The Interhigh Preliminaries begun before anyone knew it. The competition to determine the best of each blocks. But what does it mean to be the best? For Uchiha Sasuke, to be the best means to never lose to anyone. And as if losing was never an option, winning is the only way through this to become the best.
Konona Gakuen, although recognized as Tokyo's top school and a powerhouse in Basketball, one should know that every year, the Interhigh Preliminaries can be unpredictable. This year a certain school may be on top but the next they may not. Every year new players would be added and some would be lucky enough to be regulars. One thing is for certain, this year, teams are not the same as they were last year.
Taking into account that most of the freshmen and second years still are not be able to see colors, the sports committee had come up with a way for the players to instantly recognize their teammates from their opponents, knowing that jersey colors are out of the picture.
"Forehead protectors?" Sakura asked when she saw the players started to wear the protector around the forehead while there are some who would prefer it be worn around their forearm so long as it can be easily spotted by other players.
"Precisely, a way to recognize each other during the match," Iruka said as Sakura nodded in understanding. She must have missed this basic information because she was too preoccupied learning about the Interhigh, Winter Cup and Nationals.
After warming up, the players gathered around the Coach and Club adviser as Sakura stood beside Iruka who started to speak, giving his own words of encouragement for the player before Kakashi went on to give his instructions as the players were all focused on the coaching board.
"Now go and beat those guys and don't any of you dare to get injured," Kakashi said nonchalantly after wrapping up the strategy for this game.
The players nodded and circled up as Sakura watched from the side. Until the Captain looked back at her and gestured his head to come over to them.
"Me?" Sakura asked, pointing at herself.
"Go on Manager," Kakashi said as he nodded. "You're part of the team now."
Sakura stood up and nodded firmly before she jogged towards the player and slipped in the circle, only realizing she's standing right between Naruto and Sasuke as the Captain nodded to her.
"Alright," Sakura muttered as she took a deep breath before putting her hand on the very top.
"Konoha, fight!"
Everyone yelled fight in unison as Sakura couldn't help but smile before the players dispersed. Most of them going to the side as the regular players walked towards the court.
The five regular players, including Sasuke and Naruto, felt something on their back as if someone is giving them a push towards victory. And as they saw the banner from the sidelines, they knew they could win. As the will of fire burst, the players thought of one thing. They are in the zone just as the whistle blows and the ball was tossed midair. The Interhigh Preliminaries had officially begun.
Sixteen teams each block, with four blocks, a total of sixty four schools are competing for the Kanto Region Interhigh Preliminaries. And out of those sixty four schools only four can advance to the Interhigh, one in each block. Even then, despite making it through their block, those four teams must face each other in the Finals with only two among them can compete in the Winter Cup and three can advance to the Nationals.
The first day of the Interhigh Preliminaries, half of the sixty four schools made it past the first round. While the other half lost. That day, thirty two schools roared in victory while the other thirty two schools lost their chance in competing to the two of the biggest high school sports competition, the Winter Cup and the Nationals.
Konoha Gakuen is among the thirty two who made it passed the first round. But the players knew, more than anyone, that the battle had only just begun.
The next day, Konoha Gakuen managed to make it pass the second round and then the third and the fourth and the fifth until they were the team to represent block C.
It was Sakura's first time witnessing sports competition and how they are done. The intensity of the game linger even after the match ended.
"Good job everyone," Iruka said as they gather in front after the final match of the Preliminaries. "Our spot is guaranteed for the best four. Tomorrow, the best three will be decided. Let's keep doing our best and make sure the adrenaline of today's match is still pumping and the will of fire is still burning."
Everyone nodded in unison as they boarded the bus. Sakura looked down on her clipboard where she keeps tab of the game. She also took note of the top four schools that will compete tomorrow in the Interhigh. The three blocks, B, C and D are powerhouse schools and that in includes Konoha Gakuen and Sunakaze who manages to make it through their block. However, Sakura couldn't take her eyes off the representative of Block A. She heard students talk about the school, saying that they aren't a powerhouse and that they only got lucky because Block A are full of weak schools. Of course Sakura dismissed it as mere baseless rumors.
They arrived at the school a little earlier as the sun is still up, as soon as bus parked in front of the school, the Club adviser was excused for a faculty meeting, leaving the players and Sakura standing outside. Even the Coach suddenly vanished.
"So I guess everyone can go home early," Sakura said as most of the players sighed in contentment.
"Is what I hope to say. But!" Sakura suddenly said as most of them flinched and instinctively straightened their backs. "It's still early so you better get to the gym in five minutes or run another ten lapse! We still got more time to practice!"
Sakura blew a whistle and as if on instinct, like trained wolves, the players run towards the gym as Sakura crossed her arms and nodded. She believe she isn't the only one on edge, knowing that tomorrow, their opponents is Sunakaze High who earned the most bet as the school who will most likely win the Winter Cup.
Sakura was about to go retrieve some stuff in the bus when she was suddenly startled as the Coach appeared.
"Coach?!" Sakura asked, looking at Kakashi who seem he just woke up.
"Ah Sakura? Do the players went home already?"
"No. I told them to practice a little more. They're in the gym. What's wrong Coach?"
Sakura frown as she look at the Coach who seem to not be feeling well.
"I think I ate something bad earlier. I'm going back home. Think you can look after the boys while they practice?" He said, hand rubbing his stomach as Sakura blinked her eyes before composing herself.
"No problem Coach," Sakura said and then in a silent voice she muttered, "I've been doing the exact same thing for weeks now."
