37: Tangerine

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Once the classes started a few days after New Year, the Basketball Club had become way busier than ever. The club practice, compared to before, is now doubled the amount of time as the players get ready for the biggest high school Sports tournament in all of Japan.

The Nationals. Where the best schools not only in the Kanto Region but in every prefecture go to Tokyo to compete in one of the biggest gymnasium. The Nationals has always been a dream for every basketball and volleyball players because it gives a lot of opportunities and open doors for the future for playing in a major event like the Olympics. It serve as a battleground, a Coliseum, where only the Champion will get the chance to be called the best of Japan. And it's survival of the fittest, where everyone is fighting for the top, a team that lose once will never have the chance to compete the next day.

"As you all know, the winner of the recent Winter Cup will be seeded, so it means they wouldn't have to compete during the first two rounds," Sakura explained, standing in front of the whiteboard with the same word written on it in bold letters. Win.

"The winner of the Winter Cup was Otoichi High, one of the representative of Kyoto. But let's not forget that they only managed to beat Wakamono in the finals because one of their star players, Lee, had been injured. We should not be intimidated just because they won the Winter Cup."

The players all nodded and Sakura took her whistle. "For the next two weeks we are going to train harder alright?!"

"Yes!" They all answered in unison as Sakura blew the whistle, indicating that the practice will now begin.

And for the next two weeks, the Basketball Club dedicated their everything into polishing their skills as they practice for hours until the sun set under the horizon and the moon shine right above the night sky. Even though their bones ache and their limbs felt numb, that hardly matter compare to the motivation they had in winning the Nationals. And Sakura realized how big of a deal it is for them. For the first and second years, it was a great training ground for first-hand experience that they will carry throughout the remaining years in high school. As for the third years, this may be the last basketball game they will ever play with everyone because they have to get ready for College and entrance exams are just waiting around the corner.

And as Sakura watched the players in the corner, she felt a strange amount of happiness, seeing how dedicated everyone is.

"What do you think, Manager?" The Coach asked as he sat on the bench and Sakura looked at him.

Kakashi nodded towards the players ahead as they continued their practice match. "Do you think those boys will make it through the first round?"

Sakura knew, from reading a lot of articles, that the first round in the Nationals is very crucial in advancing through the tournament. Once a team win the first round, it would give them a sense of wanting to win more. That little amount of victory they had tasted will make them wanting to taste more.

"Of course Coach!" Sakura answered, looking ahead. "Our boys will win!"

And as she stared ahead, she watched as Naruto made a pass to Sasuke who stepped out of the three-point mark before he made a three-point shot, the ball going straight to the basket as it bounced down the court, making the final score 77-60 and Sasuke's team won. Sakura's eyes glimmer for a second, watching as Sasuke wiped the side of his face and chin with his wristband. He was panting and sweat dropping down his temple. Sakura knew, it wasn't just Sasuke, everyone in the basketball club is getting ready to dominate the Nationals.

The players jogged up to the bench where the bottles of energy drink and towels are waiting for them. But before they could take any of those, they formed a circle and looked at Sakura.

"Manager," the Captain said, calling her as Sakura jogged up to them and stood between Sasuke and Naruto as she put her hand atop everyone.

The players are all looking at her and Sakura knew exactly what it was they are waiting for. So with a slight clear of her throat, Sakura took a deep breath before she yelled two words.

"Konoha, fight!"

"Fight!" Everyone yelled in unison.

"Oh it seems like everyone still got enough energy eh?" Kakashi said, walking up to them. "Get ready for another round."

Even though most of the players whined in protest, they knew they wanted to play another match again. And the club practice did not end for another one and a half hour.

And so two weeks had gone by.

Even though the Nationals is going to start by Monday, considering that it's Friday, the players all stood in the gym.

"Are we really going home Coach?" The Captain asked. "But it's still early and we only did one practice match. We can do at least three more."

"Yes Coach, we need to practice as much as we can today," the Vice Captain said and most of the players agreed.

But Kakashi just sighed and waved his hand dismissively. "You know, taking a rest is part of training too. So you need to go home and get lots of rest. By Sunday we are going to check in to the Hotel provided for the representative of Kanto Region."

Some of the players were about to say something when Sakura stood in front. "The Coach is right. We can't have any of you get injured today. So it's best to call it a day and go back to our home to rest."

And because it was their Manager who finally spoke up, the players had no choice but to follow as they made their ways to the club room.

The sun is still up and it gave the City a touch of orange hue from the afternoon sunlight as it seem to glow and Sakura's emerald green eyes seem to glow as she walk through the sidewalk with Sasuke.

Sakura was just walking silently when she heard Sasuke spoke first. And he said something she didn't really expect to hear.

