32: Beige

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Days seem to flow by smoothly as the Cherry Blossom trees completely shed their leaves and the autumn breeze continue to sway towards the cold October mornings. Nothing much occurred during the past weeks and the same old routine happen every day. Go to school and sit in class during the morning lectures, eat lunch in the rooftop, sit during the afternoon lectures and go to club practice right after.

Until Sakura found herself being slap by reality one day as she sit in her class and her homeroom teacher announced the dreadful news.

"As you all know, before the end of this month, your midterm is right around the corner," she said and the students started to groan in protest.

"And the midterms, like always, will be held next week for three days. Anyone who wouldn't pass the midterm will be unable to participate in this semester's major events such as.." the homeroom teacher trailed off and the whole class fell into stillness as they waited for their teacher to continue. Some are even literally on the edge of their seats.

"Events such as the Halloween Festival and the long-awaited Sports Festival."

A second after the teacher stated that, a chorus of protest erupted in the classroom and Sakura sighed as she shook her head. She noticed Naruto jolted awake and he looked around only for a few seconds before he went back to sleeping again.

"No you can't do that Sensei!" One student said, getting up his seat.

"That's illegal!"

"I don't mind not being able to participate in the Halloween Fes but the Sports Fes, no way!"

As most of the guys yelled, the homeroom teacher slammed her student record book on the desk and the students stopped as she smiled at them, not reassuringly, more of like threateningly and Sakura swore she heard some of them gulped visibly.

"I can and I will do it. So you better pass the midterm exam or take a remedial class while the others enjoy the Festivals. Are we clear, class?"

Some of the guys who were standing slowly sit and they were shaken by the way their homeroom teacher seem to be smiling yet she sounded really firm and scary.

"Y-Yes, Sensei."


Sakura knew she has to study the lessons she miss, not that she miss a lot of lessons. But her being the Basketball Club manager took almost all her free time in studying to tending on the club. She knew she has to get ahead in studying somehow. Besides, the midterm is already up next week.

And apparently, club members who will be participating in the Winter Cup or Nationals are, well, they aren't exempted.


As Sakura sat during lunch in the rooftop, she was thinking of how to adjust her schedule.


After all, even though she did experience Halloween and Sports Festival back in middle school in Chiba, Sakura bet the festivals in school in Tokyo will be on a different level and she couldn't afford to miss them.


And to do that, Sakura need to pass the midterm exam next week. She can study at the apartment after club activities. Since she usually gets back at around seven, she can still study until nine or ten and get enough sleep.

"That's right, sleep is import-"

"Sakura-chan!!" Naruto yelled and Sakura instinctively gripped his collar because she was startled out of her wits.

"What is it shannaro?!" She asked.

"I've been calling you for a few times. Are you alright?"

"Huh?" Sakura put her hand down from Naruto's uniform and blinked her eyes in confusion as she looked around her.

"We're finished with our lunch and you aren't even halfway finish."

Sakura looked down and she realized their bentos are already wrapped back and she's the only one left with her bento full of food.

When she saw Shikamaru got up and took his bento, Sakura decided to wrap hers as well even though she isn't done yet.

"What are you doing?" Shikamaru asked.

"You guys are already finished so let's go back."

"No," Sasuke suddenly said, looking at Shikamaru and Naruto. "You two can go ahead, I'll wait till Sakura finish her lunch."

Shikamaru yawned and turned around, waving his hand languidly. "Yeah, take your time. It's still early before the afternoon classes start. Let's go Naruto!"

Naruto got up as well and waved his hand before the two disappeared down the stairs of the rooftop. Silence surrounded Sasuke and Sakura for a second as they were left alone.

"Sasuke-kun, are you sure you'll wait for me? I'm not really that hungry so.." Sakura trailed off when her stomach suddenly betrayed her and grumbled as her face reddened.

"Just finish your lunch," Sasuke said before he did something that took Sakura by surprise, making her face more red than it already was.

Sasuke decided to lie down and lean his head on her lap as he looked up at her.

"This is fine right?" He asked, putting his arm atop his forehead as he closed his eyes. "Finish your lunch and wake me up when you're done."

As the autumn wind blew by, Sakura hardly felt its coldness as her face heat up and her heart thumped louder in her chest. At this rate she might not be able to finish her lunch and just stare at Sasuke's sleeping face as the cage in her stomach opened up and dozens of butterflies tickled her inside.


Sakura knew pulling out all-nighters isn't that good of an idea as she almost doze off twice during class. And as she walked down the stairs from the rooftop, she looks like she can collect hundred of coins for her thoughts. She seem worse than the other day and even Shikamaru knew something's up.

Not that Sasuke is ignoring it, of course he also noticed it. So before they can walk farther, Sasuke suddenly took Sakura's wrist and they stopped.

"Sasuke-kun?" She asked.

"You two can go on ahead. We're going somewhere," he said and Naruto squinted his eyes at Sasuke in suspicion.

"Where are ya two going?" He asked but before he could hear Sasuke's answer, not that Sasuke is going to answer anyway, Shikamaru decided to pull Naruto and put his arm around his shoulder as he drag him away.

While Sasuke, still holding Sakura's wrist, walk through the corridor and towards a more secluded part of the campus. And apparently, this part of the campus is also where the library is located.

"What are we doing here Sasuke-kun?" Sakura asked. She's never been to the library in a while. She would only visit the library if there's a book required to read in class. And judging by the quietness around Sakura thought that most of the students don't visit the library often either.

"Were you having trouble studying for the midterm?" He asked.

"Eh? N-No, I mean, not that I'm having trouble. I was just up really late last night studying math and no, I'm not having any trouble."

