1: White

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Summer break is always the time for students to enjoy their free time by going to beaches and hanging out with friends. But to Sasuke, summer break is just a few months break from school to spend more time in the court. And that was exactly what he did all summer, play basketball.

"Hey Sasuke, shouldn't we be going home now? I'm beat as heck, y'know," Naruto said, groaning as he finished his stretches and took off his shirt, changing into another clean one as he walked towards the bench where a guy was sleeping, snoring a bit loudly with a towel atop his face.

"Hey, lazy ass, wake up." Naruto shook the guy as he groaned and stirred from his sleep. Pulling the towel from his face, he slowly sat up and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Hey Naruto, he's still going at it?" He asked, nodding towards the direction where Sasuke has been, doing free throws from the three point line.

"Hey Sasuke!" Naruto yelled, pulling Sasuke from his reverie as he made one last shot, the ball going in the basket swiftly before it bounced on the wooden floor.

Sasuke wiped his chin with the back of his hand before running a few lapse and downing the cold water after that.

The three walked out of the gym and into the warm summer afternoon. The street of Tokyo had become crowded as the sun slowly made its way under the tall skylines. They proceeded to the cafe where they usually go, the Ichiraku Coffee Shop, as they welcome the fresh aroma of coffee.

Sitting on the same spot near the window, the three took their orders and sat in silence for a moment.

"So, have you two decided on which high school you'll be attending?" Naruto asked, breaking the silence.

"Me?" Shikamaru said, leaning on the chair as he put his arms behind his head. "I'll be going where you guys go."

"So, we're going to attend the top school in Tokyo, right, Sasuke?"

Sasuke looked up, seemingly uninterested until the mention of the top school in Tokyo.

Konoha Academy. For years, it remained one of the top three schools to represent the Kanto region in the Interhigh. It is extremely hard to get in that Academy without any recommendations.

"What? You received a recommendation, Naruto?" Sasuke asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Huh? Of course I got one! We were on the same team during middle school, the heck are you talking about! Besides, I'm the only player who is equal to your stats among the Team."

Naruto looked to the side as he added with a mutter, "Though not as better."

"Unlike you guys, I didn't receive a recommendation," Shikamaru said as their coffees came.

"So you're going to take the entrance exam?" Naruto asked.

It is hard to get accepted to Konoha Academy without any recommendations or scholarships. And the entrance exam is extremely tough.

But among the three guys, Shikamaru must be the smartest.

"Yeah, it's a pain though."

Smartest, but not the most hardworking. After all he only decided to play basketball because Naruto asked him to. Shikamaru doesn't really have the motivation to play basketball, unlike these two in front of him. But being in the Team, he provided a lot of tactics that a genius like him can come up with. But then again, those tactics will be nothing if not for the two talented players who will act upon it during the game.

"By the way, I heard most of the people find their soulmates during high school, ain't that right, Sasuke?" Naruto asked, elbowing Sasuke who remained silent.

Shikamaru had to kick Naruto under the table to get his attention as he diverted his eyes to Sasuke who was busy finishing his food. Naruto soon realized what he said as he looked at Sasuke.

"I'm sorry, I forgot about it," he said, managing a laugh that sounded obviously forced.

Sasuke shrugged his shoulders. "You don't have to apologise about it all the time, Naruto."

When the Doctor told Sasuke about his condition, the first person Sasuke talked to was his mother. Then the second being Naruto and Shikamaru. He doesn't really care about it to say the least, in fact Sasuke couldn't care less whether he is unable to see colors for the rest of his life. But it seems Naruto was more concerned about the matter than Sasuke that he bugged him every single day to have his eyes treated.

"But you know, Sasuke, we couldn't be certain about it," Shikamaru said, taking a sip from his iced macchiato. "Besides, it's probably you'll be able to see colors once you meet her. That's most likely the case in almost everyone."

"For someone as smart as you, you sure have been using probably and most likely a lot," Sasuke said, seemingly uninterested as he looked out the window, the lights outside shine brightly, while the cars are passing by creating an image of blurry motion.

"We're all unable to see colors since our birth. The only difference between me and everyone is that, I will be unable to see colors for the rest of my life."

Sasuke almost sounded melancholic, that was Naruto and Shikamaru's initial thought. Yet they couldn't really tell for certain, not for a fact when Sasuke looked so deadpanned and stoic. His words in contrast with his emotionless face made the two almost believed that Sasuke really doesn't care one bit about finding his soulmate.

"Hey Sasuke," Naruto said, eyes narrowing towards Sasuke who averted his eyes from the window and stare at Naruto.

