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"GUYS GUYS GUYS! I DON'T KNOW HOW, BUT I GOT TICKETS FOR ICE SKATING!" Zach walked into the living room of their hotel suite. The boy was excited that he got tickets for all nine of them for something that had been sold out.

"Getting tickets for ice skating is not that hard." Jack told him and Corbyn shook his head.

"At this resort it is. Literally everyone comes here to skate, even people who aren't staying here." Corbyn explained. "How'd you get tickets?"

"I asked the girl selling them, she kept on giggling, it was so weird." Zach through himself on the couch as everyone laughed. The boy looked around the room, realizing that there was one form their group missing. "Where's den?" he asked and Freya pointed towards the room that Eden had claimed for herself when they got there the day before.

"She's on facetime with someone."

"I'm going to go bother her, I'm bored." Corbyn said, getting up from the couch and making his way to Eden's room. He hadn't seen her in an hour as she locked herself in her room to finish working and go on call with someone.

"Use protection." Daniel mumbled out as a joke, causing everyone but Corbyn to laugh. The brunette just sent Daniel a glare before he disappeared into Eden's room.

"Denny Denny! Do you want to go ice skating with me?" He let out a pout as Eden looked up from her phone.

"Hey corbyn." She said softly before grinning at him.

"Wait, that's corbyn? I want to meet him!" Elijah Matthew DeLuca exclaimed through the phone, causing Corbyn to frown after not recognizing the voice.

"Who are you talking to?" Corbyn asked and Eden grinned waving him over.

"My friend Elijah, come here." She patted the space of the bed next to her, and Corbyn took her up on the offer, but he sat closer than where she anticipated. The girl's breath hitched in her throat as Corbyn placed his hand on her leg before laying his head on her shoulder.

"Hi." Corbyn shortly said, not really caring about meeting the guy and caring more about why she was on facetime with him on their vacation.

"Corbyn this is Elijah, Eli this is corbyn, same corbyn I told you about." She grinned, causing Elijah to grin as well.

"Eden talks about you a lot," Elijah started after a couple moments of silence.

"Good things I hope." Corbyn said, looking at Eden, who just raised her eyebrow.

"Well actually I just talk mad smack about you." She snorted and Corbyn frowned, actually thinking that she was being serious.

He didn't know this Elijah guy, so he didn't really know what Eden's relationship with him was. Everyone continuously reassured him that they were just friends, but they weren't Eden. What if she had some feelings for the guy and was just waiting for him to make his move? Corbyn wanted to be the one to make the move, and now he was feeling like he was running out of time because now there was a new obstacle in his way.

And yeah sure they had kissed multiple times before, signalling to Corbyn that she still had some sort of feelings towards him. But was she still in love with him like he was with her? They hadn't spoken about that, so Corbyn didn't know where she stood. That was probably the reason why he was so scared to make any advances that weren't anything as simple as a kiss or holding her hand. He was scared that if he took his chance, she would turn him down and he would fall back into the whole that he was in months ago.

"Corbyn I was joking." She reassured him and Corbyn nodded slowly before laying his head back down on her shoulder. "Anyways, what were you saying before?" She asked and Corbyn smiled slightly.

"Zach bought us tickets for ice skating." He said and Eden furrowed her eyebrows.

"I thought they were packed?"

"The girl who runs the ticket stand thought he was flirting with her so she gave him nine tickets." He told her and Eden nodded before turning back to her phone. Corbyn caressed the area where his hand was placed with his thumb, which caused Eden to choke on air. Corbyn just ignored her reaction, only turning back to the phone.

"Then I better go, I'll talk to you later Eli." She smiled, sending a small wave his way. Elijah waved back, causing Eden to hang up before she nudged Corbyn off her shoulder. "Are you okay?" She raised her eyebrow and Corbyn only furrowed his own.

"What are you talking about?" He shot back, even though he knew she just wanted to know what prompted his actions.

"Nevermind." She laughed as she shook her head before grabbing her sneakers and leaving the room.

"I don't even get a kiss?!" Corbyn yelled after her and Eden rolled her eyes as she walked out of the room.

"In your dreams Besson!"

"We have to go grab the skates, you guys coming?" Jonah turned to Corbyn and Eden, who hadn't moved from where they stood. Eden went to go walk after her friends, but Corbyn slipped his hand into hers and gently tugged her back.

"No we're going to stay back for a second, grab them for us." Corbyn told him and Jonah nodded, waiting until Eden looked away from him to send a suggestive look towards Corbyn. The boy only rolled his eyes before shooing Jonah away.

