though he made an impact on everyone he met at the hospital. He couldn't believe that an intern could be so stupid to clip his LVAD wires. Part of the main reason why he wanted Izzie to be on his service today was because Alison told him that Izzie had a really promising future before Denny came to the hospital. He wanted to see if she still did. He had to admit that he liked her and how she was with patients, even with her bitchy attitude and threatening to tell Derek about them. She just thought with her heart instead of her head too much.
"Yeah," Izzie said slightly scared of Sloan. "But I won't be getting your coffee for you."
"Feisty, now follow me."
"Your father's not here," Susan says as she holds a cup of coffee talking to Meredith. "Thatcher is at Harvard Med visiting Lexie."
Since Alison had been helping Molly, she had come to learn that Meredith had two half-sisters. Molly and Lexie. She had learned that Lexie was wanting to be a doctor too. It must run in the family.
"We thought we had a long time," Susan spoke further. "Molly is only thirty-six weeks and Doctor Montgomery and Doctor Anderson have been trying to stop the contractions. I guess the baby is ready to come out," she explained and Meredith nodded her head in understanding.
"Well, do you need anything else?" Meredith asked the both of them and Addison spoke up as she took her glasses off.
"Yeah, actually, I could use an intern for this. Can you ask Doctor Bailey for someone?"
"I can do it," Meredith spoke up, surprising all three of them.
"You sure?" Addison asked wanting to make sure.
"Yeah, I'll be fine."
"Okay, thanks," Addison said and Alison smiled.
"Thank you so much, Meredith. Truly. It will be so nice seeing a familiar face in there," Susan said. "Thank you for being here."
In the time that Alison had gotten to know the Grey family she thought that Susan was a very nice woman. It was a sad situation that everyone was put in. When Molly first came to see Doctor Montgomery, they were given the displeasure of having the whole backstory because Thatcher had asked them if Meredith was working at the hospital the day they came in. It ended up swirling out of control from that point on and they realized they were related to Meredith. Or at least Thatcher was.
"It's my job to be here," Meredith said with an awkward smile as she didn't know what else to say. "Does Molly know who I am?"
"She doesn't. I wanted to tell her but your father..."
Meredith nodded her head and Alison looked at Addison as they were both thinking the same thing. Fuck Thatcher.
"It's better this way," Meredith said trying to control the situation.
"So I think we should be ready in the OR and Susan you will need a scrub and cap," Addison said to Susan and Susan nodded her head.
"I'm about to be a grandmother," Susan said in awe as realization hit her.
"You are," Alison smiled at the older woman. "In about half an hour. Enjoy it."
"Wow, okay. Here we go," Susan said and Addison repeated it as the two walked off and Alison stayed back with Meredith as she looked uneasy.
"Hey, you okay?" Alison asked as she touched her arm.
"Me? Oh yeah, I'm fine. I can do this," Meredith said trying to reassure herself. "I'm about to help the family my father left me and my mom for to have. No big deal."
"Don't repeat to this to anyone but you want to know what I think? Fuck Thatcher. It's his loss if he doesn't realize how amazing you are."
"Thank you, Alison," Meredith smiled at the blonde and she smiled back.
"You ready?"
"More now than before. Here we go," the two blondes followed after Addison and Susan.
"How are you doing there, Molly?" Addison asked as they began operating on Molly for the C-Section. "You are going to be able to take a look at her in just a couple of minutes. Doctor Grey can you give me a little more traction?"
A surgical drape was put over Molly so that she couldn't see what they were doing to her since she was awake.
"Vitals are holding steady," Meredith said as Addison and Alison were working on getting the baby girl out.
"Want to cut the cord, Susan?" Alison asked the now grandmother.
"Is it okay?" Susan asked her daughter and she nodded her head while she did as she teared up. After she was done she went back to her daughter and told her how beautiful she looked.
Baby girl was so small. But so beautiful. The problem was that she wasn't crying. They dried her off first to see if that would help and it didn't. Next, Alison tried suctioning fluid out of her nose and mouth but nothing was working. They tried not to freak out and remained calm but even someone who wasn't a doctor could see that they were nervous.
"Doctor Anderson and Doctor Grey can you two follow me? Can you close for me please" She asked them as she took the baby and looked up at Susan who was now concerned.
"We have to stabilize this baby, get her into surgery," Alison said.
"What's wrong with her?" Susan asked the three doctors.
"Susan, I need you stand back and stay with Molly please," Addison said as Alison worked on the baby. Susan didn't listen and asked again. Addison asked Meredith if she wanted to talk Susan through what was happening and she agreed while Addison and Alison were working on the baby.
They were finished with the c-section as Addison and Alison were cleaning their hands.
"Do you think the baby is going to be okay?" Alison asked her.
"I hope so. But I guess only time will tell."
"I feel bad for the father. He's all the way in Iraq-"
"Don't let your personal feelings get in the way, Anderson. You can't."
Addison said knowing of Alison being a military brat and of her brothers serving now.
"I wasn't," Alison said timidly and then the door opened as they duo looked over to the door.
"You let me down in there, Grey," Addison said to Meredith.
"I'm sorry. Do you need me to scrub in on the baby?"
"No, I want you to keep Molly and her mother updated on the baby's condition while we operate."
"I'm sure they would rather talk to either of you. I mean you're their doctors. I'm just an intern."
"You need to learn how to do all of this, Grey. Even talking to the families and giving the news about their babies. Even if it's hard. The baby has Jejunal Atresia. She could die from this. I got consent but I don't have time for updates."
"I think I would really learn a lot from this procedure."
"Yeah, well, maybe you shouldn't have said yes to this since it's your family in the first place. It's not going to happen again. Check in with me every hour."
