LOVE SUMMER; + lieke martens

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Summary: in which a summer where they are celebrating all records of the season, something happens with three teammates.

Warnings: smut, fluff.

Note: English is not my first language.

The final season came to an end. And to celebrate all record they had that season, even when they loss the Champions final, the team want to celebrate in a weekend before they all parted with their nationals teams for the Euro. They rent a village in Ibiza. Today was the first full day there and the ambient was very clear. Beach, go to dinner to a restaurant and party until the end.

They after dinner decide go to at a club, a lot of them get wasted there, but the party continued in the village. Y/N was ones of the sober, alongside to Alexia and Lieke. The three staying sober because they aren't a big fan of alcohol. Maybe Lieke, of all of three them was who drink, but not too much.

Y/N was where the pool was, looking with fun how Aitana was singing in Catalan while Leila and Mapi do the same but in Spanish. Inside of the pool was Sandra, Patri, Jenni and Ana, playing against each other, the only context there that they can't stop laughing. Then, later are Ingrid and Frido, starting to dance with the try of a song from the first mentioned. Lieke was with Mariona, Irene and Pere sitting on the edge of the pool while they talked. The rest was inside of the big house, probably talking or dancing or both things.

The night continued, every hour passed they all, less Y/N, Lieke and Alexia, were very drunk. At some point of the night, Aitana was passed out in the floor next to a kitchen chair. Seeing this situation, the three girls decided take her to the room she was staying.

"Can you stop to laugh and help us?" Alexia said, annoyed seeing Lieke in front of them singing and dancing.

"You're not fun, Ale." Lieke said, rolling her eyes and pouting. "I will help Caro get to her room." She stated, going down again and went to where the norwegian is.

Y/N heard Alexia growls, but she didn't say nothing. The truth is that Y/N and Alexia not talk if not necessary, so right now they walk in silence with Aitana in the middle. The young Catalan started to mumbled incoherent things, all of it in Catalan of course. Y/N couldn't understand very much, but she caught a name, maybe she can tease Aitana once she is sober and annoying her.

"Can you open the door?" Alexia whispered softly, Y/N extended her left hand and careful to not made loud noises, she opened it. The bedroom was dark, probably Aitana's roomie was sleeping so they decided let the door open to see something and not turn on the light so as not to interrupt the other person's sleep. "Wait, it's too dark." Alexia whispered, since they are inside of the room, Y/N couldn't see what her teammate is doing. But soon she found out what it is. Alexia puts the flashlight of her phone, illuminating the room, they can see Mariona and Patri sleeping together. Alexia didn't put her phone up too much, just illuminating their walk. Once they manage to put Aitana in her bed, they got out of there carefully. Alexia turn off the flashlight, closing the door.

They walk in silence to the living room again, don't seeing no trace of their blonde teammate or Lieke. "I'm going to the kitchen to take some water." Y/N informed Alexia, who nodded with her head, sitting on the sofa tiredly. Y/N went to the kitchen slowly, she is tired too. When she arrived, she grabs a glass and grab too a cold bottle from inside the refrigerator. She was sipping from her glass when Lieke entered her field of vision, Y/N could appreciate that the Dutch girl swam in the pool. "Really?" Y/N ask, shaking her head funny.

"Yes, I was hot." She simply said, taking off her glass and sipping from it, giving an innocent smile after.

"That's why you chose Caro, because her room it's downstairs." Y/N muttered.

"Maybe..." Lieke trailed off, shrugging her shoulders.

"It's everyone in their rooms?" Alexia came, putting her hands on the counter.

"Yep, captain." Lieke joked, looking at Alexia who rolled her eyes.

"Why are you in bikini?" The Catalan asked, confused.

"Well, I took a bath in the big bathtub." Lieke said, Y/N laughed softly at this. Alexia looks at her briefly and then at Lieke, showing her middle finger.

Alexia grabs a glass and put some cold water from the bottle, still outside, in the glass. Lieke was staring at Y/N, the glass covering her mouth. Y/N looks at her questioning, not understanding why her friend was looking at her like that. Lieke deposited the glass in the counter and walking slowly towards Y/N, she planted their hands on her cheeks and kiss innocently her lips, it took Y/N by surprise. Y/N was with her eyes open, not knowing how to react.

