this chapter is the highlight of this book. THIS IS IT GUYS TIS IS IT
"fuck. he's not picking up,"
nat looks frustrated at her phone. she's currently sitting on my floor in front of the door. hamzah is sitting next to her and i'm sitting on my bed. the door locked as we're getting ready to start our smoke sesh.
"who's not picking up?" hamzah asks, resting his head on the wall and looking up. "my plug, you idiot. what are we gonna do now? we only have 2 hours left." nat is surely overthinking this, now walking around in circles with her eyes glued on the phone.
"do you have a plug hamzah?" i ask him and he quickly fixes his head.
"no, i stopped smoking a while ago. my plug was my bestfriend, but he's sober now too."
"fuck being sober." nat says.
"don't say that nat."
"i mean, we don't have to smoke? we can just relax. and i see that monopoly game over there. you're not slick precious." he points at the board that i thought wasn't noticeable enough.
"hamzah, no offense, but we always smoke on this date and all of a sudden you come and now we might not smokeβ WAIT MY GIRLFRIEND MIGHT KNOW SOMEBODY." nat almost yells.
"geez, say it any louder nat." i roll my eyes and lay back on my bed, taking off my heels. hamzah doesn't fail to stare at me, making us have awkward eye contact again.
the dim lamp in my room makes the energy feel more relaxing, besides nat stressing her own self out. the only problem with my room is that the walls are pretty thin, so we can hear my brother yelling at his game. my room is in the first floor, and my moms is in the second floor, so we don't have to worry about that. she normally facetimes my dad after we eat since he is always gone during this time due to his job.
"alright, my girlfriend knows someone. i repeat, she knows someone. but she wants me to go pick it up with her."
"do you guys wanna come?" she asks and looks at both of us. i shake my head. "you guys can go. i really don't feel like it tonight."
"wait what? i don't wanna go either. my mom works around here. she could easily see me meeting up with her plug."
"well good news, the plugs on the other side of town, so let's go hamzah!!"
"nat, no. i'm not taking the risk."
"dude. fuck you guys."
i get up and open the window for nat, which she starts walking towards too. "call me incase anything happens, okay baby?" i mush up to her since i know she will get mad at us.
"mhm." she goes out the window, which luckily is not too high up. i wave bye to her and close it. leaving only hamzah and i in my room.
i lay back in my bed, not knowing what to do now.
hamzah gets up from the floor and reaches to grab the monopoly board. "let's play." he gives me the most adorable smile and proceeds to sit down across the bed from me, setting the box down in between us. i sit up in my bed.
after a few minutes of him opening the box and me staring at him, i say "you know, i think my mom likes you. you're probably the first boy that my mom genuinely likes." i now am unable to take my eyes off of his.
he keeps taking out what's inside the box and finally looks at me back, "thank you precious. the food was really good. i had a good time."
"i really did not expect for all of this to happen so soon. you coming over that fast, but i'm enjoying it. i haven't had a boy over in a while, but i like your presence. it feels like it's been just me and nat for a while now." i don't know why i'm being so honest. my filter seems to be all blurred out, and i feel so unfazed from what i'm saying to him.
he puts down the board and moves it to the side. "can i lay here?" he points at the empty spot next to me. i nod, patting the area he's gonna sit in.
"i didn't either," he moves himself next to me and now we both are resting on the bed headboard, "i didn't expect to get close to you that quickly, but i knew when we started talking i didn't want to stop. i told you that right? that i just want to get to know you more." he looks over to me, waiting for my response. i nod my head and look at him back, getting more comfortable. he is so beautiful, he truly is.
"i have this feeling of safety when i'm with you. i'm guessing since we've seen eachother grow for so long. but it feels more different than that, i genuinely feel like i can be myself around you." i tell him. the dim lights are definitely getting me more tired. it's only 9:24pm, and nat's curfew is at 11.
if only i slept longer in the morning, i wouldn't be here pouring my feelings out to the boy i find cute in my bed.
he doesn't say anything after that, instead he just grabs my hand and starts playing with my fingers, and i let him. the feeling of his fingers touching mine felt reassuring.
i can feel his eyes looking at mine.
i reach to touch his ring, "did you actually get these because i said you should start wearing rings?" i look up at him. now we're both facing eachother, laying down. he nods, "who else would i get them for."
"i don't know, your tik tok girlfriends.." i joke with him, twisting his ring around his long fingers.
"precious, i don't have any tik tok girlfriends!" he lets out a laugh after his sentence, slowly intertwining his fingers into mine.
"i mean, you have so many options. come on hamzah, you could pick one and they'd be on their knees."
he rolls his eyes playfully, resting our holding hands on the bed. this moment seems too good to be true. and luckily time feels so slow.
"i told you about this already," he stares at our hands, "i'm not looking for an online girlfriend."
"i rather be with someone i've known for a while, and to be able to see them everyday," he rubs his thumb on mine.
i feel my face burning up. i feel like this is a dream that i could wake up any moment. i am too tired to even believe this is real. this is the moment where i wish nat could barge in with a tiny ziploc of weed. but she did say it was across town, so she would be here at least by 10PM.
everything in me wants to tell him how i feel, how i love his big eyes that make you feel so special when they look at me and how i love his soft hair and i wish i could play with it right now. how i love how selfless he is towards me and nat and how much i wish i could've gotten closer to him sooner. the respect he has towards my family and how he tried hard to make a good impression, which he didn't fail. how he actually listens to what i have to say and how i basically watched him grow to the fine man he is now.
"you want to watch a show or something?" is all that i can say to him. i haven't flirted or talked romantically to anyone in over a year. i am NOT mentally prepared for this.
"yeah, of course. turn it up!" he jokes trying to calm down the tension and let's go of my hand. i get up and reach for the remote control then i lay down again, closer than we were last time.
i feel my eyes getting heavier than they were 10 minutes ago. i take my blanket and put it over us, trying to make him feel comfortable.
it's not as weird as i thought it would be. i feel more safe than weirded out. i think that's a good sign.
i scoot in closer to him, leaning my head on his chest, and he puts his arm around my neck which fits perfectly like a puzzle.
soon enough, i feel myself drifting into sleep, not having a care in the world.
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