001. Perfect 28 Pt: I

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001. Perfect 28 Pt: I

SUMMARY: For her 28th birthday, Annabeth Chase was beyond curious about what her fiancΓ©, Percy Jackson, is planning for her. After being asked a question about her birthday, Annabeth has an idea of what he's planning, and she is excited. Too bad Percy has something else entirely planned for her that Annabeth would've never guess till she woke up on her birthday.

WARNING: Fluff with slightly suggestive content & a few curse words! | (A FEW) SONGS THAT I LISTENED TO WHILE WRITING THIS: WANNABE, ITZY. NOT SHY, ITZY. BIRTHDAY, SOMI. ADIOS, EVERGLOW. ONW, GOT7. | Part One. Part Two. Part Three.

LUCINDA SPEAKS: Hello! This is my debut one-shot for Umpah Umpah, and I'm very nervous about it! I know that Annabeth's birthday was a week ago, and I had planned to get this one-shot up last week, but uh, I had procrastinated, so here it is a week and four days later since July 12th. πŸ˜ƒ(πŸ”«) As the title states, this is part one of the mini birthday series (I apparently don't have self-control) as I'm pretty sure no one would read this one-shot if all three parts were combined together! Anyways, I had a fun time writing this one-shot, and I hope you enjoy reading it! I haven't edit the other two parts, so it's probably going to be a while till those two chapters are up, which I'm sorry aboutβ€”Procrastination gets to the best of us sometimes. πŸ˜”βœŒπŸΌ Unless I decided not to procrastinate, but we'll see. In the meantime, please enjoy and comment if you wish (comments make me feel very motivated, so even if it's just hi, I'll be happy πŸ₯°) Thank you for reading, and have a good day/night! Much Love, Lucinda! β˜”οΈ (Also, sorry if there are any grammar errors and happy belated 28th birthday to our fav Wise Girl <3)

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Birthdays were supposed to be fun and exciting, but Annabeth Chase never really cared for them. To her, birthdays weren't what everyone put them to be. They were only fun when you were younger, but as you grow older, birthdays are just a reminder that you're growing old. Each year, birthdays seemed to get more mediocre. In her opinion, they were disappointing, and Annabeth didn't have the best experience with them when she was growing up. Maybe that's why Annabeth wasn't too fond of them.

Yet ever since she met Percy Jackson at summer camp, Annabeth actually looked forward to her birthdays as he made them much better. Percy was her best friend, fiancee, and some would even say her soulmate. He was adorable and treated her like a queen. Percy was everything that she could ever ask for in a partner.

They lived in Union Square in New York City, which made Annabeth happy as she and Percy had always wanted to live there together. The two had been lucky to find a cozy apartment with two rooms and two bathrooms and happily lived there with their corgi, Blueberry.

Anyways, it was a couple of weeks before her birthday, three weeks to be exact, and Annabeth couldn't help but wonder what Percy was doing for her birthday as she washed the dishes. Every year, it was something small but extraordinary such as a dinner date or a trip to the beach even though they had work the next day. Whatever it was, Annabeth already loves it.

Β  Β  "Hey, Wise Girl," Said Percy, causing Annabeth to jolt out of her thoughts, and she looked up. She watched as Percy placed Blueberry's leash on the counter, and he said, "Blueberry and I are back from our walk!"

Β  Β  "Already? It only has been ten minutes or so since you guys left," Frowned Annabeth, glancing at the time on the oven, and asked, "Did something happen?"

Percy opened his mouth to answer when Annabeth looked behind him and saw Blueberry dripping water onto the floor as he ran into the kitchen. She pressed her lips together, seeing the muddy paw prints on the wooden floor, and looked at Percy.

"It started pouring outside, and we came back as fast as we could," Explained Percy and said, "And Blueberry got soakedβ€”Thinking about it now, I should have dried him off first."

"You should've," Agreed Annabeth, putting the dishes onto the rack. She dried her hands with a towel and tilted her head to the side, and said, "If Blueberry is completely soaked, why aren't you?"

Percy's hair was the only thing that was damp, and Annabeth raised an eyebrow; Percy blushed, running his fingers through his hair.

Β  Β  Β  Β  "Water immunity, love," Winked Percy, and Annabeth rolled her eyes and laughed. He then explained, "Uh, joking, um, I changed and, uh, dried myself."

Β  Β  Β  Β  "Oh, alright," Nodded Annabeth.

Percy nodded and asked, "Hey, Wise Girl, what were you thinking about before I came in here?" He then added, "You were very focused."

Annabeth's cheeks reddened, and she shook her head and said, "It's nothing important, Seaweed Brain."

Percy cocked an eyebrow and smirked. He said, "Oh, you're blushing now? What were you thinking? Were you thinking of somethingβ€”"

Her face reddened even more, and she glared at Percy, causing him to be quiet, but he still raised an eyebrow. Annabeth said, "No, Seaweed Brain! I wasn't thinking about that! I was thinking about myβ€”"

Β  Β  "Your what?" Smirked Percy. His sea-green eyes shimmered with mischief, and he said, "Your job? You're what, Wise Girl?"