Lieke separated but not too much, she puts her arms around Y/N's neck. "Relax. Just... Let yourself go." The Dutch whispered. Y/N looks at Alexia, who has her cheeks red while she avoided their interaction. Y/N looks at Lieke again, this time she closed her eyes waiting for the next move.

Their lips meet again, a simple touch. Lieke pass her tongue for Y/N's lower lip, asking for permission. Y/N gave it, their tongues touching for the first time, the young player let out a discreet moan, making Lieke intensify the kiss. Before they separated for due to lack of air, Lieke bite Y/N's lower lip.

Lieke looks at her with lust on her brown eyes. Y/N started blush with her intense look. Lieke stop Alexia when she was going, the Dutch grabs Alexia's hand and turned her, face to face. Lieke leaned, brushing her lips with Alexia's, the kiss at first was soft but soon turned passionate. The Catalan puts her hands on Lieke's hips, leaning her head to aside, giving Lieke more access to kiss her. They separated after, breathing heavily. The brown eyed girl turned towards Y/N again, grabbing her hand.

"Now, you two kiss." Lieke whispered, pushing Alexia softly towards Y/N.

Alexia looks at her shyly, but put her hands on Y/N's waist, caressing her skin exposed. Y/N pass her tongue for her lips, raising up her head a little since Alexia is taller than her.

"Is this okay?" Alexia whispered, leaning slowly towards her, brushing her nose to hers. Y/N puts her arms around her neck, nodding with her head. "Say it out loud, please."

"Yes, its okay if you kiss me." Y/N said, taking her the initiative and closed the gap between them. It's was weird at first, but it take a second to Alexia to took out a moan from her mouth. The Catalan picked her up and sat her on the counter, Alexia puts herself between Y/N's legs. Y/N's tongue was playing with hers, both of them waiting to see who win their first battle. But it was a draw, since they need air to breath.

"That was hot." Lieke comments behind Alexia's back. The midfielder let out a tiny smile, putting a lock of hair behind Y/N's ear.

"It was." Alexia agreed with the Dutch girl, kissing Y/N's neck slowly. This one let out another moan, she can feel Alexia's smirk on her skin.

"Why don't we move this into the bedroom?" Lieke suggest, hugging Alexia from behind looking at Y/N while she started kiss her neck.

"Fine by me..." Y/N muttered, biting her lower lip while she get off from the counter but staying in Alexia's arms. Y/N began to undo the buttons of her hawaiian shirt.

Alexia looked at her with dark eyes between some loud sighs thanks to Lieke's job on her neck. When Y/N unbuttoned her shirt, she could appreciate her black bra. She didn't take it off, liking the view of seeing Alexia like that. Then she separated full from her, getting out from the kitchen with direction to the living room. She could heard the other two coming behind her.

"What room?" Lieke questioned when Y/N stopped there.

"You are staying with Caro, right?" Alexia asked Lieke, her arms around her neck, her hand playing with Lieke's fingers.

"Yes and with Pere and Ana." The Dutch informed. "You?" She asked Y/N.

"Mapi, Frido and Ingrid." At this the other two let out a laugh, Y/N rolled her eyes. "There its Frido too." Y/N points out.

"Like the couple mind that." Lieke answered still laughing.

"What about you?" Y/N asked Alexia, changing the subject.

"Leila, Jenni and Sandra." The three let out a frustrated sigh. "There is more bedrooms free, right?" The Catalan asked loud.

"I'm going to the left, you both to the right." Y/N ordered them, up the stairs. "If you saw a free bedroom send a text." She comments, going to the left at the top.

"I thought that Alexia was the only one giving orders, not you." Lieke teases Y/N, for second time that night Lieke received another middle finger, she just laugh.

Y/N walks for the hall, not entering in the first doors, knowing that there are her sleeping teammates. She give a try in the four door at the right, she opened it carefully, biting her lip nervously. Y/N felt annoyed when she saw that it was a bathroom, a lot of things on the floor, she closed it. Not far away there is another door, but she opted to open the last one in front of her. Y/N opened it and turn on the light, a proud smirk on her face. She took at photo and send it to Lieke. She enters inside and sit down on the big bed, that it didn't have the sheets on, she went to the closet, maybe there will be clean sheets. But not, she let out a sigh, maybe they don't care about it, right?

"Damn it, no one see this bedroom? It's weird." Lieke said. Y/N jumps on the spot, she could heard soft giggles coming from the girls. "Sorry, I think you knew that we will coming."

"What are on your beers, Lieke? At this point it's annoying." Y/N comments, giving her an innocent smile.

