Jukyeong had sat in the seat that belonged to Seojun that day, Aera knew that the boy was going to be upset when he came back, if he came back tho, he also didn't have a very good temperament, although on the other hand, he might not set foot in those hallways again in a long time, then there would be no problem.
However, she liked having the girl in her classroom, there was something about her that she liked, perhaps the way she seemed a little self-conscious and nervous about interacting with others, although, according to Aera, she shouldn't have to, she was really beautiful. "Jukyeong, give me your number". Aera moved her chair towards her, positioning herself between her and SooAh, who took out her cell phone and asked her for the same thing.
"Don't you have Instagram? Ah, I thought Aera would be the only weird one in this room". SooAh laughed when she felt the blow of the aforementioned on her arm, Jukyeong looked at them without understanding. "She is the daughter of successful millionaires and she doesn't have Instagram. Can you believe it?".
"I don't take photos anyway, why would I?" She said, saving the number of her new friend on her cell phone with a cute name and a small personalized emoji for her.
Like all the phone numbers she had saved.
"To upload a photo with me and have modeling agencies contact me Aera!" Her short hair friend complained, shaking her, who was complaining that she was ruining her jacket.
"You talk as if I couldn't get you a casting at any time". Aera complained with feigned annoyance. "What's more, I did it last year and you pretended to be sick so as not to go".
"Yes, I got sick! It was nerves!"
Jukyeong looked at them, noticing how beautiful they both were, they were like polar opposites, SooAh, with a good girl image, looked like a sweet and quite fun person, even her way of combining her uniform with some other accessory was cute. On the other hand, Aera, even though she didn't look like the bad girls in the movies, she did have a pretty serious aura, plus her larger than average height made her feel intimidated around her, she swore that the girl liked to dress in neutral, dark colors, her black hair made her light brown, almond-shaped eyes, accompanied by thick eyelashes, which gave her the feeling that her eyes were lined, made her look like a tough person, her almost porcelain-colored face caught the girl's attention, noticing how she had a scar near her right eye as well as a small mole, which gave a touch of elegance to her features.
Aera and SooAh looked quite different, maybe that's why they got along so well.
"I don't know what color it is, ask her". Aera complained, pointing at Jukyeong, who looked at the girls with doubt once she came out of her thoughts, noticing how SooAh pushed the taller one with shame on her features. "SooAh asks what brand your lipstick is... ah!" The black-haired girl complained as she felt her body being almost thrown to the ground by Soojin, who sat next to her, hugging her with a smile.
"Oh! This is our friend, Soojin". SooAh introduce, the aforementioned greeting before seeing the two girls sitting in the same chair. "If you look at them, we call them the princesses of Saebom... Although perhaps now you can take the place of one... Or join them".
Aera laughed a little, getting up so she could leave Soojin in the chair, she sitting at a table behind her, listening to SooAh talk too much, like she always did. "I think you have realized, the extrovert one is SooAh..."
The girl shrugged before bowing slightly. "Soojin is the introvert and Aera is the "if it's fun, I'll do it" one".
Aera leaned in slightly, as if she were going to tell the new girl a secret. "I hope you don't find it annoying, you get used to it over time".
"What are you doing? Oops, sorry, yes, it's a bad habit... Suho told me that I have to warn when I enter a place...". Aera said as she walked towards a sink, trying to remove the glitter that Taehoo had spilled on her hands in art class.
One more thing to add to your list: Things you don't have to leave near Taehoo's curious hands; glitter.
"Don't worry... It's just that this doesn't work out and I have to return it". Aera looked at the jacket, noticing the large stain of light foundation on it.
Her boyfriend's jacket.
So she was the one wearing that greasy makeup. " Idon't think you'll be able to wash out a waterproof foundation with water". The girl laughed with a little amusement, but without the intention of intimidating her. "Use makeup remover and then put her in the washing machine, wash it with cold water so it doesn't shrink". she smiled at her before turning off the tap, denying when she saw how the glitter was still there. "Let's go? We have class soon".
