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EDEN WOKE UP TO CORBYN'S ARM AROUND HER WAIST, and the dying urge of needing to pee. She didn't want to wake up Corbyn or get up at all, but she also didn't want to pee herself. The blonde girl carefully and slowly slipped out of corbyn's hold and looked for the nearest piece of clothing she could find. She really doubted Jonah was even awake being that it was only eight o'clock in the morning, but she wasn't going to risk it. The girl pulled one of corbyn's hoodies over her body, the sweater falling just low enough to cover everything that needed to be covered. Thank God for Corbyn's height.
Eden slowly made her way out of the room and right down the hall. The bathroom was right there, and there was no sign of Jonah anywhere. the moment she was finished she washed her hands and left to sneak back into Corbyn's room. She was stopped though, hearing her name being called by the eldest why don't we bandmate.
"Oh hey Eden." Jonah smiled smugly as she stopped in her tracks. He wanted to sound as oblivious as possible, just to watch her try to muster up an explanation.
"Hey jonah." She said shortly, turning to him with a tight smile. "What are you doing up so early?"
"I'm behind on my cd signing," he said before pointing towards the stairs, "what are you doing here so early?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. He already knew, he just found her reaction to his question amusing.
"I'm um, I uhh, wellโ" Eden struggled to get a proper sentence out as her face flushed red out of embarrassment.
"Den, I'm just messing with you." He said, going to walk past her. He patted her shoulder before making his way downstairs to make himself some breakfast.
Eden squeezed her eyes shut as she reprocessed how awkwardly embarrassing that situation was, before entering corbyn's room once again. The boy was sat up, awake already as he checked the notifications he missed since the night before. Eden smiled lightly before going up to him and wrapping her legs around his waist and sitting right on his lap. She ducked her head under his arms and put her head right on his shoulder as he smiled slightly.
"You know after a night like last night, I would rather wake up to you and not an empty bed." Corbyn teased as he texted Jack saying he wasn't going to his house today like planned.
"I really had to pee." She said and corbyn laughed as he then opened instagram.
"You don't regret it do you?" Eden asked softly, biting her lip as she prepared for the worst answer to come.
"What? Hell no?!" Corbyn explained, breaking her gaze from the phone screen and looking down at her, "do you?"
"No." She smiled lightly, snuggling her head further into his neck.
They stayed in a comfortable silence as Corbyn scrolled through his phone with one hand while the other was running his hand up and down Eden's leg. Eden was peppering kisses on his neck as he did so until she felt him pause his action on his phone and moved his head slightly to the side for more access on it. It was in instinct, corbyn not really thinking before doing it as the jolt of pleasure shot through his body by the one kiss from her. Eden smirked before deciding to leave a couple of marks on Corbyn. The boy now through his phone on the floor, not really caring if the action cracked the screen, because the only thing he could think about was Eden's mouth on his neck at that exact moment.
Corbyn's mind was in a daze as she worked a hickey on his neck. His hand went up his sweatshirt that covered her body, until his hands decided where they were going to be placed. One was on her lower back while the other one stayed on the inside of her thigh, rubbing circles with his thumb as she assaulted his neck. Once Eden was satisfied with the work she had done, especially with the fact that corbyn's breathing was heavy so she could tell that she had gotten him all worked up, the girl trailed her kissed up to his jaw and straight to his lips. Corbyn pulled her impossibly closer as he deepened the kiss. They sat there making out once again, until Eden pulled back to catch her breath.
"You were never the one for hickeys." Corbyn smirked slightly as Eden trailed her pointed finger from his jaw to his shoulder.
"Yeah well I've been spending too much time with freya and jack." She said, leaving another trail of kisses down his neck so she could leave yet another mark. Before she did do she met his gaze again with a raised eyebrow. "But with all the noises your making, I don't see you complaining." She said and corbyn only rolled his eyes before she dipped her head back to his neck.
Corbyn was now a mess, being all worked up even though he had woken up no less that ten minutes before. When he had sex with Amelia over those eight months, he hadn't felt like he felt now with Eden. It was like his body only reacted to the blonde girl's touch, and boy was it reacting now. He was letting out moans and groans even with the only thing she was doing was leaving a mark on his neck, Corbyn wanted to stop her before they went at it again, but now he was worked up so it was to late.
"Alright come here." Corbyn wanted her lips in his now, but really he just was tired of not being the one in control. Corbyn grabbed her chin and brought her lips to his, the kiss getting intense once again, just as it did the night before. "You up for another round?" He asked pulling back from the kiss with a small smirk evident in his face. Eden furrowed her eyebrows before shaking her head.
