There I stand in front of a mirror, looking for any imperfections in my current outfit. I don't think I've ever been as nervous as I am now.
After the. . events of last years Dia de los muertos, The Riveras offered to house me. I very hesitantly accepted.
And now, also as Miguels girlfriend, I have to spend the holiday with them. And it's also my first time ever celebrating.
I'm so clueless.
Now tired of constantly fixing myself, I sigh in the mirror with satisfaction. Hopefully I look decent enough. I walk out the room I am housed in, searching for Miguel.
As I walk, I notice a tour guide speaking to a group of tourists right outside the Riveras residence. "And right over here, one of Santa Cecilia's greatest treasures. The home of the esteemed song writer, Hรฉctor Rivera. The letters Hรฉctor wrote home for his daughter Coco contain the lyrics for all of your favorite songs. Not just Remember me."
I break out into a smile. A lot has happened since last year.
The truth had gotten out about who actually wrote the songs. The Riveras even like music now! The truth had also gotten out that Ernesto is actually a murderer. No one cleans or takes care of his memorial building anymore. Someone even put a sign up on it saying, "Forget you."
Which may or may not have been done by me.
I continue my search for Miguel. I eventually find him in the Ofrenda room, with his Abuelita and his toddler sister.
Oh boy.
I crack my knuckled nervously, and clear my throat to catch their attention. They turn to see me standing there. Miguels eyes light up with ecstasy. Butterflies fill my stomach instantly.
After dating him for a year, it still feels like the immature crush I had on him at eleven years old.
Elena glances between us. "I'll leave you two to it," she leaves, giving me a warm smile on the way out.
I nervously stands next too Miguel. "How are you feeling?" He asks with a head tilt.
I release the breath I was holding. "If I'm being honest, super nervous."
Miguel gave a breathy laugh and puts his free arm around my shoulder. "There is nothing to worry about. My family loves you. And even if they don't, you got me!"
The toddler in his arms starts giggling while reaching her stubby hands out to me.
"And her."
I chortle, giving a tiny wave to Socorro. That baby has a weird liking to me. I'm not complaining, though. She is the cutest little baby I have ever seen.
Miguel shrugs. "Besides, it won't be as dangerous as last years."
I give a small laugh, leaning on his shoulder a little bit. I don't want to put too much weight on his shoulder due to the baby in his hands. "Definitely not as dangerous."
We both look at a recent picture added to the ofrenda. It is Coco's picture. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Miguel face contort into a sad look.
"Y'know," I say, breaking the silence between us. "even to this day, I still wonder if we were fast enough."
Miguel gives me a look, immediately knowing what I was referring to. Hรฉctor. The boy breaks out into a small smile. "Something tells me we were."
We now turn, facing the entrance of the ofrenda room. Miguel intertwines his free hand with mine. "You ready?"
I release a breath. "Ready."
Hรฉctor stands in line nervously, waiting for his face to be scanned so he can cross the flower bridge.
"Say that I'm crazy
or call me a fool."
"Next!" The lady shouts. Hรฉctor walks up with a sheepish smile. She raises her eyebrow in suspicion, can scans him anyways.
When it comes out green, she smiles warmly. "Enjoy your visit, Hรฉctor!"
"But last night it seemed
that I dreamed about you."
The man walks out of the departure station, meeting the arms of Imelda. They peck each others lips affectionately.
"Papรก!" A woman calls from behind them.
He turns to see his beloved daughter. "Coco!" He plants pepper kisses on her face and embraces her, spinning her around.
The three grab each others hands, making their way to the bridge.
"When I opened my mouth
what came out was a song
And you know every word
and we all sang along."
They walk, and Hรฉctor breathes a sigh of relief when he sees that he doesn't sink through.
"To a melody played
on the strings of our souls
And a rhythm that rattled us
down to the bone."
They now meet with the rest of the family, all of their hands intertwining. The family continues their journey across.
"Our love for each other
will live on forever
In evert beat of my proud corazรณn.
Our love for each other
will live on forever
In every beat of my proud corazรณn."
Now in the Land of the Living, the celebration of Dia de Muertos was going on.
"Ay mi familia
Oiga mi gente.
Canten a coro
Let it be known."
The infamous Miguel was singing and performing for everyone, while his girlfriend was sits next to him, awestruck.
"Our love for each other
will live on forever
In every beat of my proud corazรณn."
The Xolo dog and spirit guide, Dante, strolls up and licks (Y/N) on the face, making her giggle slightly.
Miguel stands up, still performing.
"Ay mi familia
Oiga mi gente
Canten a coro
Let it be known."
As Miguel sings, he looks at (Y/N) with pure bliss in his eyes. She stands up, joining him by his side while he jumps onto a platform.
"Our love for each other
will live on forever
Fireworks explode above them. Miguels uncle and father lift the two kids up proudly as the boy finishes the last lyric. (Y/N) can't help but plant a small kiss on the boys cheek.
"In every beat of my proud corazรณn."
Word count: 1012 words
Edited: 5 . 21 . 23, 11:57 pm.
I'm still in awe that I was able to finish this book. My very first completed book. Thank you all for staying with me, and motivating me to keep going. I have so much more ideas and I can't wait for the future of this account.
Thank you all.
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