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hey 😊

do U want coffee today

i am going to starbucks


"and he's asking you for starbucks too?"

nat snatches my phone and investigates. hamzah and i don't text as much, so there's nothing to find there.

minutes ago, nat was telling me how my name on hamzah's phone has heart emojis, and a poop emoji. she claims no other person has emojis on his phone, let alone heart emojis.

i wish i could express the happiness i feel when i'm around him, but of course nat is the one person i shouldn't tell. my own bestfriend.

"i even took a picture." she blurts out as she gives me back my phone.


"you're contact name." she shows me her phone and a picture of his messages. i'm under his mom and his sister. "nat that's kinda weird-" i say while looking at the picture. my contact name was exactly :

precious β€οΈπŸ’©πŸ’•

"and now that i think of it, he gets happier when you're around us, and tries to be funnier. oh my god, he even is starting to dress better. i think he likes you."

this is the part where i wish i could tell her everything, but it's just not the right time. we're just now about to leave to school. i don't want her angry at me in front of so many people. i'll figure out the right time to tell her, but now it just isn't it.

"umm, i doubt hamzah likes me. you know he has like.. millions of tik tok girlfriends. yeah no." i try to play it off, "come on let's go." i get up from my bedroom floor and drag her with me.


hamzah still ended up buying me coffee. even after i left him on read cause of the whole situation with nat.

"don't talk to me." he says with an attitude as he almost slams the coffee on my desk and sits down behind me. i laugh, "thank youu hamzaahhh." i reach over to his cheek and peck it, hoping it will stop his attitude.

and it did stop his attitude, we talked about how all the future places he wanted to go to, and he didn't fail to add me in some of those plans. like how one day, he wants to go to a old schooled restaurant with me, and how soon when he gets paid well he's going to help me get a PC so i can play with nat and him.

after a few class periods later, i met with nat and julian who were both already sitting on our table.

"julian. do you think hamzah likes precious?"

"nat what the fuck?"

i don't know what's gotten over her, why she's so interested in knowing whether he likes me or not so suddenly.

i would've been okay if julian wasn't the only one who saw us last night at the theater.

i quickly shake my head at him, hoping he will catch the hint. he looks at me, then back at nat.

"personally, i thinkβ€”"

"julian. can you move over."

hamzah's here. he seems annoyed at the fact that julian was taking up his spot. i've never been happier to see that man. nat quickly forgets the subject, hoping he didn't hear anything. nat is pretty sneaky, but luckily not sneaky enough to find out what really is going on.

"what are we talking about?" hamzah asks and takes a bite of his apple. everyone stays silent.

"ITS MY BIRTHDAY TOMORRROOWWW." nat cheers and does a little dance. julian claps and starts repeating "period period period period"

"17, huh. you still look 14 to me." hamzah takes another bite.


i knew nat was going to meet up with me in a few minutes, so i quickly hurried to find hamzah, who was closing his locker.

"hamzah!" i yell, slightly running over to him. he smiles and his hand reaches my cheek once we are
close enough. his thumb caresses me and before i know it, our lips are touching again, making me forget about all of the worries i had earlier and wanting him to not stop kissing me.

but of course we're still in school.

he pulls away slowly from me.

"i've been wanting to do that all day. kinda proud of myself now that i can." he caresses the back of my neck. i tilt my head and smile, looking at his pretty eyes. "i didn't expect that."

"if you want i can surprise you again." he moves his hand on my waist, giving me a slight push towards him. "hamzah. no. stop it. i needed to talk to you about something important." i wave my finger at him.

"needed? as in past tense? so i can keep kiss-"

"nats getting suspicious." i blurt out. probably a bad moment to. "she saw my contact on your phone, which by the way, why do i have a poop emoji? but i think everything's adding up to her now."

"what? well, when are we telling her?" he leans on the lockers, grabbing his backpack strap.

i shrug. "after her birthday. definitely. i don't want to ruin her birthday by possibly making it awkward. i don't know. we have to talk to julian too. he saw us last night."

hamzah nods. this all feels very wrong. she's supposed to know everything. she trusts me as much as i trust her, yet i still can't get it out.

"she's coming." hamzah mumbles to me and we both try to act normal as she approaches us.

"no way you two are hanging out without me!"

i look at hamzah and wait for him to come up with something. "i was just telling precious about how my online friends want to start streaming every week." he saves it. i try my best to not act confused, even though i am.

"streaming? streaming what? minecraft?" nat laughs at her own joke.

"no, like streaming us in a zoom call or something. i don't know. point is they're funny, and i think it would be fun." he shrugs, "which means i might not be able to see you guys on some nights."

"oh no. what ever will i do without seeing my amazing and wonderful bestfriend every night."

"oh no, nat! how are we going to live without hamzah." i joke with nat and walk over to her as hamzah rolls his eyes.

"keep that same energy when you two want rides. don't go crying when i'm too busy."


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