Shinjuku, Tokyo
6:03 PM JST
After picking up car parts from another dock and delivering it to the buyers. You learnt how to negotiate for a better price. Rin was behind you guys acting as a guard dog. Amaya drove down to Shinjuku to deliver Kaiser the money. The lights were blinding you and you were sure you needed sunglasses. Amaya parked her car near the entrance of the fancy building getting out of it. You did the same trailing behind her. Rin turned off the engine and exited the car.
"I need you to grab some stuff from level 45," Amaya pulls out a black key card with serial numbers from her sleeve.
"What kind of stuff?" You ask, inspecting the key card.
"Documents I need you to get the shipment details for next month. I need to fill those out," Amaya says.
"And where are you going?" Rin raised his eyebrow as he watched Amaya walk into the building. She turned her head.
"I need to give Kaiser his money," Amaya responds as she walks further in. She pressed the button to the elevator and waited for it to come down.
"I can't believe you've been doing this for so long that the rest of the guys don't even know," Rin crosses his arms. The trio entered the elevator waiting inside, you sat on top of the railing as you watched Rin and Amaya staring at each other intensely.
"99 bottles of beer on the 99 bottles of beer take 1 down and pass it around 99 bottles of beer on the wall!"
"No," Amaya says with an amused face. She got the reference that you were saying.
"No what?"
"It's 98 bottles," Amaya chuckles. She quickly recomposed herself as they got onto level 30.
"Rin could you do me a favor? I promise to repay you," Amaya says to Rin who had a bored expression.
"I need you to look out for Y/N in case someone walks in. If they do find you guys say that I sent you there okay," Amaya carefully instructs. Rin crossed his arms staring at the girl shorter than him.
"And why should I do that?" Rin asked back. Amaya sighed, pushing out of the elevator.
"Jackpot," you whisper before you start going through the files. You look over at Rin who was keeping an eye out, really he was standing outside texting on his phone while you did some digging. You start looking at each cabinet in alphabetical order moving along. You went down from M and onwards down cabinets. Then when you stop at S, you pull it open, flicking through the files to find 'shipments' you pull it out to find many documents in katakana and hiragana. You flip each one trying to find the latest shipment.
It didn't take too long to find a freshly printed sheet that needed to be filled out. You took it and folded it. You shove the file back into its spot, about to leave a filing cabinet with people caught your eyes. You slowly open it to find many names that you have never heard of. That's when you found names you knew full well. Seoul-Oh Amaya and M/N L/N. It felt forbidden for you to even have documents such as these. It was like releasing a bad omen out of Pandora's box. At first, you wanted to put the files back in their spots leaving it behind. But curiosity got the better of you as you pocketed both files and to left the room.
"Got them let's get out of here," you say walking ahead as Rin trailed behind you. You quietly made your way down the hallway to the elevator. The sounds of feet against the floor echoed down the hallway as you and Rin were quiet.
"Rin, can I ask you something?" You ask as you hold the files tight to your chest, helping you ground yourself to the ground.
"What is it?" He retorts. You inhale then exhale before asking him.
"Do you not get along with your brother?" Rin stopped in his tracks staring at you with wide eyes. His turquoise eyes were wide like an owl.
"I get along with him just fine, what makes you think that?" He recomposed himself. You must have hit a nail and made the situation uncomfortable.
"When Amaya was going up she mentioned you with a brother," you reply. You didn't lie and it wasn't hard for you to even tell. In your past experiences, when someone said your sibling or family member is here in front of someone it means a warning. You shook it off walking ahead. "We should head back before Amaya starts to get worried." Rin nods walking behind you. You both enter the elevator and press down.
"I wonder who Rin's brother is?" You thought as you hid the files out of plain sight that were labelled with your mother's name and Amaya's. It didn't feel odd for someone in the Mafia to keep an archive of their members or targets. But it didn't sit right with you. The elevator stops as a boy with maroon hair with turquoise eyes steps inside. You look over at Rin with his fists balled up.
"Wait a minute, he's the same guy in the office with Kaiser! Wait," you look over at both Rin and his brother as you dart your head at both of them. "That's Rin's brother?! Holy shit! He's hot!"
"Rin what the hell are you doing here?!" He yelled in Japanese.
"None of your business," Rin replied in Japanese.
"It's my business if you walk into this building! Kaiser could kill you if he wanted too!"
"Kaiser is too much of a chicken to kill me himself." The brothers both yelled at each other in Japanese, you couldn't catch it because it was rapid. But you knew they were arguing at each other based on the tones of their voices and the negative atmosphere that it gave off. They both stop taking a breath from all that yelling. Rin's brother looked over at you, squinting at you.
"You must be the one who smashed Amaya's car," he switched to English so you could understand. But he had a hint of a Spanish accent making you believe he was in Spain for some time.
"Who are you? And why are you arguing with Rin?"
"We weren't arguing, we were talking about important matters that you shouldn't be sticking your nose in." Strike one. They weren't arguing about important matters, as matter of fact they were arguing about something else.
"Itoshi Sae, this mediocre's older brother," Sae directs this at Rin who rolls his eyes. Okay you're right they were in fact, brothers. Not only that, they both share the same vocabulary. Like brother and brother.
"Jeez Rin when you said you had a good relationship with your brother I didn't mean this. Brother issues much?" You start to rub your arm after Rin elbowed you, for you to shut up. Sae watched a bit amused as he wanted to do that to his brother.
"Y/n right?"
"Yeah?" The elevator hits the bottom floor as it opens.
"Nothing," Sae walks off to another direction. Rin and yourself exit as you both make your way to the cars. Amaya sat inside her car holding a piece of paper glazing at it.
"We got the documents!" Amaya shoves the piece of paper in her pockets starting the engine.
"What took you so long?" Amaya raised her eyebrow at the pair. Rin looks away avoiding looking at Amaya while you lightly chuckle before entering the car.
"Listen I-"
"Bumped into Sae, don't worry he isn't a threat. He won't harm you because he wants Kaiser gone." You sat in your seat with wide eyes processing this new information.
"Why would Sae want Kaiser gone? I know he's a jerk but come on why?"
"I'll let you find out for yourself," Amaya smiles as you feel tick marks over your forehead.
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