They both left the bathroom, Jukyeong first, shaking the jacket, Aera almost collided with the shorter one when she stopped suddenly, the girl looked at the person in front of Jukyeong, who looked at her almost with displeasure. "I... I'll bring it to you washed toβ".
"Throw it in the trash". Suho said as if nothing had happened, looking at the girl behind her, his bored and displeased expression lit up for a second, passing by Jukyeong to take his girlfriend's hand, smile at her and take her away from her new friend.
"Oh... How do you want me to throw this in the trash!? I'll bring it back to you like new!". Aera stopped, stopping her boyfriend at that moment, who looked at her with doubt.
"Don't be rude, Ho". The girl complained, letting go of his hand, and the boy looked at that action with an indifferent grimace. "I'll stay with Jukyeong, I'll go out with SooAh and Soojin after school, and Ju will go too, so... I won't go out with you after school, honey, but be careful, okay?".
Suho nodded, sighing, he wanted to go out with his girlfriend, but they had done it yesterday, besides, he knew how SooAh was like, she was capable of making a scene so that he would let Aera go with her, maybe even hitting him. "Well, don't stay out so late, call me if you need anything, okay? I'll be at the martial arts studio later, in case anything happens".
"Okay, honey, don't hurt yourself". She nodded, the taller one caressed her cheek after leaving a small kiss on her forehead and giving her a small smile, turning around to walk away, Aera turned around too, walking towards her friends, who were talking about going out after school with the girl. "I propose Teokbokki".
"What are you doing?". Aera looked up from her sketchbook when she heard Jukyeong's voice, who was sitting next to her while they waited for the food.
"Ah, it's nothing...". The girl said, wanting to close the notebook before SooAh took it.
"Wow, Aera... Are these for your mom's collection?". The girl asked, looking with open eyes at all the sketches she had in her notebook.
"Yes... No... I don't know, I have a month to finish them and none of them convince me". The black-haired girl lamented, letting her head fall on the table, Soojin looked at the sketches on the pages as well, they weren't bad, however, they didn't seem like something Aera would use or let anyone use.
It was like she was just drawing random clothes, something she never did.
"Do you make sketches for your mother?".
SooAh laughed before Aera raised her head, smiling tenderly as she saw the innocence in the girl's eyes. "No... It's my birthday gift... I think?". This one murmured, not sure if that was actually a birthday gift or a task disguised as a gift.
"Do you already know what name you will give it?"
Aera lamented again, now making a frustrated face and dropping her head on the table upon hearing that question from SooAh. No, she still didn't know what name that collection would have
"Dear. Did you make it home safely? I'll go to the comic book store, remember not to sleep late, see you tomorrow at school, I love you."
And in fact, she had not fallen asleep late, she did not remember what time she had done it either, the only thing she knew was that she had fallen asleep on her sketchbook and when she woke up, it was completely wet as was her face and part of her legs.
So her day had not started in the best way, if before she did not have much progress, now she was lost, she had wet her drawings and she had no idea what she was going to do now.
That's why you used your computer to leave a file with the sketches, Jang Aera, now you'll have to start over.
Therefore, she had decided to do what she knew how to do best, spend money on clothes, in her mind it was a good idea, maybe then she could find some kind of inspiration. So now she was in a store, looking at leather jackets that caught her attention, although their neutral color seemed somewhat boring to her.
Maybe if they had a little color, nothing so flashy, but with more life...
"Oh! Aera!". Someone's voice called, she turned around, confused to see no one looking at her or greeting her, until she looked outside the store, her smile appeared when she saw Jukyeong standing outside the store, greeting her.
With excitement, the girl decided to leave the large store, walking towards her new friend with open arms. "Oh, Jukyeong! What are you doing here? Do you also like to waste money when you're angry?".
The girl laughed with amusement at the thought that she would never be able to do that with money, but for her that was the most normal thing, denying while showing her a bag. "I came to buy a new foundation and a lipstick". The black-haired girl looked at the brand on the bag, it wasn't expensive, ah, that's why it's so greasy, she said to herself, nodding before returning to her eyes. her. "You? What are you doing here?".
