Babysitting & Superpowers

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Babysitting.  I always loved babysitting when I was younger.  That was actually how I knew I wanted to become a Ped's doctor.  Their comes a time in every relationship when barriers are broken and the couple lets down their guard.  They become comfortable with each other and let them in to their heart.  To live.  To love.  To laugh.  To finally let go of all your reservations you had about the other person and just live in the moment.  


"And you have his favorite giraffe, right?" Anthony was listing things off to his girlfriend that she might need for babysitting his son.  

He had gotten the call that he was going to be apart of this big case and he was going to be spending a lot of time in the office.  He felt bad and kept on apologizing to Alison but she kept reassuring him that she was more than happy to help out.  

"Yes, I do.  I have everything, relax," she grabs his hands making him stop stressing and look at her.  "You just go out there and kick ass."

Her comment made him laugh and relax as he bent down and pressed his lips to hers.

"Thank you."

"Your welcome.  Now go and kick ass then come home."

"Okay, okay," he smiles at the blonde.  "I'm going to go say bye to Bentley really quick."


Alison had the day off and decided to take Bentley to the aquarium that was in Seattle.  But first they decided to eat at the little cafe that was over to the side of the entrance, seeing as they were both starving.  Alison had ordered Bentley a cheese pizza and ordered herself a caesar salad and some fruit as well as a sandwich.  During lunch she would cut up Bentley's pizza and he would pick up the pieces to eat them.  

After they ate their lunch, Alison cleaned his hands and they left to get to the entrance of the aquarium.  Before they entered Alison wanted to take a picture of the two of them to send to Anthony.  Although he wasn't able to look at his phone right now, he would have it for later.  

"Hey Bentley, let's take a picture for dad."

"Okay," he shrugged his shoulders and skipped over to Alison making a face in the picture as she laughed and shook her head.  

"Okay, how about one where we smile, hm?"

He nodded his head and gave a big smile into the camera as he wrapped his arms around Alison as she took the selfie.  

"I can take a picture of you two," she hears a deep voice behind her.  

Turning around she squints her eyes at him.  For some reason the tall gentleman standing before her looked familiar.  He was tall, blonde but slightly greying hair, had a goatee and he wore a leather jacket as there was a slight chill in the Seattle air today.  He had the softest blue eyes she had ever seen and he looked so good.  Stop it.  

Snap out of it, Alison scolded herself.  

"Sure, thank you," she hands the stranger her phone and he takes a picture of the two.

"Beautiful," he praises the duo and hands her back the phone with a charming smile.

"Why do you seem so familiar?" Alison murmured out loud after she thanked him.

"I get that a lot," he teases her.  "Bye little man," he then crouches down to Bentley's height and gives him a high five to which he gives back making Alison smile more.  

If Mark were being completely honest, he wasn't sure why Alison thought he seemed familiar.  But he knew one thing and thought that she was hot and seeing her with a kid made her gorgeous.  He had been watching them the whole time and saw how good he was with her.  She seemed like a natural with kids.  But he could just tell that he wasn't her kid.

"What's your name, kid?"

"Bentley," he said getting shy all of a sudden and hid slightly behind Alison's leg making her smile at the action.

"Bentley?" Mark asks, faking being surprised to get the kid to open up more.  "What an awesome name, kid.  You know you're named after a car."

"Really?" Bentley seemed amazed as his mouth made an o shape and he looked up at Alison.

"Ali, did you know?"

"Yeah, buddy.  Thank you for taking the picture-"

"Mark," he sticks his hand out for her to shake to which she does.

"Alison," she smiles softly at him.  "We should get going.  You ready to go to the aquarium?"

"Yeah," Bentley says excited.  "Bye Mark," he waves at the man which the tall guy waves back with a smile on his face.


"Do you come here often?  I don't normally see such beautiful women at an aquarium," a familiar voice teased.  

"Are you always this straightforward?  Even when there is a kid involved?  I could be married you know," she scolds him silently without using a strict voice.

"Yet, somehow, I find that hard to believe as I had seen earlier there was no ring.  And while you and that kid seem close its not a mother-son relationship you have with him.  So whose kid is he?"