"Okay, yeah," Meredith said and left.
"Your working on conjoined twins?" Alison said as she gasped. They were both in a hurry taking their scrubs off in the on-call room as they didn't have that long. "I'm so jealous."
"Well, I would say that I could try and get you from Addison to look at our patients in case you ever have to deal with born babies that are conjoined together, but I know you are working on Grey's family's half-sister or whatever the hell she is baby."
"Don't call her Meredith's family," she said. "She doesn't want people thinking they are."
"Why not?" He mumbled as he kissed down her neck and she tugged at his hair as he entered her after putting on the condom. "They share the same last name."
"Just because a person shares the same last name as you doesn't make you family automatically," she said gasping.
Alison was putting her hair back up as she tried to make it seem like she didn't just have sex. She hoped that Addison couldn't tell since she was about to operate on Molly's baby. But she was a little nervous before meeting up with Mark and he helped to calm her down.
"Don't tell me you just had sex with him," Addison said as she looked at her resident.
"Like you wouldn't..." she shot back with a giddy smile through her mask on her face but then realized what she said. "Actually don't answer that."
Addison smirked as she looked up at the blonde.
"Do you think she's going to be okay?" Addison asked the resident.
"She has to be," Alison said. "We haven't lost a patient in a while and I'm not looking to lose one now."
"Long surgery but baby Laura is going to be okay," Alison let out an exhausted sigh as she sat her trey full of food down on the table with Callie and Mark.
"Baby Laura?" Mark asked as he swallowed his food and took a sip of his water. "Is that what they named her?"
"Yeah," Alison smiled. "Isn't it cute? I mean she's little weighing six pounds, but she's going to be okay."
"What was wrong with her?" Callie asked not even knowing about what happened.
"A patient of ours had a c-section and her baby ended up having Jejunal Atresia. I'm just glad baby Laura is going to survive. Her dad is stationed in Iraq so it's just the mom and her family. How's O'Malley's dad and the conjoined twins?"
Callie had just finished explaining to the two that O'Malley was going into surgery right now and Mark was beginning to explain to the two women that Derek might not want to do the operation after all. Alison, Callie and Mark were eating their lunches when Cristina sat down at their table in a huff, stopping the other's from eating their lunch and look at the intern.
"What?" Cristina asked as she stopped eating as she stared at the trio. "I got tired of the other interns asking me too many questions."
"I'm sure they're just trying to help," Alison gave the intern a small smile but it faltered when Cristina didn't return it.
"Yeah, well, I wish they would stop. I wish people would stop trying to defend me on what happened with Burke and I wish people would fucking shut up," she said referring to the gossip the nurses were doing.
"Who needs men when you have fries. Right?" She asked as she lifted her bowl of fries and handed them to Cristina and she grabbed a few and ate them.
"Right! Thank you!" Cristina said eating more fries and Alison joined her as Mark looked at her, shocked. "Finally someone gets it. I mean you think you're trying to help a-and then they belittle you into thinking that they don't need you anymore."
"Or they think that their work is more important than yours. Like I don't get why it can't be equal!"
Mark knew that she must have been talking about her ex, so he wasn't offended by her comment. The night before when he stayed at her place, which had been foreign to him for such a long time, she talked about her ex to him.
"Do you know for the last few months of our relationship he treated me like his babysitter?" She asked him as she ate out of her pint of ice cream and then handed him some. It was Ben and Jerry's Cold Brew Caramel Latte flavor.
"What?" Mark asked as his eyes widened and the cold dessert hit the back of his throat as he swallowed it. "Even I know that's not how you treat a woman!"
"Right! I just felt like he didn't care at all about my job as much as he used to. Like he felt him being a lawyer was more important. I help save lives too," she pouted as she stomped her foot and Mark was amused at her childish behavior.
"Here's what men are supposed to do, okay? Let the woman they're dating buy their meal when they're on a date if she wants, fuck her, and treat her with the respect that she fucking deserves. Maybe even give her gifts every now and then if she's into that. Tell her that her job is also important oh and tell her you love her."
"Exactly, yes, thank you! Finally someone who gets it," she said as she flailed her arms in the air and then back down on her kitchen counter.
Mark leaned back in his chair as he crossed his arms and shook his head as he gave a smirk. Callie gave him a side eye as her eyebrows furrowed, confused at the situation that was happening.
"Hey I got your page," Izzie said to Mark as walked down from the stairs.
"I need a cappuccino and I need you to get Doctor Anderson one," he said as he looked down filling out charts.
"Did you think I was kidding before?" She asked shocked that he still asked her and that made him look up at her.
"I am your attending. And if you want in on my surgeries you are going to learn how to fetch and stay and heel," he said handing her the money and she snatched it from him.
"Don't fetch angry," he yelled as he smirked. He knew that Alison would be pissed if it were Karev but he wasn't sure how she would react if it was Stevens delivering her coffee.
"You think this means I respect you?" Izzie asked and he turned to face her. "If you want me to respect you - you have to do something worth respecting."
Izzie ended up finding Alison as she had just walked out of Molly's room and she ran her fingers through her hair.
"There you are, Doctor Anderson," Izzie exclaimed as it seemed like she had been trying to look for her for hours.
"Stevens," Alison said smiling at the blonde. "What brings you up here?"
"I was told to give this to you," she said handing the blonde the coffee and she took it.
"Would the person who had you do this happen to be the head of plastics?" She asked raising a brow.
"I plead the fifth," Izzie commented and Alison took a sip of the coffee.
"Well, tell him thank you for me," Alison said not even wanting to fight Mark on this today and the blonde nodded her head and started to walk away before Alison called her again. "Thank you, Izzie," she gave the fellow blonde a smile and she smiled back before turning
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