๐–ˆ๐–๐–†๐–•๐–™๐–Š๐–— ๐–™๐–œ๐–Š๐–‘๐–›๐–Š - we're getting the band back together

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Waking up, you quickly shot up grabbed your black Karasuno tracksuit, slipping it on top of your shirt and black shorts.ย  You snatched the bags from the corner of the room, putting on your volleyball shoes.

You were genuinely excited for today; you would be seeing Nekoma.

You noticed Kageyama had already left, his futon being empty.

You made a dash out of the door, running out of the building to meet with the rest of the team.

"Sorry I'm late," You apologized, curtly bowing.

"It's alright. Now that everyone is here, let's start walking to the gym." Takeda suggested.

It was a short walk; not too long that you would have gotten tired, but not short enough that you could see it from the dormitory.

From a distance, you could see the other team walking towards you.

You couldn't help but smile, holding your signature locket that you had always worn in the palm of your hand.

This was the first time in four years that you would be seeing the two boys you loved so muchโ€” it was the most excited you had ever been.

The moment you saw their faces, you froze. They were so matured compared to when you last saw them. Kenma held a new game pad, but Kuroo was wearing the pair of shoes you had gotten him all those years ago. Now that you mentioned it, they were both much, much taller than you now.

Not wanting to catch any unwanted attention, you stayed put in the crowd, urging yourself to not run over and tackle them on the spot.

They were so different, and yet you knew that deep down, they were the same old troublemaking duo you knew before.

"Line up for the greeting!" Daichi commanded the team.

"Thank you for having us!"

"Nice to meet you!"

The lines dispersed and standing there was him; you couldn't believe it.

"(n-name), is it really..?"

"Tetsu? I-"

In a split second, you were devoured in a hug, being pressed against his body. You hugged back, nuzzling your face in his chest.

"Do you know how much I missed you? I wanted to come here, even just for a day, but you know. Okaa-san won't let me travel on my own." He chuckled.

"I see you fit in the shoes I got you." You giggled.

"Yeah," he breathed out in amazement, almost as if he didn't believe any of this was happening.

"I can see you're still short as ever."

"Baka! I'm not that short!"

"Oh really? What's your height?"

"Five feet, two inches." You said sternly in his face. He tried to hold back a laugh, but he cackled hysterically.

(don't mind the fact that this is kuroonana. I was too lazy to search up the original pic of him laughing, so here's my photoshopped version ๐Ÿ˜ŒโœŒ๏ธ)

"Shut up!"

"HAH- I'm- HA- sorry- JDKJSJS- it's just that you're a whole foot shorter than me now. And I can see you've gotten feistier." He winked at you jokingly.

"I'm leaving now, baka pervert. I regret approaching you." You sarcastically commented, pretending to leave.

"Wait!" He held you by your shoulder, forcing you to face him.

"I really did miss you though. It's been hard for me and Kenma without you, but now that you're here, I feel like I can feel complete again." He softly spoke as the kissed your forehead. You blushed at the contact, pouting your lips and facing the other direction.

"C'mon, let's go inside. You should greet Kenma. Even though he acts like he doesn't care about you, he really does." He took your hand in his and started walking to the entrance of the building.

There you saw the pudding-haired male on his console, as usual. You were glad he didn't change at all, either.

"Hey, Kenma." You smiled at him. He widened his eyes, coming towards you as if to see if you were real or not.


"Yup- ah!" You we're surprised by a sudden tight hug, and the scent of his shirt, which smelled vaguely like his unique scent.

"I missed you." He mumbled, shoving his face in the crook of your neck.

"I missed you, too, Kenma. I like your new hair." You smiled, cupping his face with your hands.

"Thanks." He mumbled.

"As much as I want to talk with you guys again, we should head inside. We do have a game to finish," You reminded them both.

"Haha, you're right." He chuckled, wrapping his arm around your shoulder.

The three of you walked in, earning many gazes from both teams.

"Tetsu, I know this sounds weird, but I think we look like a couple right now." You whispered in his ear.

His face didn't falter unlike before, when he was still a third year in middle school.

"Tetsu, do you still have feelings-"

"Don't worry. I have my eye out for someone else." He smirked, letting you go from his grasp.

"Alright, I have to go to coach. He's calling us." He waved, walking away.

"Who was that? Do you know him, (last name)?" You heard a voice coming from behind you.

Tsukishima. For some reason, he was being awfully nosy about everything.

"Tsukishima, you should be focused on the match." You scolded him.

No matter how much they tried, Karasuno just couldn't beat Nekoma.

Although they lost, they came back looking as fired up as ever.

"Good job! I'm proud of all of you!" You smiled, encouraging them further.

"(name), can we talk?" Kuroo grabbed you and pulled you away, not letting you answer.

"Yeah?" You asked once the two of you were outside of the gym.

"You know how you asked me if I still have feelings for you? Well..." He paused, taking a deep breath.

Was he still in love with you after all those years? You couldn't believe it, but you knew it was possible. You didn't know what he was going to say, but you were prepared for anything he said.

"I- I like Kenma now."


Okay, you definitely weren't prepared for this.

"You're gay?" You asked him.

