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"it's seven in the morning."

nat groans over the phone. i hear her switching sides in her bed. "i'm very aware of that nat. but you need to hear me out." i say. i'm already dressed for school. this whole situation has me nervous. i don't want her to think badly about me, let alone think badly about my 'relationship' with hamzah.

"i'm hearing you." she mumbles.

"okay so look, i honestly don't even know what hamzah and i are. we never talked about being boyfriend and girlfriend and dating. i would tell you if we were, trust me. but since it all happened fast, i didn't want to ruin your birthday by making things awkward." i find myself talking a little bit quicker than usual. she stays silent for a bit.

"it's already awkward, but precious, you both made me find out ON my birthday. everything was behind my back. i don't know, i didn't expect that. you could've told me from the start. it's almost like you really didn't care enough to let me know about anything. do i really not matter to you or some shit?"

"you mean everything to me, nat. i'm really sorry, like i said, it happened too quick." i cut her off.

"but there's still something that's bothering me." she says to me.

i don't talk so she can tell me what's wrong.

"um, okay so hamzah told me something. i don't remember when but i still remember it so clearly. and if you guys were like together by that time then thats fucked up."


"precious, i'm 100% sure he's talking, or was talking to this girl in his english class. he was telling me all about her, going on and on."


walking in the hallways felt more exhausting than usual. all i wanted to do was skip the whole school day and go straight to my bed.

i'm tired.

even though what she said might not be true, i'm still tired of there always being a problem when i get too deep into things. maybe i shouldn't get deep at all. maybe i should let everything all go and stick to nat until i'm 20. nat is always by my side. her friendship means so much more than what i have with hamzah.

"are you okay?" she asks me.

"i really don't want to go in." i say to her as we get closer to the class i have with hamzah. once we're outside, i see him. sitting like he hasn't done anything wrong.

"we can always skip class and go somewhere. but i think you should go in. text me if anything happens."

i let nat go and let out a sigh before i walk into the class. i see him smiling from the corner of my eye, but i walk over quickly without looking at him. i set my things down and sit down.

"i brought you coffee. i know yesterday things were messed-"

"what?" i turn around and see him pulling out a starbucks coffee.

"i said i brought you a coffee-"

"oh it's fine. thank you though." i cut him off again as i deny the coffee and turn around to face towards the teacher. i don't hear anything from him after. all that's going through my head is how he's just another guy that thinks i can be another one of their options. i wonder how his little crush even looks like.

because what if this was all just a nice boy act and it's not who he really is? he even went in my house, met my mother, my brother, i feel sick. he knows my past and the least he could've done was at least mentioned something about her so i wouldn't have to find out from my bestfriend. did he seriously think nat was never going to tell me?

the class period feels too long to be 35 minutes. we haven't said a word to eachother. which even feels weird to me. we were always flirting or talking about random things.

when the bell rings, we all get up, but he stops me. "did something happen? is it because of what happened yesterday?"

i shake my head. "no hamzah. i'll talk to you later." i let go of his arm that's was holding mine and walk out the classroom.


it wasn't until nat told me that i found out hamzah confronted her about everything that's going on.

it was during 7th period, while i was still in class. they met up with eachother and he asked her why i was acting the way i did.

"you didn't tell her about what you told me, right?" nat asks him. she was also disappointed in him.

"what? nat what are you talking about." he was confused. either he really is clueless, or he doesn't want to seem guilty at all in front of her. "wait, are you talking about-"

she nods, crossing her arms as she's looking up to him.

"you're talking about the girl from my class? why would you? she didn't mean shit to me nat. that lasted less than a week. i stopped it once i started talking to precious."

"the problem is that at the time, it didn't sound like she didn't mean shit. and you didn't tell precious a single thing about her, hamzah it was literally when you started talking to precious."

"no it wasn't. i completely cut that girl off. i barely even see her in class anymore. i even forgot that girl existed. nat, i know you wanna find everything wrong right now, but i promise you i wouldn't mess shit up like that. you gotta go tell precious the truth cause now look how she's acting."

later on, nat apologized to me, she realized she was the one that messed everything up, in her defense she was confused about it all, so i don't blame her. but i do regret not taking that coffee earlier.


hey y'all 😊😊 i'm thinking if i should add a few more chapters since my plan was to end it next chapter.lmk πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹

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