𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙛𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙣

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liked by corbynbesson, jackaverymusic, and 783,388 others

edensailors: hi eli 😝

tagged: elijahdeluca

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username: oop


username: omg my fav pair pls 🥺🤚

elijahdeluca: hi den 😝

username: bye they're so cute-


username: corbyn reading this: 👁👄👁

username: corbynbesson is typing...

username: not y'all talking about corbyn- 🙄🤚

haylie.martin: cute cute cute

username: please her smile is so cute

username: 🚢🚢🚢

username: this friendship>>>>

username: cheating on corbyn but okay-
↪️edensailors: me and corbyn aren't dating but okay-

username: corbyn's better ngl

edensailors: guys I'm my own person! If I want to hang out with Eli I can hang out with him! Me and corbyn are JUST FRIENDS so stop comparing Eli with him! It isn't nice :(
↪️elijahdeluca: ^^^^
↪️jackaverymusic: ^^^
↪️freyadaniels: fr leave den alone
↪️lucianaevans: Eden is her own person leave here be!

username: love the friends for defending Eden

username: Eden hi ily 🥺
↪️edensailors: hi ilym 🥺

username: does Eden respond?
↪️edensailors: I try to but i suck

username: they're so cute pls- 🥺

username: now I'm patiently waiting for corbyn and eden content 🙇‍♀️

username: they look so cute 🥺

"YO!" Daniel exclaimed, getting Corbyn's attention, who was playing pool against Luciana.

"What?" Luciana questioned, before angling herself to be able to get one of her balls into the pocket.

"Eden, she posted a bunch of pictures with this guy." Daniel got up and walked over to his girlfriend, showing her the phone. Luciana looked up for a second before hitting the ball, causing it to be pushed into the pocket. Corbyn looked down at the pocked that the ball had gone into, before looking up at Luciana.

"That was an impossible shot, how did you do that?" He asked her and Luciana shrugged.

"You just suck."

"Back on topic you idiots." Daniel reminded them, causing Corbyn and Luciana to both glare at him. "Look corbyn." Daniel turned his phone towards Corbyn to show the instagram post. Corbyn studied it, frowning slightly when he swiped through the pictures.

"Who's that?" Luciana asked and Daniel shrugged.

"I don't know, but his name is Elijah." Daniel read the tag and Luciana raised her eyebrow.

"DeLuca?" Luciana asked and Daniel furrowed his eyebrows before looking towards his girlfriend.

"You know him?" Daniel asked and Luciana shook her head.

"No, I know of him. Den has spoken about him before, he hired her as a photographer, and now they're friends." The blonde girl explained and Corbyn frowned before shaking his head.

"Lu just said it, they're just friends." He reassured them, but really he was just trying to reassure himself.

"You should ask her." Daniel said as Corbyn aligned his stick to where he wants the ball to go.

"She's allowed to have friends, daniel. It's not like we're dating."

"Yeah, but you obviously still like her, so just ask her if they're just friends or if there's something else going on." Daniel told him and Luciana rolled her eyes.

"Don't do that, she's going to think that you're controlling her and because you guys aren't dating it's just going to turn into an argument." Luciana told him, pushing Daniel away slightly. Daniel rolled his eyes before coming up behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist.

"I'm not going to do anything, look I'm even going to like the post." Corbyn pulled out his phone and opened instagram so that he couldn like the post. He froze though as he began to read some of the comments, most of them shipping Elijah and Eden.

"Oh he's struggling." Luciana laughed and Corbyn only started to chew on his lip.

"You jealous corbyn?" Daniel raised his eyebrow and Corbyn shook his head.

"No, I am not jealous. She's her own person. She can hang out with whoever she wants." Corbyn squeaked out, and Luciana raised her eyebrow.

"So like the post."

"I did." Corbyn lied and Daniel shook his head.

"No you didn't."

"You're right I didn't, who is this guy?" Corbyn questioned, before clicking the boy's tag.

"Hah! You are jealous." Luciana pointed at him and Corbyn only frowned.

"I'm not proud of it."

"Corbyn they're probably just friends. Didn't she tell you that she hadn't been with any guys since you guys broke up?" Daniel tried reassuring and Corbyn sighed.