Bentley had ran up to the big tank area where they had sting rays, turtles, fish and even a shark in there.  Alison was keeping a close eye on him as she was talking to Mark.  Truth be told, she wasn't sure why she felt drawn to him.  Why she felt like she couldn't say no to him.  She had never been this way about a guy before.  It took months for Addison to convince her to go out with Anthony.  Alison took a picture of Bentley before answering Mark.

Mark had just gotten done earlier saying goodbye to Addison.  He was done with her games of acting like she wanted to be with him when she didn't.  He knew he deserved better than that and he already put his best friend through so much hurt.  Mark had more self-worth than that.  He knew he was hot and could get anyone he wanted.  

"He's my boyfriend's son.  He's four years old and he's the sweetest."

Mark nodded his head in understanding.  He could see that the boy was really sweet and enjoyed Alison's company.

"So, how long have you two been together?"

"Seven months."

"So pretty new," he teased the blonde.

"I guess you could say that.  He's a good guy."

"Oh yeah?  What does he do?"

"He's a lawyer.  He's actually a part of a pretty big case right now.  That's why I'm babysitting his son."

"Ah," Mark nodded his head.  "Makes sense now.  So do you always just volunteer to watch your boyfriends son?"

She made a gasp sound and laughed slightly.

"Not always, but I had off work so I figured it would be fun.  I love spending time with Bentley.  What about you?  Are you not working today?"

"No," he shakes his head.  "I actually just decided to move here so I'm looking for a new job."

"Nice.  Well, you'll love Seattle.  It rains a lot but you'll love it."

"Good to know," he smiled at the blonde.  "So what's your favorite thing to do here?"

"Wow, Ali, do you see that?" She heard Bentley ask from the distance as he pointed to the giant sting ray that was swimming.  

"Yeah, buddy," she smiled getting up to get closer to him as Mark did the same.  "It's a sting ray.  Isn't it cool?" She ran her fingers through Bentley's hair as a smile graced her face that never left as he nodded his head.

The little boy's eyes were in wonder and amazement at what was in the glass tank.  It was like he had just experienced something new for the first time.  

"To answer your question I love the ferries," she turns back to Mark.

"The ferries?"

"Yeah, one of my best friends and I always like to go on them and I look for all the dolphins.  Also I love trying out all of the pizzeria's around here.  They're great."

"I take it you're a fan of pizza?" He teases her with a smirk.

"Oh, most definitely.  But I also love fries.  Fries before guys."

"Fries before guys," he repeated as he laughed.  "I love it.  Your my kind of girl."

Alison laughed as they then moved to the starfish section.  They all made sure to wash their hands before dipping them in and touching the starfishes.  Bentley let out the loudest laugh as he squirmed due to the slimy feeling of them.  Alison made sure to record the whole encounter.

"He seems like a great kid.  I can see why you like him so much."

"He's easy to like."

"You seem to handle him with such ease.  What's your secret?"

"I've always loved kids.  I guess that's why I chose to work with them."

"Okay, see, that makes more sense.  I'm figuring you out more."

"Me?  What about you?  You seem to be good with you and he normally is very shy around strangers."

"I don't work with kids necessarily like you do, but I do love them.  They're just so innocent and its like you want to protect that innocence, you know?  They get so much excitement from just the littlest things that you can't help but love them."

The end had come all too soon and it was time to say goodbye.

"Well, it was really nice meeting you, Mark," Alison told the man whose blue eyes sparkled as they shook hands a little longer than necessary.

"You as well, Alison.  Bye Bentley, have fun with Alison."

"I will," he smiled at the man before they were on their way and Mark couldn't help but watch the two as the woman held his hand.  A sense of sadness seemingly entered him as he watched them leave.


"O'Malley, you're on my service today," Alison told the intern who seemed a little shocked at her statement.  

"Are you sure?" He asked as he tried keeping up with the attending.

"Positive.  Let's go.  Big cases today," she rubbed her hands together in excitement.  

"You know Izzie Steven's is outside the hospital," the intern tells the attending.

"She is?" Alison asked him being shocked at the news.

"Why do you sound so surprised?  You used to love Izzie."

"Key word, O'Malley, used to.  She used to be one of the best interns for peds and yet she let all of her hard work go down the drain.  She might be working hard at the chief's forgiveness but she won't get mine for a while."


