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He had purchased a ticked for three hours from now, just in case he couldn't catch you before you went through security. He would sooner take a flight back home early than miss you altogether.
Actually, he would do anything to get there before you left, and convince you to come back to the beach house. He hoped that if he told you how he felt, it might change your mind. He wasn't sure if it would be enough, but he had to try.
He knew that you lived close to each other back in Seoul, within an hour of each other in fact, since he had moved to be closer to the hustle and bustle, where more of his clients who purchased his music were located. He knew he could, in theory, go to your and Hyunjin's house and find you, now that you had moved back after university.
But he also knew that that wouldn't happen if he didn't tell you how he felt, now. It wouldn't matter as much if he let you go and waited. He needed to show you how he felt, now. Or else it might look like he'd given up, when he was wanted the opposite. He needed this gesture to be big and obvious, aka the opposite of what he'd been doing for the entire duration of your relationship.
His brain buzzed with anticipation, filled with the need to be there by your side right at this moment. He knew all these steps, like getting his luggage and calling an Uber, were necessary parts of the process, but he couldn't stand the wait. He had to get there on time. He had to convince you to come back. He couldn't let himself think about the alternative. There was no alternative.
He dashed up the stairs and started throwing his clothes, toiletries, swimsuits, and all other belongings into his duffel bag as fast as he could, not caring if things got damaged or squished. He could replace anything he'd brought with him, but he couldn't replace the relationship he had with you if he was late.
He was in the process of sitting on his duffel bag, trying to get the stupid thing shut (who knew he'd brought so much crap), when the bedroom door opened, and everyone who was left at the beach house - which meant everyone excluding you and Minho - burst inside.
Jisung and Robin immediately took a seat in the middle of Hyunjin's bed, his hand sneaking around her waist as they gazed at Felix with equally curious eyes. Mya and Jeongin stood by the window, Jeongin linking his pinky finger with hers in a covert gesture of affection. Seungmin and Renee - the newest couple, or so he'd heard from a blabbermouth Changbin, who Seungmin had texted immediately after he asked her out - sat at the edge of his bed, smiling at each other in that giddy way two people who were infatuated with each other did.
"You need some help?" Changbin walked in, Lanhua at his heels, as he knelt down and zipped his bag up, with Felix still sitting on top of it.
Chan and Riley walked in after them, Riley laying down on the bed, Chan shaking his head at her with a poorly concealed smile. Lastly, Hyunjin and JJ hurried in. Hyunjin eyed Felix suspiciously, but didn't say anything.
The room was so full, Felix wasn't sure where to go, so he just stayed sitting on his duffel bag.
"What's this all about?" He asked, shifting his feet from side to side on the plush carpet.
All his friends glanced at one another, like they were in on a secret that they weren't telling him. Totally not cool, he thought with suspicion.
Per usual, Chan was the first to speak. He tended to take the lead in awkward situations. Did this count as awkward? Felix didn't think so, but maybe he was wrong.
Chan cleared his throat before saying, "We, as in me and the guys, just wanna make sure you're gonna be okay, Lix."
Felix frowned, taken aback. Whatever he had expected from this conversation, that certainly wasn't it. "I don't know what you-"
"You know, if you uh... don't make it in time," Changbin said before Chan could continue, the last part of the sentence trailing off into an embarrassed mumble.
"We heard just how much this means to you, back at the cafe," Chan added. "If something were to go wrong..."
Felix glanced over at Hyunjin, trying to gauge how he felt about this whole situation. But to his surprise, his friend still didn't say anything. The man's gaze was averted, looking down at JJ instead. She just smiled encouragingly at Felix, and he felt compelled to answer.
"Erm, I will make it in time," Felix replied, trying to keep the waver out of his voice. "I have no other option. But I have to leave now. So if you'll excuse me," he made to move from his spot, standing up.
Riley sat up from her comfy place on Felix and Minho's bed. "Well, us girls came up here to make sure that you're gonna be nice to Laska. We're rooting for you guys, but we want her to be okay first. Don't we?"
"Yeah, of course," everyone in the room chorused.
Everyone except Hyunjin, of course. Felix wasnt entirely sure the man was even listening to the conversation. He was still gazing almost ferociously down at the pretty brunette next to him.
"Well, thank you," Felix smiled at his friends, a blush creeping up his neck. "And of course I'm gonna be nice to her, I want to get her back so I can treat her well. What did you think I was going to do?"
Riley shrugged, crossing her arms over her chest. "I'm not sure. Last we heard, you wanted to take some space away from her. We just want to know you've made up your mind for real this time. And if you have, you should go get her. She deserves the best, you know."
"You gotta tell her how you feel!" Mya urged. "I for one know how exactly she feels, and-"
"Hey, don't spill Laska's secrets!" Lanhua pointed out, grinning. "We don't know if she wants him to know, not yet at least."
"Know what??" Felix demanded, looking from Lanhua to Mya and back again. How did you feel towards him? He might have an idea, but he was hungry for any sort of encouragement, anything that might make him feel better about chasing you like this. Because - and he hadn't thought about this horrible possibility until just now - what if you didn't want to see him after all? What if you rejected him and left?
