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๐—”๐—น๐—น ๐—ฐ๐—ต๐—ฒ๐—ฒ๐—ฟ๐—น๐—ฒ๐—ฎ๐—ฑ๐—ฒ๐—ฟ๐˜€ ๐—ฐ๐—น๐—ฎ๐—ฝ๐—ฝ๐—ฒ๐—ฑ. "I'm so glad to be here! I promise I'll do my best!" Emiko smiled. "Seriously? Her out of everyone?" (Y/n) whispered. "What's wrong with that?" Akari whispered back. "Doesn't it seem a bit weird that coach let her in right before nationals?" (Y/n) spoke thinking back to Rin's suspicions about Emiko.

"No? Maybe he saw something in her that was special." Akari replied. "Ah, maybe you're right and I'm just overreacting." (Y/n) sighed. "(L/n), Atsumi, you'll be practicing with Kobayashi today. Be sure to show her the ropes." The coach spoke as the two nodded.

"Hey, Akari, (Y/n)!" Emiko approached the duo. "Hi Emiko! I'm so glad we'll get to help you today." Akari exclaimed. "Same!" Emiko smiled as they got into formation.

The trio began to do a few sets of splits until the coach gathered everyone. "Alright girls, we only have five days until nationals, so here's what we're going to do." Coach Hiroshi started.

"Akemi and Haruki, you'll be at the front performing a handstand falling into a bridge, half of you all will be performing an elbow stand and the other half will be doing splits." Coach Hiroshi continued to explain the formation.

"Finally, (L/n) will be on top of the pyramid, she'll jump performing some front flips, and then land on their hands. Alright?" Coach finished as they all nodded. "Alright, I want to see what I explained in action."

All moves were performed as Coach Hiroshi said. (Y/n) was now at the top of the pyramid, then she jumped performing two perfect front flips as she landed safely on her teammates' hands.

"Excellent!" Coach chirped. "If we continue by this state until nationals, we'll surely win the cup! Alright, girls don't forget to practice, I'll see you tomorrow."

Amidst all the girls congratulating (Y/n) on performing the difficult move, stood Emiko feeling jealousy bubble through her as she plastered a fake smile and walked towards (Y/n). "Oh my god, you were perfect!" "Ah, thanks Emiko." (Y/n) smiled.

"I might just say it, you have the moves to go pro. Good luck!" Emiko stated as she began to leave. However, (Y/n) had a gut feeling that she shook off for now.


It was yet another day and another practice match between Kyลto and Shiketsu High. The players from both teams entered the field as the students seated on the bleachers cheered. Most girls were fawning over the boys.

"Oh my gosh look at how cute they are!" Emiko exclaimed. "Why is she sitting with us again?" (Y/n) whispered to Akari. "Don't be like that (Y/n)! She's nice." Akari whispered back as (Y/n) sighed.

"So Emiko, who do you think is the cutest?" Akari teased. "The auburn-haired one that was sitting with you guys," Emiko replied. "Sae?" (Y/n) muttered in shock. "Yeah." Emiko continued to stare at him.

Akari looked at (Y/n) noticing how annoyed she's gotten. "Are you alright? Are you jealous?" Akari teased trying to lighten up the mood. "No, besides we're not even dating. It's just weird seeing someone liking my best friend, that's all." (Y/n) spoke.

"Uh-huh... now let's just enjoy watching them." Akari smiled as she continued to watch the boys play along with Emiko. On the other hand, (Y/n) couldn't shake off the feeling inside of her.

Finally, the final whistle blew minutes seconds after Isagi shot a goal successfully into Shiketsu's net as everyone stood up cheering.

"Okay, huddle up boys." The soccer coach gathered the Kyลto high players. "By this rate, we could win nationals. I'm expecting everyone to give their best. Dismissed."

All students headed to the hallways to proceed to their afternoon classes. As (Y/n) was conversing, an arm was placed on her shoulder. "So what did you think about my performance?" Sae smiled.

"You did great." (Y/n) plastered a fake smile. "Hmm, something's off. What's wrong?" Sae questioned. Throughout their childhood, Sae always knew when something was wrong or when (Y/n) was saddened.

"It's nothing, I'm just super tired, I really need to fix my sleep schedule." (Y/n) lied. "Are you sure?" Sae raised an eyebrow. "Yes, don't worry, now let's just go to class." (Y/n) removed Sae's arm and descended to class leaving Sae in confusion.


"Alright students, before you go I just want to remind everyone about our community services, two days after nationals we will be hosting a clean-up party at the beach, if you are able to participate please do. You all can go now." The science teacher explained as the students began to head out one by one.

"Are you gonna participate in that community service thing?" Akari asked (Y/n) as they walked outside the school grounds heading to Akari's vehicle as cheerleading was canceled today. Akari had recently gotten her driver's license.

"Yeah, what about you?" (Y/n) replied. "Mhm! This is gonna be so fun!" Akari spoke gleefully. "Where do you wanna go today?"

"Let's get some ice cream! It's pretty hot today." (Y/n) answered. "Yeah, sure!" Akari turned on the car as she began to drive to their destination.


"Mmm, just what I needed." (Y/n) savored the taste of her favorite flavored ice cream as Akari giggled. The doorbell of the establishment rang indicating the presence of a new person. (Y/n) looked at the door finding Emiko.

"Don't be mad, but I called Emiko to meet us here," Akari spoke. "Don't be mad? This was supposed to be our hangout only!" (Y/n) replied. "Don't be a bitch (Y/n), it's just one person." Akari rolled her eyes.

"A bitch?" (Y/n) repeated the words stated by her best friend. She couldn't believe what she heard. (Y/n) got up from her seat as she bumped into Emiko. "Hi, (Y/n)โ€”" The (h/c) haired girl ignored her and went outside the ice cream parlor.

(Y/n) got out her phone and dialed someone. "Hey (Y/n), you good?" The person greeted. "Can you come pick me up? I'm at the ice cream shop we used to go to as kids." (Y/n) replied. "Glaze parlor? Oh yeah, I'll be there in ten."


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