~16~[A New Path]

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y/n peered into the mirror that was resting against the wall in her room, only wearing pants and a bra. She was looking at the stab wounds scar on her arm. 'It's been several weeks since the incident, and I haven't seen Boruto's eye activate since. Is it because the Ghost is gone... or?'

"y/n! Hurry and eat your breakfast, or you'll be late! Sarada's already getting ready to leave!" Upon hearing her mother's familiar voice, the girl threw on the rest of her outfit and ran out the door.

"I'm coming!"


Shino was standing in front of a whiteboard that read '3 people, one team.' The whole class was out in the yard, per usual.

"Construction at the school will be completed soon. In other words, that spells the end of having classes out here." Shino smiled at the group of kids before him.

"Finally, we're free from being out here!" Shikadai mumbled, a grateful tone in his voice.

"I know right, I've got bug bites everywhere... everywhere." y/n repeated her words as she stared into Shikadai's eyes.

"So today, we'll be forming new three-man teams. Of course, with the uneven number in class, we'll have one four-man team again." Shino explained quickly, throwing his arm out to the side.

"Are you saying we'll be in different teams from the ones we formed before?" Denki questioned, looking up at the bug user from his spot in the grass. The class had done this before for training.

"Yes. We'll try different formations to find which members will be compatible as a team after graduation." Shino informed.

"What about Class Rep... I mean, Miss Kakei?" Sarada spoke up, quieting down at the second part of her sentence. "She's been absent for so long."

"We don't know when she'll return. Until she's physically better, it's impossible for her to participate in shinobi training." Shino explained, looking down at his clipboard.

"Is it possible that she's quitting the Academy?" Sarada's question caught everyone's attention as they turned to look at her.

"I... don't know." Shino stated, drawing something on the whiteboard. "The only thing we can do is wait. Anyway, we'll be forming teams with whoever is in attendance for today."

"I understand." Sarada mumbled, looking down a little.

"I tried to go and visit her, but we were turned away." Namida whispered, leaning closer to Sarada's ear.

"Maybe Sensei's right and we should leave her alone." Sarada admitted, turning to look back at the girl.

y/n gave a small lop-sided smile, patting Sarada on the back. "Let's try to distract ourselves for a little bit, yeah? You're bringing Boruto's mood down." She laughed lightly, pointing to the frowning boy next to her.

"After you team up, confirm each of your formations. We'll be starting practical training from tomorrow." Shino announced to the class quickly.


The class was all spaced out and standing, everyone talking with each other as they chose their teammates.

"Who should we choose this time?" Boruto questioned himself with a smirk, his arms crossed as he looked around.

"Do you want me to go with you again?" y/n asked, walking over to the blond. But before he could say anything...

"I'm teaming up with you, Boruto." Mitsuki smiled, cutting off y/n as he appeared behind the boy.

"Again?" Boruto questioned, turning to look at the kid with a sweat bead dripping down his face. "Isn't there anyone else you can choose?"

"I want to keep watching you up close." Mitsuki smiled, and y/n sighed, shaking her head.

"I knew you'd say that." Boruto mumbled, a small smile gracing his lips.

"But right now, only y/n, Mitsuki, and Iwabe can keep up with you, Boruto." Denki smiled, walking over towards the trio after hearing Boruto's complaining.

"Who are you gonna team up with?" y/n asked, turning to look at the new face.

"Denki and I are teaming up." Iwabe stated, walking over towards the growing group, a hand stuffed into his coat pocket.

"Huh?" Boruto gasped, turning to look at the tall kid. "For real?" He questioned, looking back at Denki.

"Yeah, Iwabe asked me." The boy explained in his normal cheery tone.

(Don't judge me... but I... kinda ship Iwabe and Denki...)

"Got a problem with that?" Iwabe asked, a smirk plastered on his face.

"Well then, maybe we should ask Shikadai?" Boruto put another name into the air, looking around for the boy.

"Sorry, Boruto. I'm already on a team." Shikadai smirked, motioning back to Cho-Cho and Inojin who were standing right behind him.

"Hey! You guys are the Ino-Shika-Cho trio!" Iwabe announced, looking at the team with wide eyes.

"I didn't see why we had to be on the same team just because our parents were, so I kept avoiding it all this time." Shikadai explained why the partnering took so long with a smile.

"I know that our Jutsu compatibility isn't bad..." Inojin chimed in.