"You want to tell me why you stopped us from grabbing the thing we need to be able to get on the ice?" Eden raised her eyebrow as she turned to him and Corbyn took the chance to grab her arms gently and guide them up to wrap around his neck before wrapping his own arms around her waist.

"I wanted a second alone." He told her and Eden only raised her eyebrow as Corbyn pulled her closer.

"We were alone this morning." She reminded him and Corbyn rolled his eyes.

"I mean away from friends and..." Corbyn paused, thinking about how to word it to get an answer from Eden without really asking. "Boyfriends." he finished, causing Eden's eyebrows to shoot up. The moment she realized why he said that, Eden started laughing, causing Corbyn to furrow his eyebrow. "Why are you laughing?"

"Because now I know why you were being so bold earlier." She laughed again and Corbyn raised his eyebrow. "You're jealous!" She exclaimed and Corbyn shook his head.

"I am not jealous!: Corbyn defended, his voice rising in octaves being as he lied. Eden only got her answer from his response, causing her to choke out another laugh. "I'm not!"

"Corbyn you're only proving my point." She told him and Corbyn rolled his eyes.

"Well are you dating him?" he asked and Eden shook her head.

"No corbyn, I am not dating Elijah. And no I don't have any feelings for him, because I already know that's the next question you're going to ask." She told him and Corbyn smiled slightly.

"I can't believe you got jealous." She laughed again and Corbyn only scoffed, rolling his eyes once again.

"I didn't get jealous!" he argued and Eden only shook her head with an amused smile before kissing the boy's cheek.

"Whatever you say." She shot him an amused smile before pulling away from him altogether.

"Where are you going?" Corbyn whined, hating the lack of warmth he felt once she pulled away.

"To the bathroom, unless you want to keep on being clingy and follow me in there too?" She snorted jokingly, but Corbyn only smirked.

"We could always make out in there." he suggested, which prompted Eden to flick the side of his head before walking away from him. On her way into the bathroom, Eden bumped right into a girl, causing her to drop her phone.

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry!" Eden exclaimed feeling back for bumping into the girl. The brunette girl infront of Eden had a harsh glare on her face until she saw who had bumped into her. She sent a soft small reassuring smile Eden's way, waving her hand to dismiss the whole situation as Eden handed her the phone.

"Don't worry about it." The girl waved it off before watching Eden closely. The blonde felt rather uncomfortable just standing there so she pointed at the bathroom behind her.

"Well, I'm going to go in there." She pursed her lips awkwardly before leaving. The girl shook off the awkward feeling as she entered the bathroom, deciding to ignore the odd exchange.

Corbyn grinned as he walked back over to his friends, feeling in a slightly better mood now that he had confirmation that Elijah and Eden really were just friends. Sure now he had to deal with how Elijah dealt with that, but he was more relaxed now that he knew that he didn't have to rush things.

"I only did you to this favor so you could finally make a move on Eden." Jonah told Corbyn once he walked towards the group. The older boy handed him his skates, and Haylie looked around for her best friend. Corbyn rolled his eyes at Jonah's commentary, before receiving the skates and sitting down to put them on. "Well did you?" Jonah asked and Corbyn furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"Did I what?"

"Make a move on Eden you dimwit, we've been waiting for the past three weeks!" Jack said, slapping the back of Corbyn's head.

"Why did you hit me?!" He exclaimed and Freya rolled her eyes.

"To knock some sense into you! The only thing you've done is kiss her! ask her out!" She told him and Corbyn rolled his eyes.

"I'm waiting."

"For what? Some other guy to come in as competition so you could beat his ass? Sorry Corbyn but I don't Eden's that type of person." Daniel told him and Corbyn only flipped him off before pulling on one of the skates.

"I'm waiting for the right time." Corbyn corrected them before looking behind him.

"Where is she anyway?" Haylie asked and Corbyn pointed towards the bathroom.

"She said she needed to go before we went on ice." he told them and they all nodded. Luciana blinked as she spotted a person walk towards the food area.

"Hey is that?" The blonde girl trailed off quietly, getting the attention of Freya.

The girl looked over to where Luciana was staring before shaking her head, rolling her eyes slightly before getting her boyfriend's attention. Jack stared off, squinting slightly as he tried to see if that really was the person the three of them thought it was.

"Is that Amelia?" Jack asked, causing Corbyn's head to snap to where Jack was looking. Daniel choked on air hearing the girls name while both Haylie and Jonah's eyes widened.

I'm gonna try really really hard to double update

like really hard but today has been a weird day

and I just cried

I don't know why I literally just started crying while I was finishing the plan for IMYIS and wHATS happening in the third book.

That was so weird man I'm so confused

well anyway

love you guys and pls stay safe ðŸĨš


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