"Stop telling me to calm down!"
The shouts of Seojun and his friends were the only sounds that could be heard in that place; the room was filled with a sense of anxiety and excitement for a situation that, according to the protagonist, warranted it.
Seojun was about to get married.
"Suho, tell him to calm down!"
"Seojun, silence." He said calmly, making the dark-haired boy shut up immediately, closing his mouth as he looked at himself in the mirror, his eyes scanning his figure, staring with worry. "I don't think you need to be nervous about this."
"Of course I do! What if she decides she doesn't want to stay by my side? What if she tells me no andβ"
"Seojun, you've been together for more than four years."
"Six... The years she was away don't count as separation." He shook his head like a child refusing to accept reality.
"Fine, six years." Suho corrected his friend, who was almost hyperventilating from his own anxiety. "Believe me, there's no one more excited about this than she is."
"When you proposed, she came jumping to my house to tell me everything. Do you really think she would have done that if she didn't truly want to marry you?"
Seojun blushed upon hearing that because he had done the same with his mom and sister; he had cried in his mother's arms because he was going to marry the woman he loved. It was a moment his mother would treasure for the rest of her life.
"So it's better you calm down; save the strong emotions for later, okay?" Suho advised, adjusting the younger man's tie, who nodded obediently. "Okay, let's go; the bride will arrive any minute."
And so it was; the ceremony began a few minutes after Seojun stepped onto the altar. He looked at his mother for calmness, but she seemed more interested in talking to Aera's mother about the colors of the bridesmaids' dresses.
SooAh, Jukyeong, and Gowon, specifically.
And by his side were Suho, Taehoo, and Chorong, who had been telling him to stop moving as if his underwear was uncomfortable. But all that faded to the background when the figure of the bride appeared through the enormous doors of the church.
Ara walked alongside Suho's father; her dress was a clear definition of her, elegant and delicate. The dress had a long train, but not too long, resembling a path of petals fading into the white fabric that covered the lower part of the outfit. Without a doubt, she looked like a princess.
When she stood before him, she smiled through the veil; he held her hands, leaving a kiss on them, feeling the ticklish softness of her skin against his lips. Still, he looked into her eyes sweetly. "How is it possible that you can look even more beautiful?" Aera didn't respond, only smiled with a blush on her cheeks, closing her eyes to avoid feeling more shy.
And thus, the wedding began; it was a torturous few minutes for Seojun. He just wanted to say yes; he wanted to make her his wife right away.
"So... Han Seojun, do you take Jang Aera as your wife?"
"Yes." He blurted out without thinking, hurriedly, making the guests laugh a little at his tone, but he didn't care; he just smiled, nodding as he looked at the girl. Of course he wanted to.
"Jang Aera, do you take Han Seojun as your husband?"
Aera smiled, nodding. "Of course I do."
"Then, by the power vested in me by the church, I now pronounce you husband and wife... Son, you may kiss the bride."
Seojun almost jumped, approaching the woman, delicately taking the veil, lifting it slowly until he stood before her without any interruption. He cupped her cheeks, loving the way she was looking at him.
It was an image he would never allow himself to forget.
"I love you." He murmured, leaning closer to her, brushing his nose against hers. "I love you, Jang Aera."
The girl received the kiss, enjoying every moment, smiling at the applause and cheers from the guests; there weren't many, but they were enough.
"I love you, Han Seojun."
The small party was almost coming to an end when Aera stood up, asking for everyone's attention, which she received seconds later.
Seojun was by her side, caressing her lower back while looking at her attentively, wanting to know what she was going to say.
"Tonight, I want to take this opportunity to thank you all. Thank you so much for being here. I met many people along the way, and I've had others from the beginning, and I feel very grateful to have you all be a part of my life." SooAh almost let out a scream upon hearing those words from her, as she was already drunk and emotional. "That's why I appreciate you sharing this happy and special day with me... Han Seojun." She turned to look at him, earning a shy smile from him. "You are undoubtedly the man of my dreams."
The "aww" sounds echoed; she laughed softly, making Seojun feel even more nervous.
"When I met you, I knew you would be someone extremely important to me. And even though it took us a long time and difficulties to reach this point, I'm so glad we overcame those obstacles because now, I can finally call you my husband." Everyone applauded; Seojun caressed her back, nodding. "You are an incredible person, so hardworking and determined. I know, for sure, that I made the right decision in choosing you as my friend, my boyfriend, my husband..." Aera looked at Suho, who nodded with a sweet smile, giving her the assurance she wanted. "And I'm sure I didn't make a mistake in choosing you as the father of my children."
Everyone fell silent at that moment when the girl laughed into the microphone; Seojun's friends jumped, as did SooAh and Jukyeong.
"Are you going to have a mini Seojun!?"
"Are we going to be aunts!?"
Seojun almost fell as he stood up from his seat, looking at the woman with shining eyes, filled with tears. Aera lowered the microphone, looking at him the same way but with a smile. "Dad?"
"You're going to be a dad, Seojunnie... And I'm sure you'll be the best."