Mya raised her hands in defeat. "Lanhua is right, Laska will want to tell you herself! But it's good, Felix, it's good stuff."
"She'll want you to change her mind," Renee assured him, smiling from her spot on the bed.
Felix felt his shoulders sag in relief at her words. You were no doubt keeping your friends updated on your feelings, right? If he'd learned literally anything about girls from his sisters, it was that they told each other everything.
"Now get off your ass and go get her!" Robin pointed a finger at Felix almost accusingly. He was already standing, but he got the point.
"Hey, but you were the one who heard me and Hyunjin talking!" Felix exclaimed before he could stop himself. He really didn't mind anymore. In fact, her listening in was probably meant to happen, seeing as he'd been so doubtful and insecure of himself. But it was funny to bring up, just to see how she would react.
True to form, Robin fake-gasped, grabbing onto Jisung's hand playfully, kicking her legs out to fully stretch out. "It's not my fault! You guys were yelling so loud, it was impossible not to!"
Felix interrupted her again, glancing down at her legs when she shifted around. Pointing, he yelped, "hey, aren't those Laska's sweatpants?? Those are her favorites!"
"She let me borrow them," Robin replied hastily.
Everyone eyed her in complete disbelief.
"She didn't say that, Robs," Renee said, shaking her head. "I have the receipts."
"Like hell she didn't," Felix muttered, frowning harder. "Those are her favorite pants, like, ever! You better change before we come back, or she'll kick your ass."
Hyunjin suddenly snapped back into the conversation, like he was a robot performing a hard reset. "Huh? Who? What? When was I yelling?"
JJ rolled her eyes, chuckling up at the man next to her. He was clearly a few minutes behind in the conversation. "Nothing, Hyun, just leave it alone. Felix, you should go. I think her flight leaves in about two hours, so she'll probably be arriving at the airport soon."
Felix nodded at his friends. Chan looked at him with concern. "I promise, if things don't work out, I'll be okay." He assured him. Chan patted his back. Changbin punched him way too hard in the arm.
"You better bring our girl back safe!" Riley warned him, fixing him with a stare.
"Yeah, you don't wanna see scary Mya," Mya nodded furiously. "We want her back so we can all go orange picking together!"
"I can't wait for oranges, but Laska would make it a lot more fun," Renee chimed in. Seungmin placed his hand on top of hers, and her cheeks turned pink.
Felix nodded at everyone. He hadn't fully realized just how nervous he was about what he was setting out to do, until now. He'd been all adrenaline up until this moment, ready to fight and get you back. And while he was still determined to chase after you, it felt really nice to know that his friends had his back, even if he was unsuccessful. And hearing from your friends just how much you cared about him only fueled his desire to get you back and give you the relationship you deserved. It was also nice to know that other people cared about you, and that as a very last resort, their friendship might convince you to come back for one more day.
The Uber driver, who had been paid to wait for Felix until he was done packing, got out of the car, putting Felix's bag in the trunk before starting the car again.
All of his friends raced down the stairs to see him off, Seungmin actually jumping over Mya's head as she got to the bottom of the steps to chase after the car. Who knew he was that flexible? Jisung followed him, the two laughing and waving as Felix got into the car. The wind whipped both of their hair back from their faces, the trees shaking around them. Felix couldn't help but smile as he watched them and their antics.
"You ready to go?" The driver said, glancing into the back seat through the rear view mirror.
Felix nodded quietly. The ride would only be about half an hour, but that half hour, plus getting inside and finding you, would make it extremely close. He wasn't sure if he would make it in time, but he knew he had to try.
As the car made its way down the gently winding streets, he decided he needed a plan of attack. How was he going to win you back? He knew whatever he did would have to be grand, exciting, and romantic, everything you loved. While he knew you weren't always the biggest fan of cheesy public displays of affection, the one of 5e things you'd asked from him was that he felt proud to be in a relationship with you.
And now, that was what he wanted, too. He just had to prove that he was in it for the long haul, for real.
"Are you scared of people finding out that we're together?"
Your words still echoed through his mind like a curse. He had never wanted to make you feel like he was ashamed to be in a relationship with you, but in the end, that was exactly what he'd done. He'd let his own fears and insecurities get in the way of being with you unapologetically.
But now he was ready. He knew that.
And so an idea began to blossom in his mind. An idea of how to get you back.
As the Uber driver parked the car outside the airport, and Felix rushed inside as fast as he physically could without knocking people over, he knew what he was going to do. Whether or not you listened to him would be a problem for future Felix.
Right now, he just had to get there and find out.
laska's note โ
eek! the end is near, our babies are both at the airport! what do you think is gonna happen? will they leave together? come back to the beach for one last day? or will alaska leave by herself, leaving felix? i wanna hear what you think! all of their friends are rooting for them so hard, and so am i!
question of the day โ
did you watch the new skz comeback trailer? rockstar is COMING! what parts were your favorite if you had any?
my answer โ
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