11: Indigo

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The Basketball Club members gathered outside the campus in the middle of the night, the cold Tokyo breeze made the players shiver as they yawn. It was the middle of the night and Sakura was glad she can withstand staying awake late when she used to study for exams.

"Everyone, let's do a roll call!" Sakura said, but the players seem to be having an inner battle between waking up and falling asleep as they literally just ignored Sakura.

"Everyone! I said, roll call!" Sakura repeated but the players are still busy shaking off the sleep in their system. Sakura felt irritated as she has an animated irkmark on her forehead.

Sakura took a deep breath, closing her eyes as she readied herself before she opened them and glared at everyone.


Sakura huffed after putting everything in that yell and it actually paid off since it got everyone's attention. Sakura cleared her throat and took out the attendance sheet.

"Just say present if you're here," Sakura said, this time more calmly, as she begun to call out the names starting from the third years.

Sakura realized it by now that she has to start acting like a manager and establish out rules. She may be the only girl in this jungle full of tall guys but Sakura will absolutely not let herself be intimidated. She has to be taken seriously and one way to do it is to hold the rein as early as she could and show who's in control of the chariot.

"Nara Shikamaru," Sakura said but there was no answer. She looked up and scan the players gathered in front but there was no guy with spiky hair in a ponytail.

"Uzumaki Naruto," Sakura called and there was no answer.

Sakura was starting to lose her patience, especially since it's getting late and they really need to board the bus but it seems there are still certain individuals who are missing in action.

"Uchiha Sasuke,"


Sakura span around when she heard Sasuke's voice. The guy was walking with his hands inside his pocket, a scowl resting on his face which was uncommon for his stoic expression. Sakura realized why he looked so annoyed when her eyes landed on the two certain guys lagging behind Sasuke. Naruto and Shikamaru, and both of them looks as if they had just woken up from a nap or something.

Sakura watched as the three guys made their way towards their teammates and once everyone was settled, Sakura cleared her throat as she put a check beside their names.

"Okay, everyone's already here. Iruka Sensei," Sakura called as Iruka nodded. The players start to board the bus one by one as Sakura walked towards the bus as well.

"It seems you're not the only one who has it rough, Manager," the Captain said and Sakura stared up at him with a slight frown.

"It looks like Sasuke had to wake those two sleepyheads up." The Captain nodded towards Sasuke. "If you're going to scold them, exclude Sasuke."

At the mention of his name, Sasuke's head turn towards the source but his eyes only landed on Sakura who coincidentally is also looking at him. Sakura was quick to avert her eyes as she boarded the bus. Sasuke doesn't know why he suddenly felt annoyed, well considering he's already been annoyed because of Naruto and Shikamaru earlier, no wonder why Sasuke felt like the scowl is still evident on his face even after he boarded the bus.

A few moments after everyone is settled inside the bus, Iruka started the ignition as they took off from Tokyo and they would arrive at Chiba first thing in the morning. Sakura went over the schedule as she read it once more before she fell asleep.

A day before, when Iruka announced that the practice match would be held in Chiba, Sakura called her parents and told them she would be spending a night this weekend because RΕ«toabe High is just a town away from her home. But it seems things would not go as Sakura planned because her parents were apparently in Osaka this weekend. Now, Sakura has no choice but to spend the night inside the inn. Of course Iruka assured her she'll be having a separate room, but that wasn't enough to assure Sakura that none of these jungle beasts in the form of 180-190 cm guys will behave knowing that there is a maiden amongst their lair.

Sakura shook the silly thought away and leaned comfortably as she let herself be overtaken by slumber.

They arrived at Chiba just as the sun was rising above the horizon. The bus parked outside the inn as the basketball club settled inside.

"You reserved four rooms," the landlady said as Iruka nodded. Two of the four rooms can accommodate around seven people since they'll be sleeping on a futon while the other two rooms were smaller and could only accommodate two people at most.

"Everyone listen up," the Captain said as he called everyone's attention. "We're here for a practice match and not a vacation so you all should better not cause any trouble or you will be on cleaning duty for the whole month."

Everyone flinched at the mention of cleaning duty as they nodded.

"Alright everyone," Sakura said as she clapped her hands. "You all go on ahead and settle your stuff in your rooms and get back for breakfast."