"Yeah you're right, he is just a friend." Corbyn paused, "Probably. Most likely. Most likely not. I'm going to go call her now." Corbyn said, pulling up Eden's contact.

"Don't do that, you're only going to push her away." Luciana said and Corbyn pursed his lips.

"You're right, I can't do that, but I can text her to come over." Corbyn smiled slightly before opening Eden's contact again.

"And do what? You're only going to seem jealous to her." Daniel informed him and the brunette shook his head.

"We were going to end up going to go to the christmas tree lighting later tonight right?" Corbyn said and the couple both nodded. "Well, instead of third wheeling all night, I'll just invite denny."

"Possessive much?"

"Shut up." Corbyn mumbled before texting Eden.

"Hello my lovely!" Luciana grinned as Eden entered the car. Eden smiled back at her as she slid into Daniel's car, sitting next to Corbyn.

"Hi lu," Eden responded and Daniel pursed his lips as he pulled out of the driveway.

"It's not like me and Corbyn exist. Not at all." He deadpanned and Eden only rolled her eyes.

"Luciana's the only one I care about out of you three."

"Don't be rude." Daniel shook his head and Eden only laughed.

"Hi daniel." She smiled and Daniel only turned around momentarily to stick his tongue out at her.

"Hey what about me?" Corbyn pouted and Eden responded by wrapping her arms around his waist. "Haha, I get a hug!" He teased and Daniel only rolled his eyes.

"Of course you do."

"Go figures." Daniel scoffed and Eden only laughed, as Corbyn leaned his head on her shoulder.

"So where are we going? Corbyn was very cryptic on the phone." Eden asked as he felt Corbyn pull her closer to him.

"There's a tree lighting in downtown LA." Daniel informed as he drove.

"Like the rockefeller center?"

"Sort of, much smaller, but it's still really pretty." Luciana told her as adjusted his head on her shoulder.

"Before the lighting there's a bunch of other things we could do, and since there's other lights and things to see before the christmas tree." Luciana told her and Eden nodded.

"It's a small town too, so there's not much we have to worry about, barely anyone knows about it." Daniel finished for his girlfriend. Once they got to the place they all got out of the car, just continuing their mini argument that they were having in the car.

"Daniel, just no." Eden shook her head as her and Corbyn began walking.

"I think it's a great idea." Daniel grinned and Luciana sighed.

"Of course you do." Luciana shook her head, seriously wondering what was going through Daniel's head.

"Daniel, giving Zach one of those 'grow a girlfriend' things won't give Zach a girlfriend! It'll just hurt his feelings!" Corbyn laughed and Daniel shrugged.

"But he's so lonely! He's the only single one out of all of us!" Daniel exclaimed and Eden furrowed her eyebrows.

"I'm single." Eden reminded him.

"Me too."  Corbyn raised his hand.

"And you two are practically dating, Zach is just a lonely loser." Daniel insulted and Corbyn choked out a laugh while Luciana hit Daniel's chest.

"Daniel!" Luciana screeched while he just shot up his hands in defense.

"Look, he seems fine with this single thing lately, and he said he wanted to focus on himself before he goes looking for a relationship." Eden reminded Daniel and Corbyn, who were struggling to hold in their laughter. "But don't think I didn't hear what you said before you jerk." She glared at him, only causing Daniel to start laughing again.

"Alright, Alright, I'll stop teasing, but I still think that my idea was great." Daniel told them, before grabbing Luciana's hand.

"You're an idiot." The blonde shook her head at her boyfriend and Daniel only smirked in response.

"Ahhh, but I'm your idiot." He gushed, puckering out his lips so that he could kiss her, and Luciana only rolled her eyes but still kissed him either way.

"And now I feel single, thanks for that guys." Eden pursed her lips and Daniel only pulled a piece of her hair. Eden punched his arm, but missed as Daniel dodged her fist.

"Alright let's go get hot chocolate before you say any other stupid things." Luciana pulled her boyfriend away from the pair, going off to the nearest coffee shop.

"Well now that they're gone, let's go look at lights." Corbyn told the girl and Eden nodded before they both started walking off.

"What'd you do all day today?" Eden asked as they walked through the fairlights that covered the streets.

