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Jisoo's wrist was suddenly grabbed by someone and was pulled into a room. She was scared but the person's face came in light and she felt relieved. It was Taehyung.

But he wasn't quite pleased by his expressions. "What's wrong with you, Mr Kim?" She complains jerking his grip. Taehyung questioned her instead "what's wrong with you, Miss Kim Jisoo?" Jisoo looks at him confused. "What happened to me? I didn't pulled you here, you did!" She blames. "I hear you and hyung" he shortly tells and stares her intently waiting for a answer. "Oh you did?" She shrugged off and walks slowly from him.

"What's wrong with that?" She asks backing from him. "You don't know what's wrong? I have warned you several times, politely or threatened I did both ways but you still stubborn on that?" He was frustrated. "Do you need money? How much? A house? A car? A company on your name, will it make you leave our family?" Jisoo kept quite. "Stop ignoring me!" He helds her forearms and turns her to face him.

She sighs instead of answering his questions. "FUCK! What do you want Kim Jisoo!?' he yells. "Your surname" she replies this time looking into his eyes with pure determination. His grip on her losing slowly untill he lets her go from his hold.

"That's not possible! He can't marry you, he won't marry you, I know my brother" he knows Taesang doesn't have the courage to leave Eujin and Aera. Nor will he let him leave Eujin and Aera anyways.

"I know, he won't agree. That's why I put forward this condition" Jisoo says clearly. She knows Taesang but deep down she knows Taesang's desperation for her lately.
And Taehyung knows this too. His brother is getting desperate for her.

"And what if he agrees?" He titled his head, narrowing his eyes. "Then I'll be your new sister-in-law, Noona" she smiles devilishly. For the first time, Taehyung saw a smile like this from Jisoo. All the time, he saw her Anglic smile and angelic face. As if she had hide this face somewhere else.

He walks closer and swiftly grabbed her shoulders pinning her on the wall. His one hand slammed on the wall beside her head, other one grabbing her jaw tightly. She felt pain.

"Stay away from my brother! He won't marry someone like you. He definitely likes girls like you but he won't leave his angel wife for a devil like you" he clenched his teeths saying every words. He was breathing heavily in anger but his eyes were deeply into hers. He felt like she's saying something by her eyes but he can't let himself manipulated by those innocent eyes.

He jerks her jaw which made her head hit the wall. He was about to hold her but he can't do this. He can't be pitying a girl like her. She doesn't deserve this. Not at all.

Meanwhile Taesang was devastated, frustrated by Jisoo's condition. He can't marry her, Eujin will kill him!

Next day came quickly for three Taehyung, Jisoo & Taesang. Taehyung was passing by Taesang's cabin when he hears, "i don't care about alimony, I want this divorce" he peeks to find their lawyer Mr Choi sitting infront of Taesang. "He is getting divorced" Taehyung thought. No! No! No! He kicks the chair in his cabin. He needs to find some ways to stop this. Suddenly his eyes went to Jisoo's desk and found it empty. He decided to check if she went to meet Taesang.

He runs around the office to find her, employees and staffs were shocked and confused. What's their boss is looking for? Sana was also confused to see Taehyung being so frustrated and running here and there. "Taehyung sir?" She calls him but he already left to second floor. Sana thought to leave him alone as she always does this whenever she sees Taehyung is frustrated.

Coming to second floor he found Jisoo standing infront of RosΓ©'s desk. Talking to her, laughing about something. He felt relieved as he left a breath of relief.

He noticed that Jisoo's face was bruised, her jaw part. It's because of him, he realise. The way he gripped her, it definitely bruised. He fisted his hand and left from there.

While going upstairs he took lift. When the lift opened he saw Taesang was on call and was saying "keep the marriage registry and everything checked in, I'll be coming tomorrow" Taesang looked taken back when he saw Taehyung.

Looking down he went out of the lift. Taehyung went in the lift but quickly got out. He went to Rose's desk and pulled Jisoo by her wrist not noticing RosΓ© and some staff were there. Also Mr Lim.

Jisoo was surprised, she looks here and there to see people looking at them. Why wouldn't they? When their boss was pulling a employee like this.

Taehyung went inside the lift with Jisoo. He pressed the button for 15th floor. Jisoo looks astonished "why are we going to 15th floor?" Taehyung didn't answered. He faces her while fuming in anger. "Hyung is ready to marry you" Jisoo first was shocked but she smiles "oh wow!" She exclaims. "Shut up! You will say no to hyung right now!" He orders glaring her. "Why would I? I mean see all my life I have been struggling, fighting with world to survive. If I marry your brother at least I would take rest for the rest of my life" she explains her life goal to him.

"You can marry someone else too!" He shouts. "I spent so much time with your brother, how do I find someone as good as him?" She asks in return. "You just need our surname huh?!" He takes steps to her she keeps backing. "Yes I do" she says while backing. "Why Kim? Why not someone else?" He intently looks into her to caught her lies. "Is there anyone else as powerful and rich as kims here?" She backfired.

"Okay then, you need our surname?" He asks steeping to her. Her back hits with the lift wall. She nods. "It doesn't have to be my brother necessarily" he says and swiftly grabbed her by her waist as she was about to hit her head again like last time..

"Take my surname, I'll marry you"


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