"Jonah's downstairs." She said and corbyn raised his eyebrow, not seeing her point.
"So?" He asked and eden shrugged.
"So what if he hears us?" She excused.
Now innocent Eden was back, and Corbyn loved innocent Eden. She was the girl who got embarrassed about everything, but he didn't care because he found it adorable. The blonde girl had a frown slightly etched on her face as she played with the sleeves of her hoodie. Corbyn grabbed her hands and placed them on his shoulders before wrapping his arms around her waist.
"You didn't have a problem with that last night."
"Yeah well I was angry. And either way they wouldn't have heard us because of the party downstairs."
"Eden we were at it even after the party ended." He whispered and Eden's eyes widened at the realization. Corbyn laughed as her cheeks burned red again, kissing her lips gently just to show her that he was there.
"So they heard us?"
"Probably Eden." He said and the girl frowned as she met his gaze.
"Stop calling me Eden." She said shaking her head slightly. "I don't like it."
"That's what you told me to call you." Corbyn reminded her, bringing his hands up the hoodie and running his hands up and down her bare back.
"Well that was when I was mad at you. I'm not mad anymore." She told him and corbyn raised his eyebrow with a teasing smile.
"If sex is all it takes I should get into more arguments with you." He teased, wiggling his eyebrows at her, causing Eden's eyes to widen.
"I'm joking denny!" He shot back, not missing the smile that appeared on her face when he called her 'denny'.
"No you're not." She narrowed her eyes and corbyn pursed his lips.
"Okay I'm kind of joking."
"Oh my goodness." She scoffed and corbyn laughed as he gave her another kiss.
"You've got me worked up now denny? Please tell me we could go for another round?" He pouted and Eden only looked towards the door.
"But jonahโ"
"Who cares if he hears, I have to hear him and Haylie all the time. This is payback." He said and eden bit her lip. Corbyn shot his eyes down because of the action before shooting them back up to meet her eyes. "At least give me another kiss." He puckered his lips out for the girl and she leaned in to return it.
As corbyn deepened the kiss, it quickly turned into a make out session and Eden rolled her eyes, knowing he did it on purpose. Corbyn got up from the bed, keeping her legs firmly wrapped around his waist, before laying her down and hovering over her. His hand went up and down her leg again, causing Eden to go into a trance and forgetting what was in her mind. When corbyn went to take off the hoodie she grabbed his hand to stop him, snapping back to reality.
"You know we still have to talk about everything right?" She said and corbyn nodded.
"I know."
"Just making sure." She said before pulling him back down again to kiss him. Corbyn smiled into the kiss, reaching for the nightstand next to his bed and grabbing what he needed. He didn't break the kiss once, which caused Eden to laugh.
"You're slick." She mumbled and corbyn smirked against her lips.
"Don't want to ruin the kiss." He said.
"You're having way to much fun." Eden told him and corbyn broke the kiss to look at her with a slight frown on her face.
"You're not?" He asked innocently, not wanting to force anything on her.
"Baby I was messing with you." She laughed and corbyn grinned at her before attacked her lips with his own once again. And well, you know how the rest goes.
liked by freyasbf, goddessofwar, hailsmartin and 24 others
gardenofeden: happy denny happy denny happy denny ๐ฅบ
tap to view comments:
hailsmartin: this=proof
applejuicesong: um did y'all do the dirty? I want my ten bucks back-
msangel: um ๐ณ
goddessofwar: yes den get that dick ๐
goddessofwar: but yes guys she's happy ๐ฅบ
notzach: well at least they're not arguing anymore-
freyasbf: ugh finally I was waiting ๐
thesuperiorbesson: she's happy guys ๐
โช๏ธfreyasbf: wonder why-
joNAH: happy for you guys and all but I didn't need to hear that
โช๏ธnolongerblondie: payback.
โช๏ธfreyasbf: TOLD YOU THEY FUCKED
โช๏ธjoNAH: last night AND this morning
goddessofwar: stan Eden for getting dicked down ๐๐ค
โช๏ธmsangel: period ๐
username: damn-
author: I'm sorry for this chapter don't yell at me I wrote it in like and hour- but like um now we get soft corbyn and eden ๐ฅบ
corbyn and eden=adorable
Eden=not innocent
you=adding 'I would' to your libraries
also you=adding 'strong into your libraries
okay love you guys and pls stay safe ๐ฅบ๐
(๐โโ ๐)
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