"What?" Sasuke asked nonchalantly. "She could be standing right in front of me saying I'm her soulmate and I wouldn't even feel a thing. After all, soulmates don't even eā€“"

"Don't say that, Sasuke," Naruto said, a bit louder than necessary. "Keep saying that and you'll regret it one day."

Sasuke scoffed before shaking his head. "Why would I regret something that doesn't even exist?"

Shikamaru remained silent, watching as the two exchanged remarks. He has always been the analytical person, he hardly believes in fantasy or anything of that sort. But he do believed in soulmates. The phenomena that occurs way back when, a world where people cannot see colors until they find their soulmates. Shikamaru believed that it must be true, or else there's no way in hell almost everyone he met couldn't see colors.

But cases like Sasuke was extremely rare, although not impossible, there are still those with eye conditions that rendered people from seeing colors. And maybe that was the reason Sasuke no longer believe in soulmates. Yet unbeknownst to Shikamaru and even to Naruto, Sasuke has never believed in soulmates ever since he was young.

Sasuke would always ask his mother this question, what is the color of happiness. His mother would always reply with a smile first before answering.

In a world of white canvas, the synergy between you and your soulmate will create an abstract using the true color of happiness. She would always say that.

Sasuke would remain quiet right after, yet in his mind, there only consist of one immediate thought.

But mom, soulmates don't exist.


Soulmates do exist.

Sakura would always start her day by reminding herself of that phrase. Summer break is almost over and she couldn't wait to enter high school. Walking down the stairs, Sakura was instantly greeted by the warmth coming from the open balcony until she heard the doorbell.

"Sakura, open the door!" Her mom yelled from the kitchen and Sakura slowly walked towards the door the heat making her feel lazy and less productive. Opening the door, she was instantly greeted by her best friend slash neighbour, Ino who is holding a watermelon.

"I brought this watermelon!" She said as she welcomed herself inside the house. Growing up with Sakura, the two has always been closed to the point that they feel at home entering each others' houses.

The two proceeded to the balcony, sitting outside overlooking the small yard as they sliced the watermelon.

"So, a few weeks from now we'll be high schoolers," Ino said after taking a slice and munching the juicy fruit. Sakura nodded in return and looked at the far distance of the sky above.

"Hey Ino," she said. "Do you think I'll find my soulmate once I enter high school?"

Ino hummed before patting Sakura's shoulder, uplifting her mood. "Hey! Of course you will! Come on, I found mine a little too earlier but you'll find yours soon, trust me."

Ino found her soulmate right before graduating middle school. He was a year ahead, already in his first year in high school when he met Ino during the Interhigh preliminary in their prefecture.

"Hey Ino, what did it feel like when you found him?"

Ino thought for a second, her finger on her chin as she looked up before smiling and then squealing. "It was like sparks flew around, like literally!"

Sakura rolled her eyes playfully, but somehwere down the statement she knew Ino was telling the truth, that's just how it was. Magical as much as it sound fictional.

"But how did you know it was him? I mean, there were so many people there."

"Listen, Sakura," Ino said, scooting closer as she put the watermelon down and held Sakura's hand.

She started to talk about her experience as she found her soulmate and Sakura just listen, part in awe and in envy while hoping the same thing would happen to her and soon.

"And when your eyes meet, it's as if time would stop just for the sake of the two of you. How did I know it was him? It was quite simple really, he was the only person radiating a different shade of color like a steam around his body while everyone else around were just simply dull and colorless."

Ino's words sink in to Sakura as she memorized her statement like she memorized an important note before exam. Hearing those words from her best friend made Sakura feel all tingly and excited. She can't wait to see colors, to see the beauty of the sky when it's sunny, the beauty of grass and the rainbow after the rain. Perhaps seeing colors is the greatest gift that a person will give to their soulmate. The ability to see the beauty of the world in its truest form and the synergy it carried with it.

When Sakura's soulmate give her that gift, she will return it by giving him the ability to see colors as well. It was quite simple yet magical.

But soon, Sakura will learn that it was neither the two. Not simple and not magical.

Because somewhere down the line Sakura had this small dilemma. That what if she wouldn't find her soulmate? This town is a very small town that Sakura should've found him by now. What if he's not even in this town? What if he's somewhere far, like in Tokyo? Tokyo is a very crowded place, there are so many people there. More than that, what if he's actually half the world away?

All those what ifs were answered right away.

It doesn't matter where he is, even if he's half the world away or somewhere in the City of Tokyo, destiny will always find a way. Although one can never know how it works, after all, it works in mysterious ways.

Soon, the boy living in Tokyo and the girl living in a small town would find their path intertwine. It's like their white as snow canvas would soon be dyed by many colors, as abstract as it could be, a synergy is bound to be created.

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