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Friday, January 27th, 1984
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"Showin how funky and strong is your fight! It doesn't matter who's wrong or right" As the lyrics from Beat it blared through the speakers of my radio, I stood in the reflection of my mirror and curled the tips of my hair while looking over at Michael who was dancing along to the song. I shook my head and laughed at his actions.

"Do you ever stop dancing?" I chuckled before placing the curling wand down in front of me. Through the mirror reflection, I watched him walk up behind me with a smile plastered upon his face. "Mmm, not really" he smiled, talking in the same soft tone we all shared. I sent him a glance before shaking my head and turned my back on the mirror.

I dragged my feet over to the closet door, sliding it open as I walked in to choose today's outfit. I had nothing much going on today other than my promise I made to the kids, to take them back down to the park later this evening. As of right now, I had no reason to be getting dressed as the only I was engaging in this afternoon was resting on the sofa while watching a few shows on the television until the time arrived.

As my eyes scanned through the many choices of clothes I had, my mind settled on a oversized light blue sweater and a pair of leggings to match. As I collected the pieces to my outfit, I turned back on my heels and departed from my closet before sliding the door back closed.

"So, what time do you guys shoot the commercial?" I asked of Michael, turning to his direction as I realized he was no longer in his previous spot but now rested on the edge of LaToya's bed.

"In just a few hours. You sure you don't want to join?" He interrogated. I gave him a tight lip smile before pulling the white pair of socks from my bottom drawer.

"Not this time, I really just want to relax for the day until I take the kids later. Plus, my show is on in a few and I don't wanna miss it" I replied.

"So, a TV show is more important than your brothers? hm, nice to know" Marlon peaked his head through the doorway of my bedroom, wearing a teasing smirk. I looked to him and sent a glare before jolting a pair of socks his way. "I didn't say that, dingus" I seethed and produced an annoyed eye roll.

"You didn't deny it, either"

"Marlon, get out of my room!" I demanded, wearing a ghosts of a smile as I turned my back on him.

"Nehh, I think I'll stay and annoy you some more" he bragged, I rolled my eyes and looked back at him. "Oh so you know, you're annoying?" I hoaxed with a toothful smile. he laughed and nudged my head. "Hush up"

In that moment, I felt myself being lifted into the air just as the room began to move around in circles, making my eyesight unsteady.

"Oh! Marlon put me down!!" I yelled in between my laughs. As I wished, he released me from the air but only to torture me with tickles as nonstop laughs soared from my lips. "Michael help me!" I shrieked in between the laughs. A silent snicker escaped both of their lips "Stop!"

"I'm enjoying this actually" Michael giggled, as my brown orbs attempted to settle on him but the pressure from the tickle torture I was receiving prevented me of that.

"I'm going to-I'm going to kill you!" I pouted through my fit of laughs.

"Say mercy" Marlon commanded, I refused to give him the satisfaction of a win so I shook my head in denial. He shrugged and mouthed okay then while he continued. After a short while, my body was far to weak to take anymore and with that, I gave in.

"Okay! Mercy, mercy!"

A wave of relief soared within me as he released me from his grip. I sat myself up on the bed, wiping the unknown tears that had fell from my eyes. Just then, I sent a cold glare in between both Michael and Marlon who held amused smiles on their lips. "You two act like children"

"And where do you think, you get it from?" Marlon probes, playfully as Michael showed his amusement with a laugh.

"You know what, get out, both of you" I pushed the two of them towards the entrance of my door before closing the door on the both of them. I turned back around and chuckled listening to Marlon rant on the other end.

"So, what happened?" I questioned Alisha, as she sat on the other end of the phone telling me of a recent situation that occured earlier today. As far as I knew, it involved her younger brother James and two other guys. I'm as sure of what actually happened, but I do know it supposably left him in jail for nearly five hours now.

"I'm assuming a fight happened, but the officers refused to give us anymore information. Ry I'm just so worried about him, what if he did something he can't come back from?" She stressed, making me release a sorrowful sigh.

