Shibuya, Tokyo
3: 15PM JST
Your POV
As the school bell rang, you breathed a sigh of relief that school was over for the day. As you were walking home you suddenly bumped into Bachira, whose eyes had a slight glimpse of excitement. Without a moment's hesitation, Bachira grabs your hand, "Woah, what the hell?! Where are we going?!"
"Let's go around to a couple of stores. School has just finished might as well," Bachira urges you to join him on this spontaneous trip. Which reluctantly you agreed.
Deciding to make the most of this unplanned trip, you both visited various stores around the city. Together you went to the Don Quijote mall. Looking at several brands, products and food.
Later on your journey, it had eventually led you to a cute store, Sanrio World Ginza, the store that had countless adorable characters. You and Bachira enter the store exploring different aisles adorned with cute plushies and other trinkets. Among the array of characters, your eyes get hooked by the the Kuromi plush that you couldn't resist.
"Hey, Bachira."
"Yeah, Y/N?"
"I might do something hella stupid right now."
"Hmm, you plan on stealing that plush, aren't you?"
"Sounds fun," Bachira smirks.
Sharing a mischievous grin, Bachira and you decided to take matters into your own hands and created a playful plan. With Bachira standing guard, you slid the Kuromi plush into your school bag and together exited the store. You both successfully pulled off a mini heist.
Akihabara, Tokyo
5:50PM JST
As night fell, Bachira had physically led you to one of the best arcades in Tokyo named HEY aka (Hirose Entertainment Yard). You both had found yourselves among the vivid lights and the thrilling games. Little did you know it was a whole set up for you to get kidnapped. Only joking to meet Bachira's gang.
In the arcade, Bachira reunites with his gang, Ace.
"Bachira," you said with a scolding tone, "I didn't expect to be meeting your gang here."
"It was a surprise, duh."
"Next time, give me a heads up will you?"
As you walked around the arcade you saw a guy with purple hair which was tied up. He also has purple eyes and was at least 6'1" (185 cm). He is playing on the Pac Man machine. "Well might as well introduce myself to him," you mumbled. You walked over to him.
"Hey, I'm Y/N," he looks up at you.
"Hi, my name is Reo."
"You like playing Pac Man?" He looks back down, too keen on defeating his game.
"Sometimes, I guess. Are you the foreigner Bachira keeps rambling about?"
"Yeah, I guess I'm just cool like that," Reo hums. His Pac Man game finishes with a victory.
"So, what do you like doing?" You asked curiously.
"Ah, well I like racing, obviously. I mean, I paid for half of the garage."
"Wait are you the reason why nobody has been caught drift races right?"
"Yeah, that's all me. It helps when your parents have some control of the patrol routes. I think uou should go meet some of the others now. I'll definitely talk to you soon."
"Yeah alright, bye now!" You start walking to other arcade games.
Next, there was a dude with his friend. One of the guys is on the Dance Dance Revolution game while the other is laughing his ass off recording.
"They look like fun," you thought to yourself. The guy on the Dance Dance Revolution game has reddish, pink hair, deep pink eyes, a more feminine face and a lean body. You started walking towards them as the guy with reddish, pink hair ended their game and his friend stopped recording.
"Hey!" The guys look at you.
"Hello," they say at the same time.
"My name is Y/N, yours?"
"I'm Chigiri," he offered his hand for a handshake which you kindly accepted.
"Nah, his name is actually Princess," the reddish, pink-haired dude's friend chuckles. The friend has auburn eyes, bright, spiky orange hair that is styled in an undercut and a built body.
"Shut up!"
"I mean it makes sense, to be honest."
"Yeah, yeah whatever," Chigiri said with attitude.
"Well, Chigiri over here finds the best NOS, hence why he's able to pull ahead of people and I'm just a mechanic. Chigiri may look girly but he's fantastic at drifting because of that advantage."
"Woah, really?! I didn't know the Princess was that useful?!"
"Piss off," Chigiri walks off.
"Pfft, sorry Y/N to cut it short but it seems like Chigiri had a bit of a tantrum. See you soon, yeah?"
"For sure, see you soon!" You wandered back to find Bachira, who was hanging around the Taiko no Tatsujin game. A popular arcade game in Japan. You said your goodbyes and headed back home.
Tory speaks
A filler chapter before the action
happens or not? I'd rather leave you in suspense.
Have a good day, afternoon, or day!
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