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"CORBYN!" Freya yelled his name for the third time, which caused him to finally snap out of the trance he was in.
"What?" He asked lazily, taking his eyes off the Christmas tree and moving them towards the girl.
"What is up with you today? Literally all you've been doing is staring into space." Daniel told him and Corbyn shrugged, leaning back on the couch.
"Dude it's Christmas Eve! It's going to be Christmas in four hours, cheer up a bit won't you?" Jonah told him, but corbyn didn't respond as he messed around with the rings on his fingers.
"Do you guys think denny is coming?" Corbyn asked softly and Daniel furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at him.
"Why wouldn't she?" Corbyn shrugged in response again, causing freya to roll her eyes.
"You know you're giving us nothing to go off of if you don't answer our questions with verbal responses." She snapped, but the boy just continued to mess around with the rings on his fingers. He didn't look up at them, knowing that the moment he did they would know something was wrong.
"Everything okay with you two?" Luciana asked and corbyn met her eyes for a second before looking back down.
"If you count saying 'I love you' and getting nothing back and running out of the room, okay, then yeah we're fine. Just perfect." Corbyn forced out, acting as if everything was normal.
"Hold on back up a sec"
"You did what?"
"HAH! I KNEW IT! YOU STILL LOVE HER!" Daniel yelled, not really processing the rest of the sentence. Corbyn looked up to him with wide eyes. "JACK!" Daniel yelled to the boy who was in the kitchen talking with his mom.
"WHAT?!" Jack yelled back, before walking into the room, wanting to know what Daniel was yelling about.
"you owe me five bucks." Daniel stopped yelling as he held his hand out so he could receive his five dollars.
"For the record, I only bet so I could say you were wrong." Jack told him as he was pulling out his wallet for five dollar bills. "I only have a ten, can you break it?" Jack asked and Daniel grinned as he took the bill out of his hand.
"Alright can we get back on topic?" Freya snapped her fingers to get the focus back where it needed to be as jack moved to sit next to her.
"I really don't want to talk about this." Corbyn spoke softly, which caused Freya to roll her eyes.
"no we're speaking about it, now what the hell happened yesterday that's got you so down?"
"I told you already."
"Oh I thought you were joking." Luciana frowned, thinking back on the day before. "Damn it."
"What?" Daniel asked her, all the other heads in the room turning to her.
"Corbyn I don't think she meant it." Luciana told him, remembering what she had said to Eden the day before.
"Yeah well you try getting your heart broken in a span of two minutes, then come back to me about saying she didn't mean it." Corbyn mumbled and Luciana just sighed.
"Corbyn just don't give up dude. This entire time you've been fighting for her, don't give up now." Luciana patted his knee before getting up to leave the living room. Her parents were in the other room, having flown in from Oregon. Luciana usually spent Christmas down there, but they insisted on coming up for the holidays.
"Did you just say you'd let Santa rail youโ" haylie laughed as she walked into the living room with Ashley. She stopped talking once she sense the seriousness of the room. "What happened here, it's Christmas Eve!"
"Yeah um, it's Christmas Eve. If denny comes she comes, if she doesn't than I'm giving up hope on ever finding love again." Corbyn shrugged casually as he got up.
"Don't you think that's a bit dramatic?" Jack asked him with a raised eyebrow and corbyn shook his head.
"Nope." he said curtly before leaving the room to go talk to his mom.
"Merry Christmas!" Eden yelled through the house, walking in with a bag of presents in her hand.
She wasn't spending the morning there, after she left she was going to spend Christmas Day with her family at home, and flying to New York at night. There was only an hour and a half let until midnight, the girl was certainly late.
"EDEN!" Zach yelled excitedly, pulling the girl in for a hug.
"Hi Zach."
"Oh! Oh! You've got presents!" Zach squealed, snatching the bag from her hand.
"Yes I do, but don't take them from my hand you idiot." Eden took them back before grabbing the one with his name on it.
"Merry Christmas Dean." She smiled, handing Zach his gift. Zach didn't even need to open it to already know that I was going to be amazing, so he pulled her into a hug.
"Open it first zach before thanking me." She told him and Zach nodded excitedly before opening the bag and looking through it. Zach laughed once he saw what was inside, remembering the conversation they had a couple weeks before. "Bandaids for the calluses and guitar picks to prevent that shit from happening again." She told him. A couple weeks before Zach had come to Eden complaining about his fingers bleeding because of the hardened skin on his fingers.
"And there's a gift card in there for Walmart since your fire truck broke."
"Oh LOOK I HEAR EDEN!" Jack yelled louder than he should've just so he could get corbyns attention.