"Besides, some comedy groups aren't friends at all, but as long as their skills and talent are on point... There's a little bit of underlying tension that's good for our relationship!" Cho-Cho smiled, crossing her arms.

"So, for you guys, this is kind of the ultimate match up!" Denki cheered, looking between the three teammates.

"It's a drag, on all fronts." Shikadai stated, the smirk still present on his face.

"Well, too bad. Let's go check out the others." Boruto stated as y/n held a hand over her mouth, trying to contain her laughter.

"What is it?" Mitsuki asked, looking over at her.

"I-If Cho-Cho's here, t-then... who's with my sister?!" y/n asked cheerily, laughing as she spoke. "S-She's got no other friends!" Tears were coming to the corner of the girl's eyes.

"Oh, I already asked Sarada." Iwabe smiled, pointing behind him to the black-haired girl that was speaking with a small group.

y/n walked over and grabbed one of the boy's hands between her two. "Thank you. You've made a large sacrifice today." Iwabe's face was contorted with confusion, not understanding the girl at all.

"I heard that!" Sarada's angry tone made y/n squeak and jump up a little.

"I see..." Shikadai smirked, resting a hand on his chin. "You'll be the frontman, with Sarada and Denki assisting?"

"How did you know?" Iwabe questioned, a little taken aback by the kid's observation.

"Your end goal is simple. But it's not bad." Shikadai complimented in his own way, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

"R-Really?" Iwabe asked quietly.

Boruto rested his hands behind his head. "No luck here, either." He sighed.

"We fight well together anyways, so I'll just stick with you." y/n smiled, punching the blond's shoulder lightly.

Boruto nodded, wrapping his arm around the girl's shoulders as he pulled her close. "You're the best!"

y/n laughed a little and nodded, before looking over to see a terrified Metal Lee shooting his head around. His face was blue and his mouth small as beads of sweat raced down his cheeks.

"We could always be the one four-man team again." She added, seeing how the boy probably wasn't going to get a team anytime soon. The last time they did this, it was her, Boruto, Mitsuki, and Denki all working on one of the obstacle courses.

"Personally, I wanted to ask the Class Rep. Since she's strong." Mitsuki admitted with a smile.

y/n jumped out of Boruto's gasp and shoved her hand onto the boy's mouth, her eyes white. "Mitsuki, you dumbass!"

Boruto poked the girl's cheek. "Language." She blushed lightly and nodded, remembering that he always corrected her when she cussed.

"Don't say it out loud." y/n whispered, her voice calm now.

"That's right." Iwabe started, his hands resting on his hips after hearing the two anyways. "The Ghost hasn't appeared since then."

"Yeah."Boruto spoke up, turning to look at the boy. "My eye stopped activating too."

"Once the Leaf Police took over, there was nothing left for us to do." Shikadai admitted, turning to look back at the Uzumaki. "I guess the case is closed."

"I wonder how the Class Rep is doing..." Denki mumbled, looking at the ground with sad eyes.

"She committed treason against the village. It's probably impossible for her to return to the Academy." Inojin informed, scratching his cheek as he spoke.

"No way!" Denki stated, his eyes going wide at the sudden news.

"She's definitely gonna return." Boruto smiled, his eyes full of determination as he gave them a thumbs up.

"How do you know?" Iwabe questioned, and y/n looked over at the boy with furrowed brows.

"The Class Rep is the Class Rep of course." She stated like it was obvious, resting her hands on her hips with her head held high.

"What's that mean?" Inojin asked the girl, not really getting at what she was saying.

"Anyway, what happens will be up to the grown-ups." Shikadai stated, reminding them all of their positions as students.

"The grown-ups, huh?" Boruto mumbled, looking down at the ground.

"Hey..." Mitsuki spoke up, catching Boruto and y/n's attention. "Are we gonna have the fourth member or no?" He looked back to see Metal slide over, his eyes watering.


Boruto slid open the door to the living room, y/n right behind him. "Sorry for the intrusion." The girl smiled a little, bowing to the family.

"I'm home!" Boruto stated right after her.

"Welcome home!" Both Hinata and Himawari smiled.

"Oh, welcome back!" Naruto smiled, looking over at the boy from his seated position. He was currently helping Himawari read a small book.

"Dad! How come you're here?!" Boruto asked quickly, his eyes widening as he realized his father was in the house.