"Nothing, I watched like six christmas movies though." Corbyn pointed out and Eden dramatically gasped.

"Without me? Ugh the disrespect." The blonde shook her head as Corbyn laughed.

"There's countless more to watch, don't worry, I won't forget about you next time." He laughed and Eden only smiled as they walked.

"I don't trust you." Eden shook her head and Corbyn narrowed his eyes at her as he nudged her with her shoulder.

"Hey don't be rude." Corbyn smiled and Eden only grinned at him, before it dropped. "what's wrong?" Corbyn asked, noticing her change in demeanor.

"There's something we need to talk about." Eden told him, and Corbyn's heart dropped, nervous on what she meant about that.

"Yeah what's up?" He asked and Eden stopped walking, turning to look at him. Corbyn stopped as well, meeting her eyes.

"The kiss at Haylie's party, What did it really mean?" Eden asked him and Corbyn let out a breath of relief, happy that she wasn't about to tell him that she was actually dating the guy from earlier. That would seriously hurt him, he knew it.

"What do you mean?" Corbyn asked, raising his eyebrow slightly.

"We didn't really talk about it, and it's literally all I've been thinking about the past few days. I don't know whether it was a drunk kiss and you didn't mean it, or you actually did want to kiss me like I--" Eden stopped herself, flickering her eyes between the two of his. "I just want to make sure that we're on the same page because I don't want to--"

"Hey denny?" Corbyn interrupted her, looking down at her lips before meeting her eyes once more.


"Shut up for once." He said before cupping her cheek and pulling her in for a kiss. Eden immediately kissed back, wrapping her arms around Corbyn's neck as the boy only pulled her closer. It felt better now that there was no alcohol in their systems. It just felt right to the two of them.

"Corbyn!" Daniel yelled from behind them and Corbyn pulled back for a second, groaning slightly at the interruption.

"Maybe if I ignore him, he'll go away." Corbyn whispered, going back in to kiss Eden again. Eden laughed as Daniel called Corbyn again, causing him to narrow his eyes. "I'm going to kill him." He said before letting go of Eden all together and walking over to Daniel.

"Come on Den, I got you hot chocolate." Luciana stated, linking their arms before handing Eden a hot chocolate and walking off.

"You better have a good reason you just interrupted that, or I swear Daniel I'm going to b--" Corbyn started threatening but Daniel cut him off, his face completely serious.

"Amelia's here. Ana and I ran into her, and you said you don't want Eden to know, so we either get out of here, or you go talk to Amelia. Corbyn's eyes widened as he heard the girl's name, sucking in a breath of shock.

"No I don't want Denny wondering why we just suddenly left, so um w-we'll just have to avoid her."  Corbyn spoke nervously, playing with one of the rings on his fingers.

"Corbyn, you're going to have to tell her what happened after you broke up eventually." Daniel told him and Corbyn shook his head.

"I can't, and I won't. So just leave it." Corbyn told the younger boy and Daniel just sighed before nodding.

"Come on let me go find the girls."

liked by corbynbesson, elijahdeluca, lucianaevans, and 732,379 others

edensailors: corbyn wanted to say hi so say hi

tagged: corbynbesson

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username: two ships in one day 😳

username: corbyn and eden content bye-


corbynbesson: I fell after this
↪️edensailors: you can tell through the picture
↪️corbynbesson: don't be rude

username: hi eden ily 🥺

username: lmao ew

username: imagine them together that's so nasty

username: sorry but i don't ship

username: I like her and elijah better

username: nahhh can't see them together

seaveydaniel: what y'all doing in the bathroom 🤔
↪️corbynbesson: taking pictures
↪️edensailors: he's being so serious he forced me in here to take a picture

jonahmarais: we love to see it

username: cute cute cute

imzachherron: 🧐

username: okay but why is Eden so pretty 🥺

username: alright but I only see a power couple 😳🤚

username: bye bye bye


username: it's a good day to be bi✨

username: hi corbyn
↪️corbynbesson: hi

I love this chapter

I really really do

and ik y'all love me for this chapter too

+ a double update


n e wayz this chapter is also very important so don't forget it k.

I love you guys now say it back 😡

stay safe 🥺💙


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