Which is true. She has always watched over them during practice while the Coach doze off somewhere. Even the Captain would jokingly say he's only useful when they're in the actual match.
When Sakura arrived at the gym, she smiled at the sight of the players warming up in the court as she arranged the bottles and towels on the side.
Soon, the practice came to an end at seven in the evening. Sakura knew, more than anyone, that the players' eyes are all set on winning tomorrow's game.
But she should also know, more than anyone, that things may not happen the same way they think it would. Unpredictability is one of many things life use to mess up with everyone.
On the fifth day of the Interhigh, four teams became the best of their blocks. But in the matches this day, it will be determine which team is on top. Block A and B are at Gymnasium 1 while Block C and D are at Gymnasium 2. The two teams will compete in the morning, the two winners will then advance to compete in the afternoon to determine which of the two is first runner up and winner. While the two teams that lost will compete in the afternoon to determine which among them is the second runner up and which among them is the loser.
Only three teams are given the chance to represent Kanto Region in the Nationals and only two in the Winter Cup. So one among the best four will lose today and even if a team is among the three representative of the Kanto Region, they still won't be able to compete in the Winter Cup.
So Sasuke knew their only option is to win. Not only that, but as if fate is playing her petty little games on him again, the match-up in the first round is Konoha Gakuen against Sunakaze High.
Sasuke sighed heavily as he walked out of the restroom. But just as he was walking through the hallway, he couldn't help but hear the people around him talking.
"I'm betting my one month allowance Sunakaze will win this match."
"Dude, bet your one month allowance they're going to be the first in the Interhigh."
Sasuke really had no qualms with rumors like that. He's heard worse before and learned to ignore them. Though it was another story if it were Naruto. He'd yell at them and argue until someone stops him.
"But have you seen their Managers?"
Sasuke didn't know why he suddenly stopped. He was fine ignoring them just a while ago but his feet just automatically stopped walking as he looked at the couple of guys gossiping like teenage girls.
"What about our Manager?" Sasuke asked as the guys flinched and turned to him.
"Huh? What do you want?" One of them asked, glaring at him for suddenly jumping in on their conversation. But then his friend pulled him back.
"That's a freshman from Konoha Gakuen," he muttered as the guy who stepped earlier blinked his eyes and looked at Sasuke up and down.
"I asked, what about our Manager?" Sasuke repeated, stepping closer.
"Dude chill," one of the guys said as Sasuke looked at him. "We're not just talking about your Manager, we're talking about your school and Sunakaze's Manager. What's wrong with you anyways?"
Sasuke furrowed his brows and clicked his tongue before he stepped back. He suddenly thought why he's being riled up at something like that. It's not like they're badmouthing her or anything.
Shaking his head, Sasuke turned back and continued walking. He must have been on edge more than he thought he is. He has to calm himself before the match begins and being riled up at the littlest thing isn't exactly helping either.
"Man, those guys sure are scary," one of the guys said, staring at Sasuke's retreating figure.
"Scary guys like that need an equally scary Managers, no wonder those female Managers are way too intense."
Sakura was in the hallway, filling bottles with energizer when she suddenly sneezed. "Someone might be talking about me," she muttered.
She was halfway through filling the bottle when Sakura saw someone from her peripheral vision. She turned to the person and saw that it was a girl wearing Sunakaze's Club jacket.
"I'm almost done here," Sakura said as she took another bottle.
"Sure, take your time," the girl said dismissively. Though she seem intimidating at first, Sakura realized she wasn't that rude as she stood there, waiting for her to finish.
But the silence around them is becoming a bit awkward as Sakura hoped the bottles would be filled faster. She wasn't really one to start a conversation so Sakura kept quiet. Until the girl spoke.
"You're Konoha Gakuen's Manager," she said as Sakura nodded.
"And you're Sunakaze High's Manager?"
"I'm Temari,"
Sakura suddenly looked at her. She didn't expect her to introduce even her name. Sakura thought their conversation would start and end by introducing themselves as Managers of their respective schools.
"Sakura," she said as she bowed slightly. "Nice to meet you."
"Likewise," Temari said.
Sakura was about to turn back to filling the bottles when she saw Temari seem to fidget as her eyes looked around.
"B-By any chance, do you happen to be close t-to," she started, suddenly stuttering to which Sakura was taken by surprise. She didn't know this stern looking girl would stutter like that.
"To?" Sakura asked, trailing off as she looked at Temari to only become more surprise when the girl's cheeks started to become tinted with red.
"To N-Nara Shβ"
"Ah Shikamaru?" Sakura suddenly blurted out when she saw Shikamaru, who stopped just a few feet behind Temari who in turn suddenly stiffened.
Sakura blinked and turned to Temari. "You're saying?" She asked.
Temari, instead of answering, slowly turned around to face Shikamaru. Sakura just watched as the two stare at each other for a good five seconds before Shikamaru blinked and rubbed the back of his neck languidly.
"What a drag," he said. "Guess we're soulmates."
Sakura's eyes widen as she held back from screaming and hurriedly took all the bottles as she walk past a still startled Temari and stopped beside Shikamaru.
"I'll leave you two alone," Sakura said, turning to Temari with a wink before Sakura run off to the corner.
She doesn't know seeing two people finding out their other half would feel like this. Sakura felt warmth surrounding her heart as she walked through the corridor. And then slowly, the warmth turned colder as she remember the time when she found hers. Sakura hoped the two would turn out just fine. They're soulmates after all.
Turning a corner, Sakura was too preoccupied when she suddenly bumped her forehead into someone. And he wasn't exactly the one person Sakura expecting to bump into.
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