"Do you want to stop by the park?" He asked and Sakura stopped for a second, a bit surprise to hear him say such thing before a smile slowly made its way up to her lips and Sakura nodded.

"Sure, Sasuke-kun!" She said and Sasuke turned around as he started to walk.

The park had different food stalls by the side and children were running around playing with each other. There are also some high school students walking about. Sakura knew some of those high school students must have been from different schools outside Tokyo. Most of them arrived earlier and check in to their hotels before the Nationals that will start this Monday.

The two made their way to a bench and Sakura sat there as she looked up at Sasuke.

"What do you want to eat? I'll buy something," Sasuke said and Sakura was even more surprise as she blinked her eyes before she put her fingers up her chin.

"I saw a stall selling dango dumplings earlier. They looked tasty."

"Alright," Sasuke said before he went to where the stall was and Sakura was left there for a few minutes, just admiring the view ahead.

The sun has not yet set as it provided a small amount of warmth through the cold January breeze. Sakura sighed and leaned on the bench as she thought about Sasuke's strange behavior today. But it's not like she doesn't like it, in fact Sakura hope he would act like that more often.

She was looking down when Sakura felt someone standing in front of her. And when she look up, she didn't see just someone but a few high school students standing in front of her. There are at least four high school guys and Sakura doesn't like the way they seem to stand in front. She looked around and noticed there are still a few vacant benches so she doesn't know why they have to be standing there in front.

Sakura chose to ignore them as she looked away but one of them decided to speak.

"Are you from a school in Tokyo?" A guy asked and Sakura looked back at them.

"We're in Tokyo, aren't we? Where else would I attend except a school in Tokyo?"

Sakura couldn't help it, she doesn't like how they seem to stand there trying to be intimidating and she absolutely wouldn't act like a timid high school girl.

"You're a bit brazen aren't you? For a high school girl who is alone in the park."

"And you're a bit irksome aren't you? For a high school guy who is not even from around Tokyo."

Sakura noticed how the guy seem to frown. "How did you know we aren't from Tokyo?"

Sakura really didn't know. She just said that to find out if they are really from around Tokyo or not.

"If you think you can hit on high school girls from Tokyo, think again. Besides, if you cause any trouble, your school might get disqualified in the Nationals."

Sakura noticed how they seem to gulp and she couldn't help the slight upturn of the side of her lips. She looked at them in the eye for a second, not averting her gaze until they decided to leave.

A few moments later Sasuke came back with the dango dumplings but he was not looking at Sakura but at the retreating figures of those high school guys.

"What happened while I was gone?" He asked and Sakura followed where his gaze is fixed.

"Nothing," she said as she smiled and Sasuke sat beside her.

"Are you sure those guys didn't bother you? I'll teach them a lesson."

Sakura took the dango dumplings and took a bite of the sweet rice as she chewed.

"No need, Sasuke-kun. I already taught them a lesson."

Sasuke was silent for a second before he looked ahead. "It seems I don't need to always be with you to take care of situations like that."

Sasuke briefly remembered that one time they had a practice match in Chiba, where a few third years cornered Sakura. And for the first time, that day, he felt a strange feeling of fear for someone he barely even know. He was afraid Sakura might have been hurt. And then Naruto had to go and said he's her boyfriend. That fear turned to annoyance and annoyance turned to anger as Sasuke felt like Naruto just stole something from him.

Upon hearing what Sasuke said, Sakura stopped for a second before she looked at him.

"Sasuke-kun, what do you mean?" She asked slowly, staring at Sasuke before he turned to her.

"I–" he started but then he paused as if he just stopped himself from saying something he shouldn't say. "After the Nationals, I will tell you something. So Sakura, can you wait until then?"

Sakura remembered he told the same thing back then, during Christmas Eve and even before that. It was the third time he's telling her that, as far as Sakura could remember.

But unlike last time, Sakura simply nodded with a smile.

"Whatever it is that you cannot tell me now, I'll wait until you can tell me. After the Nationals, I'll listen to you, Sasuke-kun."

Sasuke nodded before he took a bite of the dango. For some reason, the longer the days pass, the more Sasuke felt scared to tell her. But he knew he has to tell her, sooner or later.

"But you know Sasuke-kun, you're acting really strange today. What's with you bringing me to the park and buying dango?"

Sasuke shook his head before he looked at her. "I'm not doing this for free."

Sakura frowned. "What do you mean?"

"You need to pay me with good luck for the Nationals."

"Good lu–"

Suddenly, Sakura was cut off when Sasuke leaned in, sealing her lips with his. The taste of the sweet rice linger on their lips as Sakura relaxed after a second. The kiss, Sakura thought, was probably the good luck that she needed to pay. And as the kiss continued, the sun slowly set under the horizon. And aren't every sunset exist to remind us that promises do exist? A promise that after a long day, a glorious sunrise awaits us the next.

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