The warmth of Spring was long gone and the cold autumn breeze had gone colder as the season shifted to winter. And since it's winter, the long-awaited tournament for high school athletes all around Japan will be occuring sooner than later.
"The Winter Cup," Sakura said, standing in front of the basketball club and behind her was the white board, and in the middle of the board is the word win written in bold letters. "Although our school wasn't able to participate in this year's Winter Cup, let's not forget that the teams who will be competing this year are also the ones we will face in the biggest high school basketball event in the Country."
Silence engulfed them for a while, although the silence seem heavier with tension as the players zeroed in on the one word written on the white board.
"The Nationals," they all muttered and Sakura nodded.
"That's correct. The Nationals, right after the Winter Cup, from the last week of January to the second week of February, the Nationals will be held in one of the biggest gymnasium in Tokyo, the Yoyogi National Gymnasium."
It was as if the players suddenly saw before them one of the largest gymnasium in Tokyo that hosted hundreds of Sports National Meet. Those bright blinding lights above, with endless cheers from the crowds and the determination of each players to win the title of the best of Japan. It wasn't just a dream now, a few steps closer and it will come into reality.
Kakashi, who was listening earlier, decided to walk in front. He usually doesn't talk when it comes to this kind of things, everyone knew this isn't his forte. But as he walk in front, everyone was surprised as they watched him. Their Coach, who almost never speak and only throw remarks once in a while, is now standing in front as if preparing to give the moral advice of the year.
"The Nationals, when I was in high school, I was able to compete in the same gymnasium once. It was a thrilling experience, something that I will never forget up until now," he said, and even though he may sound like an old man talking about his past, the players and Sakura listened to him intently.
"For the first and second years, the Nationals will give you a chance to show-off your skills and be chosen to play among the best high school basketball players in the Country."
Sasuke, who was only half-listening to what the Coach was saying, suddenly turned his head to Kakashi and their eyes met as Kakashi looked at him a second longer.
"That's right," Kakashi said, averting his eyes from Sasuke as he looked at everyone. "The Youth Japan National Team, or U18 for short. A National Team consisting of the best high school players to represent the Country."
U18, Sakura has read about it. Apparently, it is not easy to be chosen as a representative. And only the best of the best, the ones who will show great talent and perseverance during the Nationals, will only get the chance to be chosen. And as Sakura looked in front, she noticed Sasuke looking at the Coach, his eyes said it all. How much he wanted to become a part of the Youth Japan.
"And for the third years, since this will be your last year in high school, that doesn't mean you can slack off. You need to specifically show-off your skills because there will be lots of College scouting there, some of which produce the Top National players in the Country."
Now that everyone seems to be more motivated, Sakura looked at the Coach as if asking him if he's done with his short speech and Kakashi just waved his hand dismissively before walking back to his spot by the corner of the gym. Sakura walked up in front again and held her whistle.
"Alright! Let's start the practice!" She said before blowing the whistle.
The practice lasted an hour later than usual, since the Nationals will be a little less then one and a half month from now, they knew how days could blur by so fast. So late practice like this would occur more often now and Sakura was fine with it. Besides, she kind of like walking through the streets of Tokyo when it's night. Unlike in Chiba, the streets in Tokyo during the night is more crowded and busier, not to mention the lights that adored the City.
Just as Sasuke was finished changing back to his uniform, he heard Naruto called him.
"Sasuke, can you and Sakura-chan head to the station without me? I'm meeting someone."
Sasuke just nodded, in fact he think it's better if Naruto doesn't tag along on their way back to the station once in a while. He's always had this infinite energy that even after hours of practice he still has energy reserved to talk non-stop.
"Me too," Shikamaru said, waving his hand dismissively as he left the club room, Naruto following suit right after.
Sasuke didn't expect Shikamaru would leave too, but then again, both of them already have their soulmates. That brought Sasuke back to when they were in grade school. Was it Naruto who said they would stick together even after they find their soulmates, Sasuke really didn't believe in soulmates then, and Shikamaru just didn't care. But it's unbelievable how things can easily change in a blink, sometimes even literally, that now they each went their own ways to meet with their other half.
And Sasuke, when he was a kid he believed once the two found there soulmates he'd be alone again, not that he cares. But now, he too, found his soulmate. The word still sounded odd to him, but Sasuke knew he's slowly getting used to it.
Soulmates. And speaking of which, as Sasuke walked out of the club room, he saw her in the distance, sitting by the bench near the field. Sakura.
Sasuke noticed how she seem to rub her palms together and then blow on them. She must be cold, he thought. And as he walked closer to her, Sakura still seem unaware of his presence and continued to look around before she heard footsteps and turned around.