"I'm sure things will turn out just fine Lis. James is a smart kid, I know he couldn't have done anything that bad" I assured her as I toyed with the telephone string. James was a good kid to say the least. He was hardly in any trouble and always good grades, straight A's and B's to be exact. I've known the boy for more than three years and with every meeting I've ever had with him, he was the sweetest which was one of many reasons of why I liked him. He reminded me much of my own brother, Jackie of course.

"I hope you're right" she sighed. I smiled lightly over the call before responding "I will be, just watch. Everything's going to be fine and James will be right back home in that same room, listening to Rockwell all day as he always is" hearing her laugh on the other end was all the assurance I needed to know I had succeeded in lifting her spirits.

"Thank you Ry- but enough of me, what about you? How's things been going for you down there" she changed the subject while averting her attention to my well-being. I smiled as I pulled myself up on the sofa. I was home alone for the time being, well other than Brandi being asleep in the other room.

"Pretty well, actually. I didn't realize how much I missed this place until I stepped foot in it" I recalled while adjusting the lock of my hair.

"Well that's good to hear, I'm glad you're enjoying it" she replied.

"Yeah, I miss you guys though, how's the girls and Shad?" I questioned as I adjusted myself on the sofa.

"Ashad is Ashad, as always. He misses you though, never stops talking about you" she answered with a chuckle, making me join in. Ashad was the definition of how a guy best friend should be. "Toni is doing good as well, and Nicole is too"

I smiled at the thought of the three. I loved them with all my heart, just as if they were my actual siblings. Toni, I met on a job search my first week in Orlando. She was a little rough around the edges, clumsy if I do say so but even then she was the sweetest. When I enrolled in college the year of 1978, I met both Alisha and Nicole who were both in my economics class. I met Ashad during my sophomore year, it was clear he had a small attraction towards me during that year. But over time, we grew to be nothing more than friends and he took that pretty well.

"Well that's nice, tell them I miss and love them" I said while switching the phone to my opposite ear.

"Will do" she agreed. "so, how is your family?"

"They're good, they were excited to see me when I arrived, and I can say the feeling was mutual. God, I felt so ashamed for being away so long Randy and Janet have grown so much, you should really see them" I ranted. The only time Alisha has ever really seen any of my siblings was either on the TV screen or through photos I would show her.

"Aww, I bet they have and I would love to if I could but, y'know I live like a hundred miles away" I would sense her playfully roll her eyes on the other end, which made me chuckle. She had a passion for being dramatic. "But what about your father, how's that going?"

"Good actually, Joseph is- a little different from what I remember or at least that's what he's been displaying these past few days" I began while my thoughts averted to Joseph. "He's still a little rough around the edges but, I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt. He's trying from what I see"

"That's amazing, I'm glad to see-well hear that you two are getting along" she gleamed, as a smile formed upon my face. "Yeah, me too. Let's pray it stays that way" I sincerely hoped.

"So, any plans for tonight?" She questioned.

"Mmm, nothing other than taking my nieces and nephews to the park later on" I replied, just as the second house phone began to ring, capturing my attention. "hold that thought girl, I'll be right back" I said, gaining an okay in return.

As I stood from the sofa, I made my over to the second phone that rested upon the desk. I picked it up, pressing it against my ear just as I heard breathing coming from the other end. "Riah, ray you there?" A voice from the other end questioned, asking my eyebrows scrunch in confusion. He sounded worried and afraid, like he had been crying.

"Jackie? What's wrong, are you okay?" I asked while turning my back against the wall.

"Yes-yes I'm fine, but listen Ray, we need you to come down to the hospital" I felt my heart sank at the word just as my anxiety began to rise. "Why? Is something wrong with mama? Or Joseph" my mind immediately turned to them when I heard the word, my heart racing with fear.

"No, no. Mother's fine, Joseph's fine- Ray, ray it's Michael" and just like that, I felt my heart tear in two.

"Wh-what? What do you mean, what happened to him. Is he alright?" I began to panic at the thought of Michael being injured. If anything, my siblings were definitely my weakness. If any were to happen to them, I would lose my mind.