"Uh, I think I'm bisexual." He answered. (This is not canon, just a headcannon of mine!)

"Oh, okay. Well, I support you! I don't know if Kenma likes you back, but know that I'm rooting for the both of you!" You hugged him, pulling him into your small arms.

"Wait, that's all you're going to say?" He questioned you, as if you were crazy.

"Well, yeah. I don't care about your sexuality or whatever, I support it. You're my best friend; You always will be, no matter what." You smiled at him.

"Anyways, can I get your number? I didn't have a phone when I was in Tokyo, and I forgot to ask you." You sheepishly laughed.

The two of you exchanged numbers, heading back inside.

"Are you going to tell Kenma anytime soon?" You stared at him.

"Ha, I don't think so. We're childhood friendsโ€” I don't want to mess it up because of a stupid little crush." He sadly laughed.

You nodded, continuing to walk.

"How about you? Got feelings for anybody?"

You tried to look for a person you felt that way towards, but none came to mind.

"Nope." You bluntly answered.

"Also, if I'm ever going to play in Tokyo, I'll make sure to get you and Kenma front seats."

"You better. I know you can't go around Tokyo when you're in the U-19, but you should have sneaked out to meet us. Going four years without you was boring, ya' know?"

"Alright, I'll try." You joked, smiling at him.

"(last name), Daichi-san told me to tell you we're leaving now." You were startled by the sudden voice coming from behind you. The voice was once again Tsukishima.

"Oh, okay. Bye, Tetsu!" You waved, heading in the other direction.

Kuroo and Tsukishima stared at each other, The latter finally speaking.

"Are you her friend?"

"Yeah, we go way back. The name's Kuroo Tetsurou. Nice to meet you."

"Tsukishima Kei."

They shook hands, the blonde haired male about to take a leave.

"You should know that you shouldn't let her go. I can see the way you look at herโ€” I used to look at her that way, too." He stopped him.

He blushed, walking away. He felt himself scrunch up his face and grow frustrated;

What did he mean by that?


"You sure are popular, huh?" Tsukishima spoke, sitting beside you on the bus once again.

"What makes you say that?" You asked, turning your head towards him.

"Well, you pretty much know everyone." He said.

You weren't really listening to him, as you were listening to a song as well.

"Are you even hearing me?" He asked, clearly annoyed that you weren't talking to him.

"O-Oh, sorry. You're usually listening to music, why don't you have you headphones on?"

"Because I'm talking to you, baka."

Was he making an effort to talk to you? It was strange for him, knowing his personality in the short time you knew him, he was rather introverted.

"Anywaysโ€”" You were cut off by the sound of your phone ringing, so you apologized and grabbed it out of your bag. Answering the call, you heard a familiar voice.

"Hey, (name)-chan!" The man that has called you was one of your U-19 managers, mostly just there for making calls.

"Mairu-san? What did you call me for?" You spoke softly, covering your mouth to lower the noise.

"You have a match against Brazil in around a month! It's just been confirmed. Ya' better be practicing those sets of yours, we need 'em!" He exclaimed.

"Yeah, okay. Thank you, Mairu-san. You can email me the details later." You hung up, placing the phone back into your bag.

"Who was that?"

"You know, you should stop just asking who anyone is. They could be a personal friend who's trying to tell me something confidential." You spoke.

"O-oh, that came off as rude, didn't it? I'm sorry." You apologized, bowing your head.

"No, it's fine."

This felt like dรฉjร  vu.

"Um, to answer your question, that was my manager on the U-19. He called me to tell me we had a match in around a month."

"I forgot you're so accomplished..." He mumbled to himself.

"I guess it runs in your family." He stated.

"Yeah," You solemnly replied.

He heard the sadness in your voice when he mentioned family, so he decided to drop the topic.

"Ne, Tsukishima. Why do you hate Akiteru-san?"

Why would you ask him that all of a sudden? You didn't need to know that.


"Actually, never mind. Just ignore the question."

Silence followed the next couple of seconds, giving you a time to just stare at each other.

"Akiteru was someone that I believed in; someone that I looked up to," He answered, sighing.

You were now all ears on what he was saying.

"A long time ago, when I was still a kid, he told me that he was the ace for Karasuno's team. This was around the time the little giant was on their roster."

You knew where this was going by those two sentences, but you decided to let him continue.

"He wouldn't let me come to any of his games, sine he told me it would make him lose his focus. Then one day, I decided to come because a kid told me that his older brother was actually the ace, but I didn't believe him. I thought, why would this kid tell me lies? So we both arrived at the gym, and there he wasโ€” sitting in the bleachers like a loser. I couldn't trust him after thatโ€” I wouldn't." It seemed like he wanted to let that out for a long time, so you did the only thing you could think of; you hugged him.

Wrapping your arms around his much larger frame, you embraced him with all of the care you had.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that. It really is terrible."

"W-what are you d-doing?" He stuttered out.

"What else do you think I'm doing, baka," You teased. "I'm hugging you, of course."

He blushed, sitting there and looking away until you let go.

'I guess we both have someone in our family that messed us up, huh?'You thought.

"Thank you, (last name). Thank you for being here."


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