"GOOD MORNING!" Corbyn grinned, skipping down the stairs and into the kitchen where all his friends were eating breakfast. The entire group stopped their conversations to stare at him, seeing the sickening grin that was planted on his lips. "Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Did you take your nap already?" Daniel asked, pausing eating his breakfast to question the boy. Corbyn had a habit of waking up for five minutes and then going back into his room to nap before he got up for the day fully.
"No, I didn't feel like it today." Corbyn shrugged, grabbing the orange juice from the fridge before moving to the cabinets.
"You take a nap every morning," Luciana told him, and Corbyn just turned to her with furrowed eyebrows before looking down to pour orange juice into his cup.
"Yeah... I don't see your point."
"I'm surprised you didn't take it giving the fact you were up all night talking to Eden." Jonah discreetly said, bringing up his mug of coffee to his lips. Corbyn was drinking his orange juice at the same time, which caused him to choke on it when Jonah spoke. The brunette put the cup down and wiped his mouth.
"I don't know what you're talking about." Corbyn shook his head, turning to put the orange juice carton into the fridge.
"Oh come on, all I heard last night was the two of you giggling on facetime. It was cute but annoying." Jonah spoke and Corbyn just ignored him by drinking his orange juice.
"Ha, Corby's got a girlfriend." Freya teased in a sing-songy voice. Corbyn just glared at her, which caused Freya to throw her crumpled up napkin at him.
"Stop calling me Corby, and I don't have a girlfriend," Corbyn told her, finishing off his orange juice right after.
"I will not stop calling you Corby because I love annoying you." Freya smiled sarcastically, which only caused Corbyn to just mimic her.
"And you're right she's not your girlfriend, she's your ex." Haylie reminded them and Corbyn sighed as he pursed his lips.
"Thanks for rubbing salt on the wound Elle."
"Look, you clearly want to get back together with her, why not just tell her?" Luciana pointed out and Corbyn scoffed.
"I don't want to get back together with her." He lied and Daniel started laughing.
"You are the world's worst liar like no one lies worse than you." He pointed at Corbyn, who just opened his mouth in shock.
"I don't!" Corbyn's voice squeaked as he lied and Haylie just shook her head.
"You could at least try to lie a little better." She told him and Corbyn just rolled his eyes before looking around and noticing that two people from their group were missing.
"Where're the two idiots?" He asked and Daniel shrugged.
"I don't know they disappeared when we got here." He told him,
"You look like you're going somewhere, where are you going?" Jonah asked and Corbyn pursed his lips. He didn't know how to tell him where he was on his way to without them suddenly being suspicious.
"Out." He shrugged before going to pull his shoes on.
"Out?" Daniel raised his eyebrows and Corbyn nodded. "Can we come with you or does out indicate that you're going to Eden's house for a morning fuck?" He asked, which caused everyone but Corbyn to erupt in laughter.
"Oh ha ha, laugh it up, Daniel." Corbyn scoffed looking away from them to hide his face that was quickly heating up. "It's not like that we're just friends."
"Just friends my ass, I know you Corbyn, and I know you're still in love with her," Freya told him and Corbyn threw a piece of toast from Jonah's plate at her.
"You don't know anything." He narrowed his eyes, which only caused Freya to smirk triumphantly.
"I know quite a lot because you tell Zach, and then Zach tells Ashley, and then guess who Ashley tells?" She raised her eyebrow, pointing at herself which only caused Corbyn to purse his lips.
"I'm going to kill him." He spoke under his breath, which was missed by most of his friends. The only ones who really heard him were Haylie and Jonah who was sitting next to him.
"What was that?" Luciana raised her eyebrow and Corbyn just shook his head slightly.
"Wait so um, where are you going?" Haylie questioned, trying to get it out of him. She knew that if he went to Eden's house now, it would only cause him to push her too much. It was a lot moving super fast for Eden, in Haylie's opinion.
Corbyn and Eden had the same friends, so when the two broke up Eden was kind of alone. She didn't want anyone to see her in such a downstate, the only person seeing her like that being was Corbyn. The break up affected her more than everyone knew, Haylie being the only person who cared while she cried. It wasn't that the others didn't care, it was that they didn't know, and they were too preoccupied with Corbyn.
Corbyn kind of spiraled when the break up happened. He fell into some bad habits that weren't good for him in the first three months. But his friends helped him out of it and he swore to himself never to go back again. He did miss Eden though, so he didn't want to ruin their friendship so prematurely by telling her what happened while she was gone.