"There was an accident during the commercial shoot, an-an-and the fireworks, his hair, t-the fire an-ans I" he began to stutter, struggling with each word as terror laced in his voice.

"Jackie! Hey, slow down for me alright? Just breathe, breathe and tell me what happened? What fire?!" I probed as I began to search the house for his car keys.

"T-the fireworks, he was standing to close when they went off an-and it-"

"Oh my God" I interrupted as I already had the information I needed to know what happened. With no further questions, I quickly grabbed the car keys from the top shelf. I had no one to explain to Alisha the situation, I was too worried. "Jackie, I'm on my way" and with that, I hastened into the back upstairs room and quickly retrieved Brandi. Once I did, I wasted no time rushing out to the car and jumping in after strapping her in of course.

I didn't even bother putting my own seatbelt on, I just started the engine to the vehicle and drove off.

By the time I had reached the hospital, the time had been seven ten. My mind was flooding with thoughts of terror and my heart sunk even more with every step I took. I couldn't shake this fear I held in my body, the fear of my brother being seriously injured or worse............gone.

"Where is he?!" I cried as I fragmented through the doors to the lobby, my voice capturing the attention of every present person. Some who were unfamiliar. "Where's Michael?!"

Before I could scream or shout anymore, Tito came into my view with his eyes all red and puffy. He separated his arms, offering me comfort as I ran into his embrace. His hands slowly moved up and down my back as I cried into his shoulder. "Shh, it's okay. He's alright, he's alright"

"How did this happen?" I questioned as my eyes jolted upwards to his brown orbs. I pulled away slowly from the embrace while wiping the tears that fell.

"He was standing a little too close to the fireworks Ray, when they went off it his hair caught fire" he explained as he grasped his hands onto my shoulder.

"Oh my God" I whispered, the thought just tugging at my heart.

"Well is he okay? Did they say anything?" My voice continued.

"He suffered second and third degree burns, but he's doing better. Mother and Joseph are in there with him right now" Rebbie's voice came to surface as she sauntered over to me. I turned to my sister and dragged her into a tight hug.

Soon enough, mother exited the room where Michael was being held. Rushing over, I pulled her into a hug, holding onto her for dear life. "how is he?" Randy interrogated, his voice laced with concern.

"A little better, he wanted me to tell you all that he was okay and to stop all that crying" she acknowledged while my eyes averted over to Jermaine, who stood secluded in far back corner. I released my mother and allowed my feet to guide me over to where my brother stood.

"Hey, jay you okay?" I dryly questioned while placing my left hand upon his shoulder. He looked to me, red laced eyes with dry tear stains painted down his cheek. He nodded his head. "A little"

I gave him a disbelieving look, his eyes told it all. He was worried and it showed, not that I expected him not to be. He hinted my look and released a sigh. "No"

"I was standing right there Ray, right there an-and he was calling me, calling my name and I didn't hear him- I should've heard him, I should've turned around and checked on him, something!" He ranted, making my eyes narrow in sadness.

"Hey, hey stop it now. This isn't your fault, you didn't know this would happen none of us did this isn't your fault" I assured him.

"Feels like it-"

"It isn't! and no matter how much you think it was, it will never be your fault, my love. Understand?" I said, gazing into his eyes as he looked to me. He sighed again and gave me a nod before pulling me into a hug. "I love you"

"I love you more"

Just then, the door to Michael's room swung open, the metal handle loudly colliding with the wall as Joseph appeared from the entrance. All eyes turned to him as he slowly walked this way. I couldn't help but take note of the sorrowful look in his eyes, similar to the one Jermaine had only with more hurt. Being the child that I am, I sauntered over to my father and grasped his arm with my left hand as his eyes locked with mine.

"Is everything alright? what happened in there?" I asked him, watching him intently. He dragged in a long breath before slowly nodding his head.