Alexia closed the door. "Don't worry, Y/N. We will shut her up now." She said sternly, grabbing her ass.

Y/N felt something inside when she heard her name coming out from Alexia's mouth, with a deep voice that excited her. Lieke turned around and grabbing her chin, kissed her hungrily. Alexia started walk towards the bed, pushing her gently once they approached it. Y/N was seeing everything from the closet.

"Are you staying there? Because these party it's about three, not two." Lieke command, extending her arm towards Y/N. Alexia puts herself in top of Lieke, kissing her chest, above the bikini. Y/N sit down once she arrived to the bed, watching the other two enjoy, it made her felt aroused in some parts of her body.

Alexia separated from Lieke, looking at Y/N. "It's your turn." She signaled with her head the brunette, moving away from Lieke but she remained close.

Y/N crawled over to Lieke, sitting on her lap. She took off her top, throwing it in some part of the bedroom, same with her skirt. They were all barefoot since they came from the club. So Y/N stayed on her underwear, going down to kiss Lieke with lust and desire. Lieke's hands travel for her body, staying on her thighs. Y/N separated from her lips, trailing them for her neck and chest, with a brief look towards her, asked if she could remove it, Lieke nods. Her right hand travel for her back, removing it off quickly, then she ran her fingers for her neck, removing the knot that was there. Y/N looks her now naked chest, removing the bikini and throwing it with her clothes.

"Alexia, I think we had work to do." She said without looking at her, putting her left nipple on her mouth, earning a whimper from the girl down her, who squeeze her thighs. She felt Alexia going to her side, Y/N moved to let her space. They look each other when the Catalan get down, wrapping with her lips around Lieke's right nipple. The Dutch was a mess of moans, Y/N bite her nipple softly, earning a hiss from her.

"You need be more quiet, cariΓ±o mΓ­o." Y/N warned in a whisper.

"I like that side of you..." Lieke said, biting her lower lip hard. Y/N get down on her abs, giving them mouthed kisses.

"Alexia, give her a warn." Y/N whispered on her ear. Alexia grunted, looking at her.

"My pleasure." The Catalan whispered, she removed her bikini bottom, letting Lieke totally naked. Alexia didn't give time to Lieke when she attacks her clit with her mouth, making Lieke moan louder. Y/N decided muffled her moans with her mouth while she looks Alexia eat her out how she could from her position. The view was making Y/N burn inside her, more specifically between her legs. Their saliva dropped from their mouth, the fault was from Alexia who was making Lieke cry of pleasure. The Dutch didn't take long in came, she bite her lip hardly while pass an arm for her shoulder, it made both girls hiss from different reasons.

"Even your cum it's sweet." Alexia mumbled, making both girls look at her. Y/N could feel how her eyes turned darker seeing how Lieke's cum dropped from her chin, Y/N pounced on her, kissing Alexia hungrily, testing how sweet Lieke is.

They separated for air, Y/N had something in mind so she decided to made it reality. While she has her back towards Lieke since she is looking Alexia, Y/N removed her panties slowly, seeing Alexia jaw clenching while she is looking directly how Y/N was removing it. Once she throws it out, Y/N puts her hands on Alexia's shoulders, sitting on Lieke's abs, a sigh of pleasure escaped from their lips.

"Shit, Y/N/N." Lieke grunted when she felt how wet Y/N is.

Y/N started to move slowly, the sensation making her let out softs moans, with her eyes half closed, her gaze was on Alexia. The midfielder was looking at her with lust and desire, intensify her pleasure. She lightened her movements, opening more her legs for Alexia to see, still her hands on her shoulders, holding on. Alexia's was stuck on her pussy, her hands on Lieke's knees. When her orgasms started to approach, Y/N puts a hand on her mouth, muffling her louds moans. Alexia replaced Y/N's hand for her mouth when Y/N came, removing her bra and pushing her on top of Lieke, Y/N and Lieke letting out moans when their naked skin fully touched. Y/N wrapped her legs around Alexia's waist, her clit made contact with her abs, the catalan grunted in the kiss.

"I want you fuck me." Y/N said seductively looking Alexia at her eyes.

"Yes please." Lieke muttered from down of them. Alexia gaze her and gave her a smirk, removing her shirt off alongside her jeans and underwear. Now, the three are naked.