"Inspiration, I guess". The taller one put her hands in the pockets of her black jacket. "I come to clothing stores when I need to be inspired or just think". The girl said. "Come on? I think there's a dumpling shop nearby. It's on me".
Jukyeong nodded, swallowing hard as she remembered the scene she had with Suho the night before, although, she didn't really know the relationship they had, somehow, she was scared by the fact that the boy had recognized her. "Aera". she began, hearing the girl's sound of interest, making her continue. "It's not that I want to sound like a busybody or anything... But... You and Lee Suho seem very close, are you friends?".
Jang tilted his head, looked at her with an almost amused smile and nodded, linking her arm with Jukyeong's to continue on their way at the same pace. "Suho is my boyfriend". Aera almost stumbled when she felt how Jukyeong stopped suddenly, she felt bad hearing that.
Had I seriously thought that my new friend's boyfriend is extremely handsome? Jeez, Jukyeong.
"Many people are surprised too, don't worry". Aera continued, pulling the girl out of her trance so she could look for something to eat. "But Suho is not a bad boy, he is quite closed, yes, but when you get to know him better, it is impossible not to like him... Just give him time, he will get used to you".
Jukyeong reviewed the girl, black leather jacket, black pants tight to her long legs, and a wine red blouse hugged her body, just like her shoes, which looked more like police boots, the girl gave that vibe, totally different from the one Suho had.
She looked like a girl you would dislike horribly and who might not even look at you, yet she was an angel, and Suho looked like an angel, but in fact, he wouldn't look at you.
Aera's gaze rested over Jukyeong's head, noticing how a motorcycle was heading towards them, the girl's eyes widened before pushing Jukyeong, seeing how the boy who was on it noticed them, she knew he wasn't going to be able to brake in time. As she turned, she saw him, so she stepped back, however, she did not go far enough so that he did not fall on her when he jumped off the motorcycle.
He didn't know how, but the girl's body cushioned the blow that he was going to suffer, Aera felt her nose hurt when the boy's head, rather the helmet, hit it, however, it only made her smell the smell of cologne, that smell, she knew that smell quite well.
That fragrance could only be the work of her mother. Only one person had that fragrance.
With some annoyance, the girl pushed the taller boy's body away from hers, making him sit up with some pain, Aera moved away from him a little when she sat down, feeling a horrible pain in her back. "Are you okay, Aera!? I'm sorry... Excuse me, are you okay?".
Aera sighed, tilting her head to the side before Jukyeong helped her up. She grimaced when she saw that the girl's black jacket, which looked quite expensive, had torn from the sleeves due to the rubbing of the sleeves. against the pavement.
"Oh God... Sir, are you hurt?".
Aera opened her eyes slowly to see how the boy took off his helmet, and just as she remembered that hair, that characteristic cut, those sharp eyes of the boy connected with hers, when he turned to see her, a strange glow crossed the boy's gaze when his brown orbs managed to recognize those almond-shaped eyes and that familiar figure.
Jang Aera.
Seojun wanted to smile with excitement at being able to see that pretty face that had been in his mind for months again, and say something stupid, like he always used to do, before some lights blinded him. Aera could only watch as the boy threw the helmet towards them before starting to run, Aera caught the helmet before it fell to the ground, watching the boy run and get away from the place quickly, and then saw how some boys came down from a motorcycle and they followed him.
Seojun. Han Seojun had decided to return.
She didn't dislike Seojun at all, although she had to accept that she spent several weeks upset with him due to several things that he had said to her boyfriend in the past, so their relationship was not at its best when he left, without a doubt. However, the girl had known him well enough, she had been his friend for several years and she still cared about his well-being, much more so if he was being chased by a group of bully-looking boys. "Ah, Han Seojun, what did you do now?". She murmured, seeing how Jukyeong wanted to pick up the motorcycle, not knowing where to touch. Deciding to approach her so that she would not be seriously injured, she stopped her from trying to lift the vehicle. "Jukyeong, go home, I'll stay here".