Alison and George had just finished checking in on one of her patients, Nathan, who was an eight year old boy with Hodgkins Lymphoma Cancer.  It was very sad the day they had found out as he was already in stage three.  Alison tries to keep him company whenever she can as she had grown to love him and developed a relationship with him and his family.

"Do you like dinosaurs?" Nathan asked George.

"Sorry, what?" he looked at the patient as he was kind of confused.

"Dinosaurs.  Do you like them?" 

"Say yes, O'Malley," Alison murmured to him and he cleared his throat and nodded his head.

"Uh yes, yes I do."

"What's your favorite dinosaur movie?" Nathan smiled happy he found another doctor who likes them.

"I'm not sure if you've seen it or not but Land Before Time is pretty good."

"Never heard of it.  Have you seen Jurassic Park?"


"Is it because they scare you?" Nathan asked in a teasing tone making Alison smirk at the intern.

"What?  N-no.  I just don't have enough time," he lied but it was easily believable.

"Fair enough.  Well, when I get better, my parents promised me when I get better they are taking me to Jurassic World at Universal Studios in California."

"Why?" George shook his head.  "I mean - that's cool.  Have you ever been?"

"No, but Doctor Alison has," he grinned big at the woman.  "She said its really cool and promised the next time she goes she will bring me back my favorite dinosaur stuffed animal."

"Oh yeah?  Which one's your favorite?"

"The brachiosaurus!"

"The brachi-o what?"

"Brachiosaurus," Nathan giggled.  "They're super tall," he exclaimed as he did a hand motion with his hands to explain.  "And they're the nice one's.  Right, Doctor Alison?"

"Right.  We don't like the mean dinosaurs.  Alright, Nathan, we will be back to check on you later.  But if you feel any pain at all you just ring that tiny bell right there alright?" She asked him gently as she pointed to bell to which he nodded.  "Which lollipop do you want?"

"Hm," he thinks really hard and Alison smiles at him and George.  "Do you have watermelon?"

"Sure do," she nods her head and reaches in her lab coat and hands it to him.  "There you go."

"Thank you, Doctor Alison!  It was nice meeting you, Georgie."

Alison let out a little 'aw' as George was just given a new nickname.  This was why she loved working with little kids.  Although they would go through so much pain, they could put a smile on anyone's face.

"Nice one, George," Alison laughed as he stopped walking and gave the doctor a look of horror.

"How can you keep up with these kids all day?  Doesn't it get exhausting?"

"Exhausting?  No," she shook her head.  "Saddening sometimes but never exhausting.  Unfortunately, because these kids are under the age of eighteen, most times they don't have a voice.  That's where we come in," she nudged George with her shoulder.  

"We are their advocates."

"Exactly," she nodded with a smile, happy that George was catching on.

"You paged, Karev?" The blonde doctor asked as he nodded her head.

"Yeah.  Patient came in with cuts and bruises with a 10 centimeter lass on her arm with staples in it like from a stapler.  She's psycho claiming she has superpowers but I think her parents beat the crap out of her."

He had already spoken to Bailey and she had told him to get an ice bucket to test her pain level to distract her from social services.  But he figured it would also be best to get a second opinion.  

"Can I see her charts?" She asked to which he nodded and gave them to her and she looked over them extensively as they were walking.

Alex Karev normally didn't like working with a lot of attending's but he did actually love working with Alison.  

"Hi, sweetie, I'm just going to take a look and feel your stomach.  Is that okay?" Alison asked the little girl, Megan.

"No problem.  But I promise you I don't have anything wrong.  I have super powers," she whispers the last part so that only Alison and Alex can hear.

"Super powers you say, huh?" Alison asked as she had her stethoscope in her ears and had lifted up Megan's shirt slightly to listen.

"Yeah," the patient nodded her head.  "My superpower is that I don't feel pain.  I can even get hit with a baseball bat and I'm good."

This was alarming to the peds doctor but she tried not to show it to the girl.

"You know, I don't like to brag, but they say I have super powers around here too," the blonde said and for effect she did a little shimmy motion with her fingers.  


"Yeah," the blonde nodded.