The lobby of the inn was deserted in no time and only Sakura, Iruka and Kakashi were left.

"Sakura, can I leave you with preparing breakfast?" Iruka stated as Sakura nodded firmly.

Sakura proceeded to prepare a simple breakfast. After everyone ate their fill, they gathered outside. Even though it's only been a while since Sakura started living in Tokyo, she already missed the breeze of the Prefecture, not to mention the scenery, farm fields and mountains in comparison to tall building and skycrapers.

"Listen up! Here is the schedule for the weekend," Sakura said as she stood in front of the basketball club, holding a clipboard.

"Today will consist of warming up. You'll need to run up the hill. The Coach and Iruka Sensei had already reserve a nearby gym where you may practice right after." Sakura flipped the page as she scanned the contents briefly.

"Tomorrow is our practice match against RΕ«toabe High. The match is scheduled from eight in the morning until eleven at their school's gym. By the afternoon, we will be going back to Tokyo. Even though it will be a practice match, you all should do your best and play as if you're competing in the Nationals. I will be watching so make sure to play seriously. But you all should take care as well, even though you have me as a medic, don't let yourself get seriously injured."

Sakura looked up and was slightly surprise when she found almost everyone staring at her, just plainly staring and Sakura felt somewhat conscious as she thought whether she might have said something wrong or if there's something weird on her face.

Almost everyone has this look as if they were in a daze and Sakura stare at them weirdly.

"Did you guys... understand everything I said?" Sakura asked slowly.

"Y-Yes Manager!"

Sakura almost flinched when they answered in unison. But even then Sakura couldn't help but notice Sasuke standing at the corner, seemingly uninterested in his upperclassmen's antics. Sasuke was actually thinking how Sakura seem oblivious of the fact that almost everyone is looking at her in admiration. And Sasuke found himself disliking that fact. So before his face could show any hint of dismay or annoyance, he turned around.

They start with running in pair as Sakura waited at the finish line they set. In the middle of the warm-up, Kakashi and Iruka came back and waited until everyone has finished running.

Sakura handed them towels and a bottles of energy drink. She was going to hand Sasuke an energy drink when she realized he already had one. But when Sakura was about to put it back, Naruto suddenly appeared in front of her.

"Sakura-chan!" He said. If course there's no way he could let this day end without bugging Sakura.

"Why were you late last night?" Sakura asked as she handed him the bottle.

"I overslept," Naruto said cheekily as he rubbed the back of his head.

Although Sakura expected that already, hearing it from the guy himself can be more annoying and Sakura regretted why she even asked. She rolled her eyes and threw Naruto a towel.

Soon after, the basketball club headed towards a gym as they begun their indoor warm-ups before the Coach had them split into two teams.

Sakura watched as she recorded their mistakes and misses. The game was going smoothly until something unexpected happened.

One of the second years tripped and hit his knee on a metal bench. Sakura was quick to take action as the game was promptly stopped. Everyone knew it was no one's fault as the second year tripped on his own because of the shoe tie that went loose.

Sakura quickly examined his knee and noticed a bruise was forming. Running towards the cooler, she took a towel and stuff it with ice as she folded it before running back to the player sitting on the bench.

"Hold it gently, it'll prevent the swelling," Sakura said as she stood up.

"Iruka Sensei, I'll just go and buy some ice."

Before Iruka could say anything, Sakura was on her way outside the gym. Iruka was slightly worried since he had no idea that Sakura was from the neighborhood town so he thought that she might accidentally run into some troubles if she were alone. But Sakura's already outside and Iruka had no choice but to ask someone from the players.

"Can anyone of you run after Sakura," Iruka said as the players turn to him.

Among everyone who wanted to volunteer, two of them spoke at the same time.

"I'll go,"

"I'll go,"

And to everyone's utter surprise, the two who just spoke in unison were Naruto and Sasuke who looked at each other after realizing that they just blurted out the same words. There was a brief silence between them and everyone was waiting in anticipation who will speak first.

"What was that Sasuke-teme?" Naruto asked, glaring at Sasuke who just stare at Naruto nonchalantly.

"I forgot something in the bus, so I thought I better go after the manager since I'm going back to get it anyway."