Seojun smiled, finally jumping as he understood the situation, picking the woman up in his arms, hugging her tightly, lifting her and spinning her a little. Everyone watched the scene with smiles on their faces; the young couple was the epitome of a perfect pair, and they couldn't expect any other reaction from them.
"You... You will be the best mother, the most beautiful that our children will ever know." He murmured, leaving a kiss on her nose, watching her want to cry again. "Now I understand why you wanted to eat those pickles with mayonnaise two days ago."
The girl lightly punched him, just to end up agreeing, hugging the man, who sighed with great relief in his heart, looking at the guests, smiling like a child. "Mom, I'm going to have a baby!" He shouted, jumping childishly, releasing Aera to run into his mother's arms, happy that he was fulfilling one of his many dreams, especially because he would do it alongside the woman he loved. "Gowon, I'm going to be a dad!"
"Han Seojun!" The man jumped at the sound of his full name being called in that tone; his gaze lifted from the bowl of soup he was trying to finish.
The children's laughter soon echoed, and he looked at the source, squinting his eyes at the little ones. "Han Yangmi and Han Yejun, come here right now!"
The twins fell silent at that, making a face at their father. Whenever he got scolded, they also had to be reprimanded.
The Han twins, as they were known in the media for being the children of world-renowned parents, were an exact copy of both. While Yangmi was a perfect replica of her mother, the boy, Yejun, was the spitting image of his father.
Yejun had large, slanted eyes; his nose was small but pronounced, and his lips were thin but not nonexistent. He was a perfect copy of Seojun, and he knew itβso much so that he had even cut his hair just like his father's.
Yangmi, on the other hand, had slanted eyes like her parents, long eyelashes, and a lighter skin tone, just like her mother. Her jet-black hair was less straight than her brother's, and Aera knew itβshe was practically a mini version of her.
"Dad, what did you do?"
"Me? What did you do?" he asked, taking their hands to walk toward where their mother was. They didn't want to get scolded any further. When they saw the completely messy playroom, they understood the reason.
"Didn't I tell you that the playroom gets cleaned when you're done playing?"
"It was Uncle Chorong!" the kids blamed simultaneously, running toward the woman, shouting for her attention. Seojun, on the other hand, just smiled at her.
"I told him to tidy up before he left." He excused himself, earning a hit from a small toy spoon that Aera threw at him. "Ouch, fine, we'll clean this up."
The children nodded, running to grab the little toy basket, but they just pushed it along, following their father, who was the one picking things up. Aera watched the scene; the kids had been another bond in their relationshipβnot in a bad way; in fact, they had brought them closer together.
Of course, each of them had their careers, but they always found a way to spend time together. And when time didn't allow it, the kids stayed with their grandmothers, but it had never been more than two days, and one of them would always come to get them.
Because the grandchildren were the most precious treasure of those two women, they always bragged about them to their friends and spoiled them excessivelyβnot that they didn't do the same; especially Seojun.
Seojun and Yangmi were like two peas in a pod; she adored her father, and he loved his little princessβor little rose, as he called her. Whatever whim she had, he would fulfill it, while Aera had a special bond with the boy, Yejun. The boy sought her out whenever there was a problem or when he wanted affection; she was always the first person he asked for when he woke up from his naps or dreams.
There was no doubt that the adults loved both children equally, just as they loved them. The kids had only brought a bit more noise into their lives and set aside their routine; for them, it had been the best thing that ever happened to them. Sure, the lessons had been difficult, but they were affectionate and patient, so they always ended up achieving their goals.
"Done, Mom!"
"Very well, babies, why don't you go find the book you want Mom to read to you tonight?"
The little ones dashed out, leaving the adults alone. Seojun smiled, running to her and catching her by surprise, lifting her into the air and planting a kiss on her cheek, hiding his face in her neck afterward. "You smell so good." He whispered, leaving a kiss on her skin. The woman sighed but still embraced him.
"Seojun, the kids..."
"Did you know that this room is far enough from the kids' room?"
She looked at him, pulling back a bit to open her mouth, hitting his shoulder. "Yah, what are you proposing?"
"Yejun wants a brother; why don't we give him one for his birthday?"
The woman stared at him, mouth agape; he never said things like that, not even as a joke. It embarrassed him, despite already being a father; he was still quite shy about it. "Have you been drinking?"
"Of course not." He shook his head, leaving a soft kiss on her lips. "I just want to tell you that I love you while I show you, is that wrong?" he asked with a pout. "Because I love you, Jang Aera, did you know that?"
"Uhm, of course."
"Good, then... why don't you read the story to the kids, and let me show you how much I love you, uhm?"
And that's how Love Again comes to an end. After so long, I just want to thank you for all the support; I truly hope you enjoyed it, even though I'm not a professional writer and there might have been many errors. I hope it entertained you, just as I hope you return whenever you want to escape reality for a while.
Thank you, Aera, and thank you, Seojun. Thank you, Love Again, for allowing me to meet lovely people.
See you in other works!
Sincerely, wookzn_.
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