"They say she has hands of gold," Alex teases, making the doctor roll her eyes at his lack of enthusiasm.

Megan's eyes light up in amazement.

"Gold?  Like pure gold."

"You got it," she smiled, already loving this little girl.

Karev and Alison were outside Megan's room discussing what needed to be done.  They had decided to run a CT scan on her abdomen to see if there was anything going on.  Alison had a suspicion that internal bleeding was highly likely.


"Hey, you guys," Addison greeted Alison and Bailey.  "Need an extra pair of eyes for a consult?" She asked as she smoothed out her hair.

"Yeah," Alison nodded her head.  "Karev filled me in on this case with the patient.  Claims she has superpowers but has been hit with a baseball bat, had cuts and bruises and she had a ten centimeter lass on her arm that she used staples from a stapler."

"Damn," Addison shook her head.  "Think her parents were involved?"

"Bailey and Karev think so, but I don't."

"I haven't seen you since you were sipping down martini's at Joe's," Bailey commented to Addison as she leaned against the desk.

"Y-yeah, I'm over it.  I'm good now."

"We talked about," Addison began and Bailey finished the sentence.

"A lot of things."

"I remember-"

"None of them."

"So we're good," Addison said to which Bailey agreed and Alison just listened to the whole altercation with a smirk on her face as she saw Addison looking frazzled and highly embarrassed which was a new look for her.

Karev walked in and Bailey decided to speak.

"She came in for sutures but she's got an off the charts pain threshold."

"Yep," Addison nods her head with a sigh. "Congenital insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis. More commonly found in babies but she's been bouncing around in foster care."

"Doctor Bailey, what the hell is that?" Karev asked as the results 

"Oh.  My.  God," Alison said shocked.  


"Megan's bleeding internally," Alison told the father of Megan as Addison let her do this part since she was right.  "It appears as if there is some severe trauma to her abdomen."

"They asked if we hit her and we said ten times in ten different ways."

"Social services cleared you and I'm sorry that we suggested you were mistreating her," Bailey told both the parents jumping in and taking the blame for that.

"She's pretty badly and we are going to need to operate," Alison told the parents as the mom had now stepped into the room.  

"Oh my God," the mom gasps at the seriousness of the issue.

"We're also thinking that she might have a chromosomal condition that might cause her to not feel any pain when she's injured and that could explain why she gets hurt so often," Addison told them both.

"We need to do some testing before we can be sure but let's assume that she will need to be monitored very closely from now on," Miranda told the parents.

"We got OR three," Karev came into the room.

"So surgery is our only option?" The mother asked.

"I believe it is," Alison told them both.  

"I know you've been put through the wringer already today but I need to ask you to trust us on this one," Bailey told them to which the mom nodded her head.

"Where is she?" Karev asked to which Alison furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"What do you mean?  She's sitting right out-" She looked out the door and noticed that her wheelchair was there but the little girl wasn't.  


Addison asked Karev to look around for Megan as Alison also looked for her but couldn't find her.  

"Scrub in, Alison," Addison told the attending.

"Really?" She asked excitedly.

"Yeah, you were the only doctor who made all the right calls today.  You deserve this and I can see Megan likes you.  She trusts you and so do the parents.  You should speak up more often.  Even if I dislike it at first."

"Thank you Addison, that means a lot."

Just then Karev came back with Megan.

"You okay?" Alison asked the young girl with a small smile.

"Yeah, I'm good now.  You can take away my powers."

"Hey," she got down to the girls level.  "Always remember that no matter what you will still have superpowers alright?  Like you said, it doesn't matter what we look like, but if you have courage and kindness and the way you stick up for people who aren't able to stick up for themselves - then that's a superpower."

Instead of the girl saying anything the girl wrapped her small arms around the blonde doctor in a hug to which she hugged back.  


"You did good today, Karev," Alison told him after they scrubbed out from surgery.

"Really?" He asked with a smile on his face.

"Yeah, you were the first person to ever take notice and concern of that young girl.  You know you aren't such an evil spawn that everyone says you are.  Why don't you go tell the parents the good news?"

"Alright thank you so much Doctor Anderson."

"Call me Alison."


I am so sorry for the lack of updating!  It was the

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