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βœ°β”Šβ›MAYBE, I DONT KNOWβœβ”Šβœ°

belly was walking down to her second period class, matt was nowhere to be found though.

he usually waited for her outside her first period class but belly didnt mind

she walked in and finally saw matt in his seat, she sat down next to him

"hey matt" she smiles

"oh, hi" he says quietly, sitting up correctly "whats up?"

"uh, nothing!" she answers

"okay cool" he looks away from her

"are you okay?" she asks him

the question makes matt question himself, was he okay? after what charli had told him? no not really

"yeah, my anxiety is just acting up today" he lies

"im sorry" she says softly "i wont talk if that'll make you feel better or something?"

"thanks" he answers

belly frowns at him, feeling bad for the boy.

belly walked with chris to the cafeteria, the only people there were charli, matt, nick, and lexi.

"hey guys!" chris exclaims, sitting down next to lexi

"hi" belly sits down next to nick

"okay i need you to agree with me on something belly" nick looks at her "birds are scary as fuck"

"oh hell yes!" belly exclaims

"see matt! youre so fucking stupid! birds are terrifying" nick points at matt with a fork

"nick shut up! im talking to charli" matt giggles

"ISABEL HELP ME" macie yells as she walks in the cafeteria

"dude what the hell" belly giggles, putting her soda can down

"i literally almost got jumped by five eight year olds" macie sits next to her sister

"oh my god did you take their candy or something?" chris gasps

"no! they just started chasing me" macie whines

"hi cece! wheres aly?" charli asks

"shes getting chased by some third graders right now" cylia says "basically her sister and her sisters friends"

"oh so her sister was chasing me?" macie gasps "and i cant even do anything cause shes eight!"

"hey matt?" belly asks, looking up from her phone

"what do you want, belly?" matt asks, looking away from charli

"can i borrow your science notes?" she asks

"no" he responds, looking at charli again

"you can borrow mine" macie says

"yeah, thanks" belly sinks in her seat

charli puts her head on matts shoulder as matt went on his phone, which personally, made bellys heart drop.

it wasnt jealousy, it was hurt.

she told matt everything that charli had done to her, and matt saw how charli had treated belly, so why would he be all nice to her now?

belly and her sister got home, belly got iut of the car before it even stopped moving

"next time wait for the car to come to a full stop babe" macie follows her sister into the house

"im gonna kill myself" belly throws her backpack on the ground

"lets not do that!" macie exclaims

bellys pov!


shit talkersπŸ˜‰:

alyyπŸ’—: alyson
lexi🌹: alexa
cecee🧸: cylia
macie🫢: macie
belly: belly



shut up belly no one cares


im On my way! with cylia and aly


pls hurry up im stopping her from throwing a vase at me

jk just hurry


belly lied down on the living room carpet, her phone on her face as she waited for her friends to get to the house

"HOLA FAMILIA" cylia yells as she enters the house "holy shit is she dead?"

"god i wish" belly mumbles, sitting up "can we throw charlotte and matt in a ditch?"

"yeah but in seperate ditches, we dont want them making out while asking for help" alyson chuckles

"thats such a bad image alyson!" macie exclaims

"like - im not mad! matt can date whoever the fuck he wants and charlotte can too, but she just wants to use him. and like, i told matt everything that charlotte and gracie did to me and now hes getting al fucking goody goody with her? fuck no! and he talked go me horribly today! not horribly but in a mean way!" belly rants

"okay sister keep talking" lexi smirks

"like matt told me how much he fucking hates her for what she did to me and now hes gonna be her best friend? fuck no! and the worst thing is, that if i tell him what charlotte told us, he probably wont believe me!" belly exclaims

"i personally think we should become lesbians" lexi answers "its the only possible solution for us to hate men without people questioning it"

"amen" belly says "wait what? hate men?"

"yeah isa, youre jealous of charlotte and matt flirting" macie says

"im hurt! im not jealous!" belly says, sitting down on the couch now "i dont like matt"

"you went to the beach with him" macie says "you invited him. you couldve invited anyone else, but you invited him"

"yeah because him and i talked more and i thought all of you despised me - also you were failing a class so i couldnt invite you" belly reassures

"but why didnt you go by yourself like you were planning to?" alyson raises her eyebrows

"i dont know! but i dont like matt!" belly days

"you dont like who?" daniel enters the room

"matt, the one she went to the beach with" macie says

"he seems sweet" daniel says

"dad you havent even met him" belly turns to look at him

"yeah but i met him through the security cameras at the beach house!" daniel smiles "he seemed sweet other than when he threw you in the pool and from when he put you on the hammock"

"daniel is an icon!" alyson smiles

"dad you spied on us?" belly questions

"your sister told me that there was a boy there, i had to" daniel shrugs

"oh my fucking god you snitch!" belly gasps

"anyways! belly what you have is a crush and that feeling is jealousy" cylia smiles

"i dont like him!" belly throws her head back

"youre in denial honey" florence joins in

"god so the whole davis family has to be involved huh?" belly asks "okay but me liking matt isnt the point!"

"YOU ADMITTED IT!" alyson yells, pointing at belly

"no i did- oh my god i did" belly says "but i dont like him!"

"yes you do" macie teases

"maybe, i dont know" belly shrugs

"ah, i remember when your mother confessed her feelings for me" daniel sighs

"oh god here we go" belly sighs as well

"it all started in high school"

βœ°β”Šβ›LEFT OUTβœβ”Šβœ°

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