"Hello to you too jack." Eden tried copying his voice, not understanding why he said it the way he did. Freya and he boyfriend walked up to the girl, smiling slightly as the both pulled her in for separate hugs. "Hold in ive got gifts before I forget the hand then out." Eden said, moving to go to the living room.
"Eden!" Haylie cheered upon seeing her best friend. Eden smiled at them all before going through her bag.
"I'm doing this now before I completely forget. So here are gifts." Eden handed them out, keeping corbyns in her hand and not handing it to him yet.
The rest of them weren't as impatient as Zach, deciding to hold off on opening it until it was Christmas. They all said their thanks though, and Eden sent them a smile before going up to corbyn.
"Can we talk?" She asked him softly and corbyn shot his head up to meet her eyes.
"Uh yeah yeah." Corbyn rushed out, getting up while wiping his hands on his jeans in a nervous matter.
Eden nodded slightly before walking out of the room as everyone watched them in silence. Corbyn shot a panicked look towards jack, who only shrugged in response as he walked out. The conversation could go of two ways; either they make up and Eden confesses her undying love for him, or she shuts it down and tells him she doesn't feel the same anymore.
Eden went to corbyns room, which was the only quiet place in the house. Corbyn closed the door after her, knowing that they needed their privacy. His heart pounded with nerves as he watched her turn to him.
"Merry Christmas." She told him, handing him his gift.
Corbyn looked up at her for a second before looking down at the gift that was now in his hands. The boy slowly opened it, taking off the cap of the box before looking at what was inside. He laughed slightly, choking up as he saw what was inside.
"I thought I lost this." He told her, pulling out the hoodie in there.
It may have been a simple piece of clothing to the rest of the world, but to Eden and corbyn it was so much more. One, it was the first hoodie corbyn let Eden use from before they even started dating. Two, it was because it was both of their favorite hoodies, the two of them switching back and forth from it all the time. Three, because on fourth date, corbyn got spaghetti sauce all over it and it took weeks to get out, but Eden somehow did it. And four, because it held so many memories, that one piece of clothing.
"I know me too, but I was deep cleaning my closet the other day and I found it. I figured it was better than the gift card I got you." She told him and Corbyn look up to her.
"No wait, I wanted you to have it so that I can come back and steal it all the time." She told him and Corbyn smiled at her before going to his drawer and taking out the gift he hid in there.
"I got it for you before we even started talking again. It was kind of a hope that I would be able to give it to you." He told her, handing her the small box.
Eden opened it, revealing what was inside. The girls eyes filled with tears the moment she saw it, glancing up at him before looking back down, utter shock filling her face.
"How did you..." she trailed off, taking the bracelet out of the box and holding it out in her hand.
"I remember the day you lost it, you couldn't stop crying. So I asked your mom where your dad bought it, tracked down the jeweler and got a costume order." Corbyn explained and eden brought her hand up to wipe away a tear.
Corbyn was always good with things like this, he always got the perfect gift. And getting her the charm bracelet that replicated the one her father gave her before he died, was definitely considered perfect.
"Denny, I understand if you don't still love me, but please don't slip through my fingers again." Corbyn whispered and Eden shook her head, putting the bracelet in the box before setting it down on his dresser. The moment she got back to him, the blonde grabbed both sides of corbyn's face and pulled him into a kiss.
"I do," she said, once she pulled away, which confused corbyn.
"I still love you. I always have, and I always will."
"But yesterdayโ" Corbyn started, a frown already etched on his lips.
"Yesterday I was scared that we weren't going to last and I was going to be hurt again. I don't care anymore, all I care about is you. So please tell me you didn't magically change your mind about how you felt about me over night." Eden let out in one breath and corbyn smiled at her.
"I love you more denny." Corbyn told her, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her in for another kiss.
"I don't think that's possible." Eden mumbled against his lips with caused corbyn to laugh into the kiss.
"Okay okay okay." Eden pulled back after a while, "as much as I'd love to stand here and make out with you, I also want to finish saying hi to everyone." She told him and Corbyn pouted before pecking her lips once more.
"You know this means that we're dating again right?" Corbyn told her and Eden raised her eyebrow.
"You haven't even asked."
"Do I really need to?" Corbyn questioned and Eden shrugged.
"What if I don't want to date you?"
"Eden." Corbyn warned.
"I'm joking." She laughed before kissing him again.
"Alright alright, let's go." Corbyn reluctantly pulled away and Eden groaned in annoyance. Corbyn held out his hand so that she could link hers in it, which she did. The couple walked out hand in hand and went down the stairs. They were both grinning form ear to ear, but they didn't really expect to see Daniel on one knee and luciana standing there with wide eyes.
"what the fuโ"
anyways merry Christmas Eve
yes today is a good day I hope you're having a great day guys remember to smile :)
anyways I love you all so so much so please stay safe ๐ฅบ๐
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