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A/N~This was requested by MultiFandomSimp34567, I hope you and everyone else likes it.ย 

TW~Bruising and injury.


I'm so excited to be here at the Stanley Hotel with my boyfriend Colby and our best friend Sam. I'm a medium, and we're trying to get some answers from the other side. We've been planning this trip for months, and I'm feeling a mix of emotions - excitement, nervousness, and a little bit of fear.

As we walk into the hotel, I can feel the energy shifting. It's like the air is thick with anticipation. I glance over at Colby, who's giving me a reassuring smile "you okay baby girl?"

I nod, feeling a little silly for being nervous. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just getting a little anxious, I guess."

Sam, who's been quiet until now, speaks up. "You know, I've heard some crazy stories about this place. People have reported all sorts of paranormal activity."

I raise an eyebrow. "Like what?"

Sam shrugs. "Ghostly apparitions, unexplained noises... some people even claim to have seen the ghost of the hotel owner himself."

Colby chuckles. "Yeah, right. Like that's even possible."

But I'm not so sure. "Colby, your whole ghost hunting career makes you believe in this shit and now you don't believe it?" I asked as I've been sensing something strange all day, and it's only getting stronger.

"Well, no but the hotel owner may not have even died here, it could be a hypothesis." He stated as Sam started recording. The boys filmed their intro and introduced me and then we made our way to our room. I can already feel the energy building inside me.

Once we're settled in, Colby speaks up "maybe someone should do an Estes Method, see what these spirits want." For those who don't know, it's a technique where you listen to static noise and try to tune in to the spirits. It's supposed to be really powerful and sometimes, you can even get full sentences and great answers.

I nod eagerly, putting on the headphones and blindfold. Sam starts recording with his camera, and Colby sits down beside me.

At first, all I hear is static noise. But then, I start to pick out words - elevator, hotel, room. It's the spirits trying to communicate with me.

But as we keep listening, the words start to get darker. I hear words like death, target, and bruise. My heart starts racing as I realize that something is seriously wrong.

I feel a pain on my arm and wince a bit and then suddenly, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I freeze, my heart pounding in my chest. Who or what could be touching me?

In my panic I realise the guys are trying to pull me out of the Estes Method so I slowly take off the blindfold and headphones, and look around in confusion. That's when I see Sam still standing there, still recording with his camera and Colby crouched in front of me, his eyes fixed on my arm.

"Did you feel any arm pain?" he asks softly.

I hesitate for a moment before nodding. "Yeah...why?"

Colby gently takes my arm and examines it. And then he shows me something that makes my blood run cold.

There's a hand print on my arm - a clear impression of someone's palm - and a bruise that looks like it was caused by a serious injury.

I feel a chill run down my spine as I gaze at my arm in horror. "Holy shit!" I exclaimed. What kind of spirit could have done this?

And then I look behind Sam... and see something that makes my heart skip a beat.

There's an evil apparition standing there, its eyes glowing with an otherworldly light. It's tall and gaunt, with long fingers that seem to be reaching out for Sam.

"Sam, come towards me, don't freak out." I whispered as I stood up making my way towards Sam as he walked to the other side of the room.

I grab Colby's hand tightly, feeling a sense of panic wash over me. "You're not allowed to touch any of us or do anything to harm us" I speak into the room as the evil entity vanished.

Colby looks at me reassuringly. "We have to stay in our room tonight, so lets set up a camera and a timer for 3am and see if anything happens," he says softly.

Without another word, we decide to head back to our room at the Stanley Hotel, ready to face whatever evil spirits are lurking in the shadows.

We settle in for the night and I can't help but wonder what other surprises this night has in store for us.

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