(Wise Girl and Seaweed Brain were nicknames that they both came up for each other when they were twelve, and it has stuck ever since.)

"Annabeth opened her mouth to answer, but Percy walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her waist. He tilted his head to the side and cocked an eyebrow, and said, "Were you thinking about your birthday?"

Her grey eyes slightly widened, but she looked at Percy and answered, "No, I wasn't thinking about my birthday. I was thinking about how I have to finish my paper before tomorrow," Percy narrowed his sea-green eyes on her, unconvinced, and Annabeth said, "Why would I even be thinking about my birthday?!"

Annabeth's cheeks slightly heated up, hoping that Percy couldn't tell that she was lying (though he probably could.) She didn't know why, but she always felt flustered whenever the discussion of her birthday was brought up. Maybe, it was because the day was all about her? She has never really liked having the attention on her, but she didn't mind having Percy's attention on her.

"Oh, Wise Girl, your face is like a tomato," Teased Percy, noticing her blushing state, and smirked, "You know, it's okay to be thinking about your birthdayβ€”I don't know why you're trying to deny it. It's nothing to be embarrassed about."

"Annabeth looked away and shook her head, and said, "I wasn't thinking about my birthday, Seaweed Brain! I hate my birthday! You know that! I was thinking about who's going to clean the mess that Blueberry made."

Annabeth looked at the paw prints on the floor and glared at Percy.

"Don't worry, Wise Girl, I'll clean it up," Reassured Percy, then frowned, "You still don't like your birthday? I thought you said you did when we wereβ€”"

Her cheeks reddened, remembering what Percy was talking about, and she quickly said, "Seaweed Brain, that's something else! You're something else!" Percy chuckled and smirked. She explained, "I do enjoy my birthdays because you make them special, but in general, I just dislike them."

"Alright," Nodded Percy, and he unwrapped his arms around her waist and leaned against the counter. He asked, "What's your ideal birthday, Wise Girl?" He then bit his lips and said, "I feel like I have never ask you that question before. I'm sorry, Wise Girl."

The atmosphere in the room suddenly changed, and Annabeth quickly shook her head and reassured, "No, no, you're fine, Seaweed Brain! I've enjoyed all the birthdays you planned, I promise!" Percy nodded, and she said, "And to answer your question, my ideal birthday would be...um, I really don't know." She pressed her lips together and said, "Can I think about it?"

"Of course," Nodded Percy, getting off the counter, and said, "Take your time, alright?"

"Alright," Smiled Annabeth and said, "I'm going to finish my designs, and you'll clean up the floor and Blueberry?" She glanced over at Blueberry and back at Percy.

Percy nodded, then smirked, "Yes, I will, soon to be Mrs. Wise Girl."

That made Annabeth laugh, and she kissed Percy on the cheek before walking out of the kitchen to her office. She needed to finish the designs for the latest building that her team was working on. (Annabeth was an architect, which was her dream job ever since she was little.) She opened her office door; Percy's question lingered in her mind. What was her ideal birthday?

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  A couple of hours later, Annabeth was finished with her designs. It had taken a while to come up with them, but it was worth the headaches and the late nights. Annabeth was proud of her designs, and she hoped that her boss would be too. The pouring rain outside had stopped, and the sky was completely dark.

Annabeth yawned and sat upright in her chair, stretching her tense arms. She looked outside and saw the glow on the sidewalk from the streetlights. A smile formed on her face. Even though she was used to the view outside her window, it never failed to amaze her.

Tearing her gaze away from the window, Annabeth packed up her stuff and closed her office light. She left the room and closed the door behind her. Knowing that Percy was still probably working (Percy was a marine biologist, and he loves the ocean very muchβ€”He says it was his second home after her), Annabeth made her way to the living room.

A smile formed on her face, seeing Percy listen to music as he worked on his computer. Her smile widened when Blueberry ran over to her, and she picked him up and sniffed him. He smelled nice; Annabeth was glad that Percy had cleaned him.

She placed Blueberry onto the floor and walked over to Percy; Annabeth wrapped her arms around him and planted a kiss on his cheek, startling him. She grinned and watched as Percy took off his headphones and placed them on his desk.

"Ah! Wise Girl, you scared me!" Exclaimed Percy, slightly blushing at her.

Annabeth chuckled, "Haha, sorry, Seaweed Brain."

"It's fine," Smiled Percy and asked, "Are you done with work?"

Annabeth nodded and raised an eyebrow, and said, "Are you?"

"Almost," Answered Percy, glancing at his computer, and said, "I just need to finish the conclusion of my research paper, and I'll be doneβ€”It's probably going to take a couple of minutes."

"Alright," Said Annabeth, then added, "I'm going to take a shower and get ready for bed."

Percy nodded, then smiled as Blueberry jumped at his feet, and he picked him up. He looked at Annabeth and said, "Doesn't Blueberry smell amazing? I washed him."

"I could tell," Laughed Annabeth. "And yes, he does smell amazing. Thank you for cleaning the mess in the kitchen."

"Of course, didn't I say that I'll clean it?" Said Percy, ruffling Blueberry's fur. He then yawned and blushed, "I need to finish this paper so I can go to bedβ€”You should probably go and take a shower. It's already ten."