"If you guys really want to know, I'm going to Eden's house," Corbyn replied innocently and Freya raised her eyebrows.
"Haha, I was right, Daniel you owe me ten dollars." She cheered with a smirk and Daniel just scoffed before pulling out his wallet.
"I didn't think he was going to go over this soon." He gave Freya ten dollars before putting his wallet back in his pocket and pouting and looking over to Luciana.
"Nope, I told you to stop making bets and you just ignored me." She shook her head but Daniel wrapped his arms around her waist from behind and buried his head in her neck.
"But I really thought I was going to win." He frowned and Luciana rolled her eyes but allowed him to pout.
"Alright, I'm going to leave before you make me feel single." Corbyn finished filling his water bottle with water and topped it off before grabbing his keys, "I'll see you guys later." Haylie watched him walk away and out of his house with raised eyebrows.
"He's not going to Eden's house." She said out loud, waiting for Corbyn's car to pull out of the driveway. Everyone turned to Haylie confused, not understanding what she was saying.
"What do you mean he's not going to Eden's house?" Jonah questioned his girlfriend and She sighed, putting her cup of coffee down.
"She isn't home, and he knows that." She shook her head, wondering why Corbyn lied.
"Well, where is she? And where is Corbyn going?" Daniel straightened his posture but still kept his arms on Luciana's waist.
"Today's her dad's death anniversary, she doesn't talk to anyone today." Haylie pursed her lips, starting to worry about her friends. "And Corbyn knows what today is so why is he saying that he's going to her house."
"You guys don't think he's going there, do you?" Freya questioned, worried about the boy. Because she spent so much time with Ashley, Corbyn easily became like her older brother, a very annoying one at that. So, it did worry her, though she'll never admit it to him when he down-spiraled at the beginning of the year.
"No, no, that ended with him weeks ago, He wouldn't go back." Luciana shook her head.
"Guys I don't want Eden getting hurt over stupid decisions that Corbyn made," Haylie told them, frowning as he thought of the outcome of it all if Corbyn was going where they suspected him to.
"Why don't you think about Corbyn? This is just going to mess with his mental stability all over again." Freya reminded, slightly glaring at Haylie. Corbyn was important too, she didn't know why Haylie was so worried about Eden.
"Look you guys didn't see Eden after everything happened, it's not fair to the both of them." Haylie tried to mediate, but Freya just scoffed.
"Do you even know why they broke up?" Freya asked the older girl and Haylie straightened her posture.
"Yeah, so I don't know why you're arguing it was Corbyn's fault." Haylie shrugged and Freya raised her eyebrows.
"What are you talking about, it was Eden's fault." She scoffed and Jonah watched the argument bloom.
"Guys maybe-" Jonah started but Haylie cut her boyfriend off.
"Who'd you get the story from? Because we all know it was definitely Corbyn's fault." Haylie told Freya, who just rolled her eyes
"Alright stop arguing, we're not solving anything by arguing." Daniel stopped the two girls. "If he's not at Eden's house then he's at one of two places." He finished and Luciana nodded under his hold.
"He's right, so since Jack and Zach are out, we'll just send them to go make sure he doesn't do something he regrets." The blonde said and Freya just scoffed, looking away.
"I'll call Jack." She spoke before walking away and pulling out her phone.
"What do you two know that we don't?" Jonah asked Haylie quietly and the girl sighed. She didn't want to start telling the friend group the real reason why Eden and Corbyn broke up, because it wasn't her place.
"Look you guys didn't care about Eden when this all went down, you guys just forgot about her." Haylie began, which caused the other three to frown.
"We didn't forget about her-" Daniel began but Haylie cut him off.
"I know you guys care about her, I know we all do." She began, "She was hurt too but all your attention was on Corbyn and no one cared about Eden." She continued.
"It wasn't our international to make her feel like that." Luciana frowned and Haylie sighed.
"I know, but Eden is one of my closest friends, and I don't want to see her going through what she went through at the beginning of the year." Haylie finished her coffee and put it in the sink before leaving the room and going up the stairs. Jonah sighed as he watched her go up the stairs.
"I'm going to go check on her." He told them and Luciana and Daniel waved at him.
"Well, what do you want to do now?" Luciana questioned her boyfriend and he smiled.
"Starbucks and hallmark Christmas movies?" He asked and she grinned back at him.
"Christmas at Starbucks is literally the best." She said excitedly.
"Alright come on." He said, grabbing her hand and the two left the house.
it's officially Christmas time everyone
so expect a lot of updates for this book
n e ways I love you all and please please stay safe 🥺💜
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