"But you're hurt, I dβ".
"I know this guy, alright? Don't worry, you go home, I'll see you tomorrow at school". Aera, she assured with a nice smile, noticing how she didn't trust leaving her there alone. "Seriously, I'll call Suho to come get me, don't worry".
"Fine, but let me know when you get home, please". The girl watched as Jukyeong walked away from her while she made a phone sign with her hand, smiling at him before saying goodbye to her, she took out her phone and thought about whether calling Suho was a good idea.
Of course not, Aera, not if it's about Seojun.
Aera decide to lift the motorcycle, seeing how it had several scratches and a few bumps, however, when she turned it on, it did so perfectly and did not seem to have any other problems or broken parts, so she left it there, already parked in a place where It wouldn't get in the way. "Should I..." Aera looked down the alley where the familiar boy and the thugs had gone, wondering if it would be a good idea to follow them.
They surely caught him, Seojun would have already returned for his baby. Aera thought, sighing, the girl put her cell phone in the helmet, taking it in her hand, letting it hang before starting to walk in the direction of Seojun's escape.
Just make sure he's not dead or badly injured, Aera.
She didn't know how, but she had managed to find the boys she was looking for, and boy, they caught him. The girl jumped when she saw how one of the boys, who seemed to be the leader of that group, hit the tallest boy in the stomach, making him bending due to sudden action and certain pain.
That made her a little upset.
Aera was not an idiot, she was not going to get involved in something that she knew would hurt her, because come on, she has no advantage against three bullies, so, looking for some way to get rid of them, the black-haired girl smiled when she saw a small fire alarm near a small plant that was a few meters away.
When she managed to press the button, the alarm began to sound, she was grateful that it sounded a lot like the police's sirens, because that made the boys who were going to continue hitting Seojun, run without thinking much, Aera sighed when she saw Seojun stand up and Shaking the dust off his jacket as if nothing had happened, standing straight, as imposing as he remembered.
Apparently not much has changed.
She didn't know that he had returned. The last time she saw him was during one of his not-so-pleasant visits to her house. They both ended up arguing about things that, now that Aera thought about it, didn't even have to have been discussed. However, she couldn't try to settle that argument with him because he left, he had gone abroad without telling anyone.
Until now. But she wasn't sure if she wanted to bring that discussion back up. She didn't suit him.
He didn't know the reason for his going either, however, he liked that he got away from that place, perhaps, on that trip he was able to heal a little the wound that Seyeon had left. She was not upset with him for such an argument, because she knew that everything she had said that night was because he was hurt, he was hurt.
And sometimes, feelings are stronger than your own reason.
"You should stop getting into trouble, Seojun". The girl said, approaching the taller one, who quickly turned around, smiling with some excitement when he saw the shorter one walking in front of him.
No, don't let it show, Han.
"Wow, Jang Aera, I didn't think someone could look more beautiful after so much time...".
How sneaky .
"You were gone for a few months, not ten years". The girl shook her head with a grimace, avoiding the amused smile that wanted to come out of her lips, raising her arms, she stuck the helmet on the boy's chest, feeling how his long, thin fingers brushed hers to take it, Aera took it out the motorcycle keys too, carefully placing them inside the helmet. "Your motorcycle is where you almost killed yourself, and go get that knee checked, please, it could get infected".
Seojun was going to say something else, but he stayed silent, not knowing exactly what to say, he could only look at the girl, noticing how she was pointing down, at a wound on his knee, which he had not realized he had. However, when he looked up, Aera was already walking out of the alley in which they were.
Seojun couldn't hide his joyful smile, although he wasn't going to admit it in front of her, meeting the girl again was undoubtedly one of the things he was most looking forward to upon his return.
It would have been nice to do it under other circumstances... She's not hurt, right?
"Ah, Seojun idiot, you had to ask her" He complained to himself while he kicked the air in annoyance. "Is she still dating suho?" he murmured suddenly, stopping as if he had remembered something important, starting to walk after thinking a little and before a buzzing noise made him stop again, looking down at his helmet, he could see a
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