"Sasuke-kun," she said, her eyes wide before she smiled. "Let's go,"
Sasuke's hand, that was halfway through unwrapping his scarf, froze before he cleared his throat slightly and put his hand in his pocket. "Let's go,"
They were walking to the gate when Sakura noticed Shikamaru and Naruto weren't with them as she looked around.
"They said they're meeting with someone," Sasuke said, noticing that Sakura was looking for the two.
Sakura nodded but didn't say anything as they continued to walk into the busy sidewalk. Because the practice lasted an hour later, Sakura felt a bit hungry as she unconsciously rubbed her stomach.
"Sasuke-kun," Sakura called. "Do you want to eat?" She asked slowly, not sure if Sasuke would say yes as she glanced at him.
He just hummed in response and Sakura wasn't sure if that's a yes or no. But she decided on the former and without giving it much thought, she took Sasuke's arm and pulled him to a nearby convenience store.
"What exactly are we eating here?" Sasuke asked, frowning as he entered the store. He wasn't a fan of convenience store food because one, they aren't healthy.
"Meat buns!" Sakura said, and she seem a bit excited for a meat bun.
"Meat buns?" Sasuke muttered. It's been a while since he last ate one, he thought he'd probably forgotten what it taste like.
After taking the buns and paying in the counter, Sasuke heard some girls squealing by the side. He should be accustomed to them by now, but somehow being stared at and talked about by girls when he's with Shikamaru and Naruto is different than when he's with Sakura. And if before Sasuke only ignored them, now he found himself being irked.
"That guy's tall," one of them said.
"You think he's part of a basketball club?" Another asked.
"Oh, the Winter Cup is near. He's probably going to play in the tournament."
"Wanna ask for his number?"
They all started to squeal and Sasuke only got more annoyed. They shouldn't be talking so loud when they can clearly see that Sasuke isn't alone.
"Sasuke-kun," Sakura called, pulling his attention back to her. "Do you want to eat here?"
"No," he said firmly. "Let's go,"
"Oh, okay," Sakura said, trailing off when she suddenly felt his hand grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the store.
Sakura took a meat bun and handed Sasuke the paper bag as he took it. The bun was still hot and perfect for such a cold night as Sakura enjoyed it.
"Sakura," Sasuke suddenly called, stopping as Sakura turned to him, nibbling on the meat bun.
"Don't you feel, I don't know, mad, when girls talk about me?"
Sasuke doesn't know why he even asked that. Maybe because she hasn't said anything about it when she clearly heard them. She just chose to be quiet and Sasuke doesn't know why he felt on edge. He wanted to know if she's mad or annoyed.
"You mean like the girls back in the convenience store?" She asked.
"Not really," she said after a while, taking a step closer to Sasuke. "More like, I don't really care about it. Girls can talk about how handsome you are or how much they wanna ask for your number all they want. But I know, at the end of the day, you'll only look at me, Sasuke-kun."
Sasuke tried to stop himself from smiling, the side of his lips turning up in a smirk instead as he looked at Sakura before flicking her forehead.
"That's some confidence you have right there," he said, and Sakura rubbed her forehead, frowning at Sasuke and her lips pouting.
Sasuke took her hand from her forehead and poked her forehead this time.
"But you're right," he said. "At the end of the day, I'll only look at you."
Sakura smiled. Before the moment was shattered as she looked at the paper bag.
"Sasuke-kun," she said. "The meat bun will get cold if you don't eat it."
Sasuke took the meat bun out of the bag before he looked at Sakura who was looking at the meat bun before she visbly gulped.
"Do you want to eat it?" He asked and Sakura's face flushed in embarrassment as she waved her hands frantically.
"N-No! It's yours! You can eat it. You're probably hungry after hours of pracβ"
Sakura was cut off when the meat bun was suddenly shoved in her mouth, not that it was shove harshly but Sasuke still couldn't help the low chuckle that escaped his mouth as he pat Sakura on the head.
"It's fine, you can have it," he said as he started to walk, Sakura following suit.
It was moments like this that Sasuke thought how stupid he was for not believing in soulmates. And maybe it was the fact that he didn't believe in such thing, that when fate brought her to his life, Sasuke slowly realize how much different his life would be without her now.
And the only thing that needed to be fixed is his inability to see colors. But then again, there are times when you don't have to see the colors of nature to know what the true color of happiness.
Isn't it white and black all along?
White, the color that can be dyed by any other color at any given moment. Just like how happiness can be influenced by many things in life. And if one mixed all the colors there are in nature, it will create a synergy, of pitch black, a color that can never be overpowered by any other color.
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