"What's wrong with me being here? Even I get to come home early sometimes." Naruto admitted cheerily.

y/n opened her arms, looking at Himawari with a smile. The girl quickly excused herself from her father and ran over, wrapping her arms around the girl's waist. "Ninnie!"

Boruto walked up to his father slowly. "Huh? What's the matter?" The Hokage asked, seeing his son's serious face.

"Dad... There's something I wanna ask you." Boruto admitted, looking to the ground before looking back up into the man's blue eyes, the ones were identical to his own.

"What is it? You rarely ask me anything." Naruto smiled gently, obviously happy his son was talking with him in a civilized way, not the usual angry and irritated way.

"It's about a friend from mine and y/n's class..." The boy stated quickly, catching y/n's attention. The girl let go of Himawari with a kind smiled, ruffling her hair before walking over next to the boys.

"Oh, you mean Sumire Kakei? She got hurt and she's recuperating, right?" Naruto asked, and from in the kitchen, y/n heard Hinata's small gasp.

"No, not that! I know what she did, ya know!" Boruto admitted loudly, to which Naruto's eyes shot over to y/n, his look telling her he wanted to know if she'd told him everything. She shook her head, peering down at the ground.

There were a few moments of silence.

"Himawari, can you come help me with dinner?" Hinata cut through the tense air with her calm and cheery tone.

"Okay!" Himawari smiled, running towards the kitchen where her mother was. The three watched her go with sad looks.

"The Class Rep is our friend." Boruto stated, his eyes narrowed.

"I know that. She's in a difficult spot right now. But let me handle this. I won't let her down." Naruto smiled, regaining his composure after the small shock of hearing the boy's words.

"Then let her return to the Academy!" Boruto was slowly getting louder as they spoke.

"I can't answer that right now." Naruto mumbled, averting his gaze towards the ground.

"Why not?" Boruto asked quickly, his tone sad. "You're the Hokage, aren't you, dad?!

"Being the Hokage doesn't mean I can do whatever I please. I have to consider the welfare of the entire village. Don't worry. Like I said, I won't let her down. But try not to stick your nose into dangerous situations." Naruto smiled a little and y/n flinched, seeing Boruto's face contort.

"What's that supposed to mean?! When I do something, I do it, ya know!" Boruto stated quickly.

"Dinners ready!" Hinata announced with a smile. Himawari had a tray with food in her hands.

"All right! Something smells really good!" Naruto smiled brightly at his daughter, walking over to the table.

"Hey wait!" Boruto called for the man, still standing in the same spot.

"Let's eat before the food gets cold. y/n, you're more than welcome to stay and eat with us." Naruto offered, looking back at the girl.

"O-Oh, yeah! Of course! Thank you!" y/n bowed a little, looking over at the frowning face of Boruto. 'Oh Uncle Naruto, you're hopeless.'


"We should keep this quiet for now..." Shikadai mumbled before his entire body tensed. Along with Inojin and Denki's.

"Keep what quiet?" The calmness in y/n's tone sent shivers down the boy's bodies. "You boys better learn to watch where you speak. You're lucky it was me, and not the one you're keeping secrets from."

"Wait... you won't tell Boruto?" Inojin asked, looking at the girl with wide eyes.

"So that's who it is? Damn it's easy to get info outta you lot." y/n laughed, resting a hand on her hip. "Didn't I just join this conversation? I had no idea you were keeping secrets, it was a guess."

Their boy's eyes widened. "A-Are you gonna tell him now?" Denki asked, his eyes white. He obviously didn't enjoy keeping secrets from the blond either.

"I have tons of secrets, and not one of them has left my mouth. Don't worry, I won't tell a soul... Yet." y/n walked off, jumping onto Boruto's back as she ruffled his hair. All while he was trying to not fall from the sudden attack.

"She's..." Denki started, his eyes wide.

"Terrifying." Inojin and Shikadai mumbled together.


The class was all gathered up, sitting in front of their teacher. The whiteboard back out.

"Today, we're going to conduct battle training, at this scaffold that was built at the school." Shino announced, everyone, looking up to see the large red flag blowing in the wind on top of a tower.

"It's similar to that lesson when we ended up demolishing the school." Denki observed, to which y/n sweat-dropped.

"That was a lesson? I don't remember it that way." She mumbled, staring at the tarp-covered building she called school. "It was a war."

"Well, it's probably going to turn out the same way." Boruto admitted calmly.