Sasuke listened to her explanation and although she may not say it, Sasuke knew she's having a bit of a trouble. And she did say she slept late last night, he doubt if she even got enough sleep. So with a sigh, he pulled her in the library and they settled to a table in the corner near the window.

"You can sleep here," Sasuke said and Sakura couldn't help but frown.

"What? But I don't think it's a go-"

Sasuke suddenly flicked her forehead and Sakura's hand flew up to it as she rubbed the spot where he flicked and she knitted her eyebrows at him.

"We're in the library so it's fine if you sleep here. You shouldn't overdo yourself studying late at night, Manager," Sasuke said, purposely calling her Manager as the side of his lips turn up in a small smirk and Sakura averted her eyes.

"Don't worry, I'll wake you up before the afternoon class starts. I'll stay here and read some of my notes."

Sakura looked around, sure the library seem spacious yet there are no other students except for them in this side of the room. And the librarian's desk is also far and she wouldn't see them here. So Sakura decided it wouldn't hurt to just take a nap right there, putting her hand on the desk with her arm as her pillow, Sakura closed her eyes and drifted off to a much needed slumber.

Sasuke knew she was not really herself today, she didn't even notice he doesn't have any notes with him. Not like Sasuke plan to read over his notes even if he has one. He simply sat there across her, just admiring her sleeping face.

When he looked out the window he saw the bare cherry blossom trees and he couldn't help but let out a silent chuckle.

"To think that a year ago, seeing the cherry blossom trees was just normal to me," he muttered, leaning on the chair as he continued to look out. "Now every time I see the cherry blossom, I'm reminded of you, Sakura."

He wonder when was it? When it just clicked to him and as cliche as it may sound, his heart started to beat for her. Sasuke wonder when it all occured. His brother said it's love. Such a powerful word. Maybe it wasn't love yet, but Sasuke knew there is no other girl that would matter to him as much as Sakura matters to him right now.

"It's too early to tell you," he said, averting his eyes back to Sakura who is peacefully sleeping. "After Nationals, I'll tell you."

Whatever it is that he wanted to tell Sakura, Sasuke could wait until Nationals. There are two things that he will tell her then, but he isn't prepared to tell her either of those two for now.

He realized he can spend hours just looking at her and when Sasuke felt like she's had enough sleep for the afternoon, any more and she might not be able to sleep early tonight, Sasuke decided to wake her up.

He didn't call her name, or nudge her awake. Instead, Sasuke did the most cliche thing he's ever done in a while. He went on to her side and bend down to kiss her.

Sakura was having a nice sleep, even though she's in the library and sleeping with her head on a desk isn't exactly comfortable, she still wanted to sleep more. Until she felt something on her lips. Soft and it taste like strawberry.

Only when she stirred and opened her eyes did Sakura realized Sasuke was kissing her and when Sasuke noticed that she's awake, he straightened up.

"S-Sasuke-kun, what was that for?" Sakura asked, her eyes wide as she touched her bottom lip, she could still taste the strawberry on her lips. Probably because he drank strawberry milk earlier.

Sasuke put his hand in his pocket and sat beside her. "I woke you up," he said.

He was about to say something when Sakura suddenly gasped and stood up. "What time is it Sasuke-kun? We'll be late for class!"

"Relax, there are no afternoon classes today. The faculty is having a meeting for the midterm this Monday. Didn't your homeroom teacher inform your class?"

Sakura averted her eyes and her cheeks slightly redden. "Well, I was-maybe I was dozing off during homeroom," she mumbled and sat back on the chair.

"There are also no club practice later because the gym is under maintenance."

Sakura was about to stand up again when she realized their belongings are still in the classroom when Shikamaru and Naruto came from heaven knows where bringing along their bags. And just like that, they spend the rest of the afternoon reviewing for the midterm exam.


After three days of taking the midterm, it has finally ended and Sakura could just breath a sigh of relief as she knew she did quite well in the exams. Those all-nighters sure do paid off as the next day after that, their homeroom teacher stood in front of the class.

"Alright everyone, congratulations for passing the midterm," she said after taking the roll call and she could literally hear everyone let out a breath of relief.

"Since all of you passed the midterm, we will be moving on to discuss the event that will occur at the end of the month. Class rep and deputy class rep, you may inform the class about the Festivals."

The two rep stood in front of the class as they proceeded to explain the Festivals. Since the Halloween festival will come first before the Sports Festival, they went on to explain it first.

"And on the 31st of October, we will be celebrating our annual Halloween Festival. Since the Cultural Festival overlapped with the Halloween this year, the Principal decided to join together the two and so each sections are task with their own creative ways of pulling off a Halloween themed performance. The table is open for suggestions."

The students raise their hands and each were given a liberty to name their suggestion. Of course the Class rep thoroughly reviewed each suggestions and taking into account the time they have left, the resources and the capabilities of students to do the workload.

Sakura of course, being part of the class, she decided to raise her hand as well and the class rep called her.

"Can I suggest a test of courage?" She said, since no one has yet to mention it.

She heard some of the students agreed to her and the class rep nodded, urging her to explain thoroughly.

"Well, you see, back in my old school in Chiba, we often have test of courage every Halloween Festival. We have a woods nearby our school so we used that, but since we don't have one here, maybe we could use the library near the field."

"Yes, that library is almost deserted and I bet it would really be scary with some Halloween decors," one of the students said and they all nodded.

The class rep thought for a second before he finally decided to take Sakura's suggestion since all the students are also excited to do it as well.

Test of courage. It sure sounds fun. After assigning roles for the students, such as who will be responsible for the props, costumes and the students who will be tasked to scare, the homeroom class was adjourned.

Sakura felt an extreme feeling of excitement, like something good is going to occur during the Halloween Festival. And sometimes, her hunch is almost never wrong. She just doesn't know what it was yet.

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