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"let's move on with the plan" Jisoo told herself staring at the mirror.

Next day, Taehyung visited Jisoo to find no one was there except a letter which says,

"Mr Kim, thank you for everything. Can't thank you and your family enough. But I can't stay in your house anymore, people will make more rumours about us so it's better this way. I will find a job and a house soon. Take care of yourself.

Jisoo Kim"

Taehyung scrunched the letter and sat on the bed trying to control himself. Then he took out his phone and dialled Jisoo's number but she didn't picked up even after so many calls from him. "oh I don't matter now" he clenched his teeths. But he couldn't understand why a stranger girl's ignorence is bothering him.

Nevertheless, he went to his office. But the whole day he could hardly focus on his work. He took his phone out was about to type when his male ego couldn't let him. "Why do I care! Let her do whatever she wants" Someone knocks on the door and he out of frustration yelled "what?!" Sana walks in with a worried and sad expressions. "I-i thought to tell you everyone has left except you and me, do-do you want to go home or not?" She stuttered being scared.

"Of course, I'm going to go home. As far I remember I don't stay at this cabin right?" He sarcastically commented. Sana felt really bad but she thought maybe he is stressed again. "Let's go home, you need to rest I know you are stressed" Sana still told him. Taehyung realized he just vented his frustration on Sana for no reason.

He sighs and continues "Sana, go home. Don't wait for me, I need some time. Take my car alright?" Sana nods as she didn't wanted to annoy him more. She starts leaving but turned to say "Taehyung, don't be stressed always, we all are still young and we gotta go a long way" Taehyung tried to smile at her but he just couldn't.

After Sana left, he leaned back on his chair staring at the moon for sometime through his office window. But he just couldn't relaxed. He needs to gulp down few drinks. So he picked his suit and went to the bar he goes mostly.

He sat down on the stool watching people dancing, enjoying. Looks like only he is alone here. "Get me a drink, the regular one" he told the waiter. "Sir you look stressed, do you need any girl for tonight?" The waiter smirked. But one glare from Taehyung made him remember hell. He left from there. After sometime someone got him his drink and he started drinking when his eyes struck on someone. Someone very familiar.


She was wearing waitress dress, she is doing a job in a club? Leaving the luxurious to work in a club? She lost her mind?

He straight walks to her, the drunken teenage boys were flirting with her meanwhile she was looking tired. He helds her wrist, she quickly looks at him and was dumbfounded. "Mr Kim?" She asks herself a this point.

"What the fuck you are doing here, Jisoo!?" He gritted though his teeth. "Job, work" Jisoo simply replies. "You left my luxurious house to work here?" He points his finger around the club. "do not look down to any job, Mr Kim" she told. "Oh please don't give me that! Come back with me" he tried to drag but she removed his hand. "look sir,I respect the customers but you're crossing your limits" Taehyung felt weird something in his heart "customer? I'm only a customer?" He blurted out. "I already thanked you for everything, but I can't stay in your house forever" she tried to explain. "Now I need to go, I have to serve" she left.

Taehyung was angry so he threw the glass on the floor and threw money on the waiter's face and left from there.

Jisoo didn't liked what she did but sometimes we do things we don't like.

Jisoo stayed in a small house with two roommates. Lisa & RosΓ©. Lisa works in Kim Crops. RosΓ© is the PA of Taehyung's brother. Of course she knew where is she staying.

"So Miss Jisoo, where do you work?" Lisa asks while she was applying lipstick on. "Club, as a waitress" Lisa scrunched her nose in disgust. "Don't be so disgusted Miss Manoban" Jisoo told. RosΓ© felt bad how Lisa treated Jisoo. So she goes behind Jisoo and says "I'm sorry on her behalf, whatever work you do, it requires hard work like us. I do not judge you " Jisoo stares at her face for sometimes and nodded. She left from there. RosΓ© goes back to Lisa "lisayaa don't judge people! Just because she works there doesn't mean she does any bad things! Upgrade your mindset!" Lisa gulps, she could hardly see RosΓ© getting angry. She walks slowly and hugs RosΓ© "I won't do it again " rosΓ© didn't hugged back instead asked "will you say sorry to her?" Lisa looks at her and whines but had to agree in the end.

Currently it's 7 in the evening. She saw the club was empty with only the staffs. "Why is there no customer today?" She asks her co-worker Seulgi. "A rich Ceo brought it today, I mean tonight " Jisoo could only imagine Taehyung right now, she smiles.

"He has arrived " another waiter yelled. She keeps her eyes on the door. Door opens and revealed the CEO.

She was shocked to see him. Kim Taesang?

He smiles when he found Jisoo. She was taken back. He called the manger and told something to him. The manger came back to Jisoo and told "Jisoo for tonight he wants you to serve him and asked all of us to leave. He doesn't want any disturbance" Seulgi and other staffs eyes widened, alone?

"But sir, Jisoo will be alone with him. Is it safe?" Manager glares Seulgi. "I'll give you a good share from the money, he's paying a lot" Jisoo nods.

After all of them left, she took the tray for drinks and went infront of Taesang. He roams his eyes on her and stopped at her face, "how are you?"

"Fine" she shortly replies. "Sit down" he pats beside him. She hesitated but sat. "why are you working here?" He asks holding his drink. "I needΒ  a job bad that's why" she replies, her eyes always on floor. "If I give you a job, will you leave this club job?" She didn't answered. "What kind of job?" She asks. "I need you to work as my PA" she looks at him being amused. He had a PA, RosΓ© yet he is asking her to become his PA.

She knows why is making her his PA.

"I'll leave this job" after she told this he instantly smiles.


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