"Huh? As if I'm buying that excuse, don't make things up Sasuke."

Sasuke frowned before he closed his eyes, inhaling sharply as he calmed himself. He's starting to get annoyed at Naruto talking nonsense again.

"What are you talking about? It seems you're so eager to run after her why don't you do it instead of running your mouth with that nonsense."

"Nonsense my ass. Aren't you going to get something in the bus. Why don't you go after Sakura-chan while you're at it."

"That's exactly what I was saying before you decided to blab your mouth, you idiot."

Everyone was listening as the two argued, they stare in amusement, considering the two were friends and one was a cool headed guy who is always quiet and the other is a hot headed guy who is always loud. For them to suddenly argue about something this small was beyond their comprehension. Or maybe not, as everyone was starting to suspect something and that clearly involves their manager, Sakura.

"Shikamaru, where are you going?" Iruka asked when he noticed Shikamaru walking ahead.

"I'm going after the manager since those two seem to be so busy barking at each other," Shikamaru said, waving his hand languidly.

In the end, the three of them went after Sakura. And they found her at a rather right time in a somewhat dangerous situation. She was standing in the middle of three guys, their appearance scream gangster as they look at Sakura with a smug smirk.

"Come on, kitten, we won't hurt you if you come with us without a fight."

Sakura was slowly getting mad by the second. She's tried to speak to them and resolve this matter peacefully. Sakura doesn't want to resort to force.

"Mister, I need to get back. The ice are melting."

Sakura turned around when she felt one of them held her arm. Sakura lost it right then as she swung the bag of ice towards the man holding her straight to his temple as he took several steps back. The bag of ice tore open as the ice cubes fell on the ground, melting in the process.

"The ice cubes had gone to waste," Sakura muttered.

One of them was about to charge towards Sakura, which she didn't expect, as he raise his fist and Sakura closed her eyes shut tightly but a few seconds passed and she heard someone being punched.

Opening her eyes, Sakura saw the back of a guy wearing Konoha Gakuen's Club jacket. Her eyes travelled upwards until Sakura saw the familiar spiky yellow hair.

"Naruto?" She asked. Sakura doesn't know why, but for a second, she thought it was Sasuke. Shaking her head, Sakura saw the guy who was about to punch her bending on the ground, holding his jaw as blood slid down the side of his lips

Everything occured so fast that when Shikamaru, Naruto and Sasuke saw the guy was going to harm Sakura, they almost froze. Those guys were no doubt college students.

But that millisecond of Sasuke's hesitation was enough to let Naruto act on instinct, striding towards Sakura as he stepped in front before punching the guy square on his jaw as he stumbled a few steps back.

Sasuke didn't know why he hesitated moving. But that small amount of time was all it took for Naruto to steal something important from him. And Sasuke doesn't even know what it was.

But actually, he has a vague idea. Maybe it was the tone of voice Sakura used when she spoke his name. Or maybe it was the look she was giving Naruto right now as if she was relieved and thankful that he was there. That voice and that look that for a second made Sasuke wish he had let instinct overtook him earlier. But Sasuke cannot possibly turn back time.

But next time, if something like this were to happen, Sasuke swore he will no longer hesitate and he will protect her. It was odd that he even thought of it but he could remember her telling him they were soulmates. How could Sasuke possibly forget that? When after all those weeks no one dared to even go as far as to confess their feelings and tell him they were soulmates other than Sakura.

Next time, Sasuke thought. And he also wanted to talk to her. So next time.

"Leave before I call an officer. You guys looked old enough to be put to jail."

"Who the hell are you punk?" The guy asked before his eyes travelled from Naruto to Sasuke and Shikamaru who walked beside him.

Sasuke stopped beside Naruto, just a few feet away from Sakura who unconsciously had her hand gripping Naruto's jacket. Sasuke just hoped he'd never noticed it but it was too late. So next time, when he talk to her, Sasuke wanted to clear some things with Sakura.

"Who am I?" Naruto said. "I'm the boyfriend of the girl you were messing with, you stupid jackass."

Next time? Will there be a next time? Not when Sasuke heard that word he hoped he never did. Boyfriend? Sasuke found himself having a hard time believing that word, not when the statement came out straight from his own best friend.

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