"Yeah, um. Everything's fine, Michael's fine. He uh-" he paused himself, looking to the tiles beneath his feet as my eyes followed before looking back up and raising a brow. "He don't wanna speak to me" this was the first and only time I had ever seen my father so....hurt.

I sighed sorrowfully before turning to my mother, who gave me a reassuring nod. "Give him time Joseph, he'll come around. You know Michael" I started, regaining his attention as his brown orbs gazed through mine. "You have to understand where he's coming from. He's hurt, you hurt him not just physically but emotionally too. You weren't a horrible father but you weren't technically good either...to any of us and it's kind of hard to just let go of something that was an ongoing cycle for years. You're changing, and I can see that, you're showing me but you're not showing him. You have to show him, not just by an apology but by giving him space and time, peace. He needs that, he deserves that. He'll come around, you just have to be willing to wait for him" I declared, before turning back and sauntering over to my mother as I wrapped my arms around her waist while she wrapped her arms around my shoulders.

I watched Joseph intently as he took in everything that I said. Every word of it was the truth, and I wasn't afraid to speak it to him. He wasn't horrible, but he wasn't good either and the sooner he realized that.......the sooner his improvement process will be. I'm counting on him.....not just to change as a person but to step up and actually be the father we always longed for. No, gifts aren't needed but a simple I love you or even a hug or kiss would be nice. A Father's affection was all we wanted.

"I think you got through to him" mother whispered as my eyes jolted up to her. I smiled and rested my head up on her cotton covered chest. "I hope so" I replied.

"I'm going to um, go see Michael" I reported while removing myself from her embrace. She looked to me and gave a nod before pressing a kiss onto my forehead. From there, I walked off towards the room, grasping his arm one last time when walking past Joseph.

I drew in a long breath as I reached just a few steps away from the door. Each step was like another tug to my heart, almost as if someone was just trying to tear it out. I hated hospitals let alone having someone I loved more than myself being in one. As I finally reached the door, I inhaled once more before guiding myself completely inside.

The small sight of the bed peaked around the corner as I quietly entered, and as I soon as I turned the corner....my heart was ripped from chest and tears burned in my eyes. His face structure was hidden behind the bandages around him, as all I could see was his eyes, nose and lips. I wiped the first tear to fall as I slid myself in the chair beside his bed and grasped his hand.

His head quickly turned to me at the feeling of physical contact. I gave him a weak smile as I gently rubbed the back of his hand. "Mariah?" he lowly whispered, bringing me back to the first moment I arrived home. I chuckled and nodded my head.

"Hey meta, how you feeling?" I softly probed as I forced a cracked smile to appear on my face, still unable to hide the hurt in my eyes.

"I'm okay, for the most part" he responded as my eyes traveled up an down, taking in his appearance. Every time my eyes settled on the bandages, I felt my heart crack with every look. "Hey, I thought I told mother to tell you to stop all that crying, girl" he joked, making me realize the single tear that had fallen again. I scoffed and quickly wiped it away.

"I-I wasn't" I weakly smiled while averting my attention to my lap. I heard his low chuckle from in front of me as he gave my hand a light squeeze. "Mariah, I'm okay. Really" he tried to assure me with a smile, but my face still only displayed a frown.

"Does it-

"Hurt? not really, other than a small sting here and there" he cut in before I could finish my question. I knew he was lying, because I knew my brother. The look in his eyes told it all, he wasn't okay and it did hurt, not just physically but emotionally. But Michael being Michael, he was going to hide his pain with a smile.

"I'm sorry" I whispered, no longer being able to hold my emotions inside. "Maybe - maybe I should've came, like you asked me too. Maybe I could've-"

"Oh, I knew you would do this, stop it please. It was an accident Ray, it wasn't your fault" he tried to comfort me, which only made matters worse. He was giving me comfort when it should be the other way around. I shook my head and looked off to the side. "I know but-"

"Stop" this time I turned back to him, my glossy eyes piercing his serious ones. I felt like a hypocrite, I had just told Jermaine exactly what Michael was telling me and now I was doing just as he was. "Now wipe those tears and smile for me,

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