"That sounds like a good deal," Said Annabeth unwrapping her arms around him. "Have fun with Blueberry!"

Annabeth kissed Percy and ruffled Blueberry's fur before walking over to Percy and her's bedroom. She flickered the light on and walked to the bathroom to take a nice, relaxing shower. The warm water splashed onto her face, and Annabeth wet her hair; while scrubbing her hair, Percy's question popped into her mind. She thought about it for a while till eventually, she found her answer.

Annabeth finished her shower and dried her hair; she changed into her pajamas and walked out of the bathroom. She threw her clothes into the hamper and flopped onto her bed, where Blueberry and Percy were sitting.

She laughed when Blueberry ran over to her, and Annabeth quickly sat upright. As Percy got ready to take a shower, Annabeth grabbed her book to read and snuggled Blueberry.

Eventually, Percy finished his shower, and he got into bed with her. They spent a couple of minutes talking before deciding to call it a night. The glow from the streetlights peeked through the curtains, and Annabeth laid her head on Percy's chest. She could hear the rhythm of his heartbeat, and she wrapped her arms around him.

She then slightly gasped and looked up at Percy and said, "Seaweed Brain, I forgot to tell you, but I know what my ideal birthday is."

Β  Β  "Oh?" Said Percy, raising an eyebrow, and asked, "What is it?"

Β  Β  Annabeth blushed and quietly said, "My ideal birthday would be if we didn't have work and had breakfast in bed then spent the rest of the morning in bed. We would then get ice cream from Icy's Cherry Bomb and explore the cityβ€”Take a break from life and do whatever we want." Percy nodded, then Annabeth added, "Oh, I would also love to visit Estelle, but I know she's busy with her movie and everything."

(Estelle Blofis, Percy's little sister, was a worldwide idol and actress. She has released a couple of hit albums and starred in some big movies and tv shows.)

Β  Β  "Yeah," Chuckled Percy and added, "But I think she would spare a couple of minutes to spend with her soon to be sister-in-law."

Β  Β  "Annabeth chuckled, then tilted her head to the side and smirked, "Seaweed Brain, is there any specific reason why you asked me this question?"

She watched as Percy's sea-green eyes widened, and he quickly shook his head. Annabeth could see that his cheeks were reddened, and she grinned.

Percy stammered, "N-No." She raised an eyebrow, and he said, "I was just curious."

Annabeth chuckled and booped Percy's nose and said, "Alright. Whatever you say, Seaweed Brain."

Annabeth laid her head back on Percy's chest with a playful smile and closed her eyes. She could already guess what Percy was planning for her birthday, and she was excited.

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  It was a week before her birthday, and Annabeth was growing anxious as July 12th neared. She and Percy haven't talked about her birthday since Annabeth told him what her ideal birthday was. She was sure that Percy had asked her so he could surprise her, though it wasn't really a surprise now. But she didn't careβ€”Annabeth was excited about it.

It felt weird to be excited for her birthday; Annabeth usually dreaded the day when it arrived, but she wanted her birthday to come now. Annabeth already planned to take the day off, but she needed to talk to Percy about it first.

She needed to make sure that she wasn't getting ahead of herself and that Percy was really planning her ideal birthday. Yet Annabeth was pretty sure that he was from his flustered state that night.

But what if he wasn't? Thought Annabeth, walking up the stairs to her apartment. (It was 5:42 PM, and Annabeth had just finished with work.) Well, that's just embarrassing. But Annabeth knew Percy too well and could tell whenever he was hiding something, and he definitely was. Yet, if he was, in fact, planning her ideal birthday, Annabeth thought there was no point in hiding as she already knew.

She shook her head and walked down the hallway to the apartment she and Percy lived in. Annabeth unlocked the door and closed it behind her when she stepped inside. Annabeth settled her stuff onto the entry table and took off her flats. A smile formed on her face, seeing Blueberry run toward her, and she quickly picked him up.

Β  Β  "Ah, Blueberry! How are you feeling today?" Asked Annabeth sweetly, nuzzling him, and said, "Are you hungry?" Blueberry barked, and Annabeth laughed, "Alright, c'mon, let's feed you."

While Blueberry enjoyed his food, Annabeth walked over to her office and started working on some drafts that her boss had asked her to look over.

A couple of hours passed, and Annabeth groaned, getting up from her seat to start making dinner for Percy and her. Annabeth walked into the kitchen, and Blueberry ran over to her, and Annabeth laughed. She bent down and poured some dog food into his bowl. She stood up and went to wash her hands.

Β  Β  "Well, while you enjoy your dinner, I'm going to start making dinner for your dad and I," Said Annabeth, referring to Percy. She then pressed her lips together and asked, "What should I cook?"

Annabeth searched the pantry and decided to make spaghetti after finding a couple of boxes of it. She was in the middle of making them when she heard the front door open. Blueberry then excitedly ran over to the door, and Annabeth smiled, hearing Percy's voice.

Β  Β  "Hey, Blueberry!" She could hear Percy exclaim, "Have you ate dinner yet? I bet you have, as I can see that your mom is home."

She glanced up from the pot and

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