"I need you open more your legs..." Alexia ordered in a soft voice. Once Y/N does it, the Catalan put herself between her legs, resting her hands carefully on their sides of both. When their clit are aligned, Alexia began to move her hips, soon the sound echoing in the room. Soft moans started to float from their mouth, Y/N saw how Alexia leaned to kiss Lieke. Y/N take advantage of it and began to bite Alexia's neck, letting a trail of hickeys there. Her hips intensify, her movements become faster, Y/N involuntary wrapped her legs around her waist, creating more friction. Y/N closed her eyes when she started feel her second orgasm, biting with a little more force her neck, digging her nails into her back.

"Cum for us, Ale..." Lieke encouraged between kisses. When Y/N felt movements she opened her eyes, seeing Alexia's face looking at both of them, stopping her moans biting her lip. Y/N moved an arm from Alexia's back and put it on Lieke's face, caressing without looking.

Once their orgasm came, Alexia let herself fall on top of Y/N, breathing heavily. With the hand that she had on her back, Y/N began to caress her back, noticing how the Catalan skin bristled.

"Girls? I like it but I can't breathe." Lieke informs them. Alexia and Y/N get up quickly, apologizing. Lieke laughs adorably. "Hey, stop say sorry." She get up too and put herself on Y/N's lap, her back on Y/N's front. "What about her?" The Dutch inquired looking at Alexia, clearly the question was directed at Y/N.

Alexia frown, leaning her head to aside. "What about me?"

Y/N pass her arms around Lieke's waist, putting her head on her shoulder while looked at the other girl. "In middle." Y/N simply said, pecking briefly her shoulder.

Lieke extents her hand towards Alexia and when she took it, the Dutch moved and put herself to her right, making Y/N stay on Alexia's left. Y/N moves and side hug Alexia, admiring the work her and Lieke did on her neck and shoulders, hickeys covered some spots of her skin.

Y/N pushed Alexia gently on the bed, her back hitting the mattress. Lieke and Y/N lay on either side, Alexia's arms immediately involved on their bodys. Y/N grabs with her hands Lieke face and smashed their lips together. Alexia let out a mix of a frustrated and excited sigh, she saw how the kiss change of intensity, the noise it made from their tongues bumping into each other.

"I'm going down." Y/N whispers on Lieke's lips, a lustful smirk on both faces. Y/N crawled and positioned her head between Alexia's legs, who opened it when she heard the sentence escaped from Y/N's mouth.

Alexia growls letting her head on the pillow when she felt Y/N's tongue lick her pulsing center. Then other girl attacks her breasts with her mouth, soft whimpers from Alexia was starting to be heard. Her hands travels to them, one in Y/N's head pressing more to where she needs and the other in Lieke's ass, squeezing it hard.

"Looks at our captain, Liks. I'm sure she felt proud of us right now..." Y/N stops to insert her index finger. She let out a small moan when she noticed the facility her finger enter inside Alexia.

"Treatment special for everything she does for us... Captain." Lieke follows Y/N's game, massaging with a hand her left breast while she sucks her right nipple with her mouth, biting not too hard.

Alexia rolled her eyes at the pleasure she was feeling. And when the word 'captain' was introduced, her excitement multiplied. "I'm close..." She informs with an agitated breathing.

"Cum for us, capitana." Y/N mumbled before she attacks again with her mouth her clit, her face disappear from their views.

"I want see it." Lieke reincorporated and moved to aside to see how Y/N works with her tongue and fingers while Alexia's was scratching her back, making Lieke hiss from the pain. Her hand travels to her mouth to prevent Alexia's loud moan, her face twisted from pleasure. Y/N raised her head with an innocent smile on her lips, her chin with cum from the Catalan, her lips red from all the work she made with them all night. Lieke went to kiss her, testing on her mouth Alexia's cum.

They all three lay together, calming from tonight's events. "I think we need come back to our rooms..." Y/N proposed after a while, caressing Alexia's abdomen, all their legs was intertwined.

"Yeah, you have right." Alexia said, sighing tiredly. They reincorporated and without talk too much, they started to dress. "We will accompany you downstairs Lieke." The midfielder informs. They before get out from there, Y/N open the window to ventilate the room.

They get down in silence, Y/N had her head leaned on Lieke's shoulder, she was starting feel the tiredness from the day. "Thanks for walking me to the room." Lieke said with a tired smile, she pecks Y/N's lips and Alexia's. "Good night." She said before close the door.

Y/N and

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