Shino seemed to be taken back, as sweat rolled down his face. If he wasn't wearing his weird eyepiece, you would probably see his eyes widen. But he quickly collected himself, clearing his throat. "I believe in you all. However, I want to emphasize one thing. The most important thing for this training session is that... you absolutely must not damage the school in any-!"

"All right! I can't wait to get started!" Boruto cheered, his eyes lighting up as he smiled. y/n hit him on the head and he groaned, rubbing the sore spot. "What was that for?"

"Interrupting the teacher like a moron!" y/n yelled, hitting him again.

"And what about that one?!" Boruto cried, rubbing his head aggressively.

"My own enjoyment." y/n stated with a smirk, putting a hand into her pocket. "Let's do this!"

"Two teams will begin at the same time, and make their way from the bottom to the top. The first team to have their member reach the top, wins. Obstructing your opponents is allowed." Shino informed, watching as the different teams fell down and raced up the metal scaffold.

There were two teams had finished, and were now bickering about it all behind the teacher.

Shino watched with a shaky mouth as Denki and Sarada were kicked down from the scaffold, the opposite team winning. "This training is bad for my heart...." Small pebbles were flying past his face as the students fought each other.

"Are you okay, Sensei?" Sarada asked, standing up from the ground after her fall.

"Yeah... I'll manage." The man stated, writing some stuff down on his clipboard.

"Um... Can I ask why you decided to do this training?" Sarada questioned, a small smile on her face as she held her other arm since it was sore.

"We don't want you to be traumatized by the fact that you destroyed the school... So, the principal wanted to give you an experience that was positive and successful." Shino smiled, looking away from his clipboard at the girl.

"If you wanted positive and successful, you never shoulda let us step foot on the scaffold." y/n mumbled, scratching the back of her neck as she walked by. "I wonder if I can punch someone off..."

"Aburame Sensei..." A buff man walked over, whispering something to the teacher.

"What?! Sumire Kakei has-!" Shino turned to y/n, handing her the clipboard. "Sorry, can you take over?"

y/n looked a board, her eyes wide. But before she could respond, he had run off. "Sensei!"

Both her and Sarada sat there with shocked looks, the class now unattended. "y/n, let me see the clipboard." The youngest Uchiha put her hand out after the second of silence.

"What? No." y/n held the object close to her, sticking her tongue out.

"You're not mature or responsible enough to take over," Sarada sighed, trying to crab the clipboard with force.

y/n dodged back, a smirk lighting up on her face. "I'm gonna watch the world burn! Well... maybe not the word. But, I'm definitely gonna see the class burn."


y/n was watching the battle between Boruto's team and Shikadai's, grumbling at the sight. "Stupid Sensei, putting me in charge so I can't participate. And stupid me, for letting my pride get in the way when Sarada offered to do it."

She watched Cho-Cho use Partial Expansion Jutsu on her arm, and Metal smirked. That is, until Shikadai yelled something up to him about everyone watching. That's when the boy's whole body went white, and Cho-Cho hit him with her fists, sending him flying.

y/n deadpanned as she saw him zoom over her head and she sighed. "You've gotta be kidding..."

She continued to watch, seeing Mitsuki get stuck in Shikadai's Shadow Paralysis Jutsu. Her eyes widened however, when Mitsuki shot a sharp object from his mouth towards the Nara.

The shadow user let go of the Jutsu, dodging out of the way.

y/n's eyes widened even further when Mitsuki cut a pole in half, making the scaffold start to shake.

The oldest Uchiha put the clipboard over her head, avoiding the flying rocks. Everyone in class watched at the metal structure fell apart, a large cloud of dust surrounding where it once stood.

But even through all that, Boruto was standing at the top, his hand grabbing the flag. "Looks like we win!"

y/n's jaw was dropped to the ground, her eyebrow twitching at the metal poles and rubble. Seeing the three kids sitting with scratches and bruises littering their bodies "Epic!"

Boruto jumped down in front of her only seconds after. "How was that, Shino Sensei!" He smiled, but stopped talking when he realize it wasn't Shino. Instead, it was y/n. "What? I thought you'd just left for the day when I didn't see you participating. Where's Sensei?"

Now, everyone seemed to be looking at the girl, not having realized the teachers absence before.

"I don't know. He rushed off after saying something about the Class Rep." y/n stated, looking up at the group.

"Could it be?" Denki questioned, resting a hand on his

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