the clock read 10 pm.
her and ashtray were an hour late to one of cherry's business partners birthday parties, because cherry insisted on taking forever to do her makeup.
"do i look stupid?" cherry asked, collecting her purse.
"you look great." ashtray reassured, with a smile.
the red-head smiled back.
together, they rushed downstairs and to the car that waited for them outside.
the entire morning was spent going to places that would hopefully remind ashtray of something. cherry told him stories as they walked.
they spoke about a diner where that looked similar to one they'd been on a date on.
ashtray thought having cherry by his side made things so much easier.
he remembered so much more, and she could help him
piece it together, because she knew everything about him.
she was still in love with him.
ashtray knew that. he didn't know if she knew that, though.
when they finished exploring, they went back home. cherry's father had immediately denied the idea of ashtray living with them.
after hours of arguing, and a lot of tears, cherry got her way.
apollo owed her that, after ruining her boyfriends life.
after taking her boyfriend away.
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cherry walked through the lively crowd. she led ashtray behind her, her hand in his.
loud music pulsated throughout the lavish home.
bright lights flashed as the pair squeezed through others.
"cherry!" one of her friends called out.
"hi, mia! happy birthday." cherry smiled, waving with her free hand.
the birthday girl eyed her other hand, and looked up at the boy beside her.
"thank you." she grinned. "nice to meet you.."
"ashtray." the boy greeted, and handed her a present with his and cherry's name on it.
"thank you. feel free to.. take a seat, i don't know." mia shrugged, and turned her attention to the redhead. "let's get a drink."
cherry grinned, and pointed at a couch in the corner, claiming she'd meet him there soon.
the pair of girls headed towards the kitchen.
it was a mess.
apparently, no matter how rich they are, drunk teenagers are still drunk teenagers.
"who the fuck is that?" mia giggled, grabbing two shot glasses.
"oh, that's my friend."
"you came in holding his hand, liar."
"we dated, like, two years ago. its complicated. we're just friends now."
"your pants are on fire!"
"shut up."
mia lifted the glass, and cherry did the same.
they swallowed the bitter liquid, and talked for a little while longer, before going their separate ways.
cherry returned to the couch.
she spun around when she didn't see ashtray there.
"hi." ashtray grinned, holding two cups of random red alcohol with little umbrellas.
"what are you doing with those?" cherry questioned, laughing a little.
"uh.. experimenting."
"ooh, me too."
the pair leaned against the wall, their shoulders touching as they surveyed the scene before them.
together, they took silent sips of their drinks.
occasionally, cherry turned to glance at ashtray.
the flashing lights were accentuating every one of his features perfectly.
ashtray gave her a strange look, fighting back a smile.
she was really pretty.
"remembering anything?" cherry asked.
"mm, not really." ashtray shook his head.
"i have the rest of the night to try."
"alright, good luck."
cherry took ashtrays hand when he finished his drink.
she led him onto the dance floor, promising it'd just be for one song.
all she could think about was that stupid dance he'd shown up at so many years ago. life had seemed to replay in front of her.
she was horribly in love with someone who was struggling to remember her.
what next?
what if he didn't fall in love with her?
a couple girls looked at ashtray. he just awkwardly smiled at them, which made cherry glare afterwards and drag him away.
ashtray and cherry spoke as loud as they could over the noise. with each shared laugh and stupid comment, ashtray felt himself getting more and more relaxed.
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despite the night sky darkening with every passing hour, people were still having a great time.
cherry had stepped out of the warm home and onto the balcony.
cold air moved against her skin.
she pulled out a tube of lipgloss from her bag, and popped it open.
"cherry." ashtray commented, leaning against the railing right beside her.
"what?" cherry looked up.
"the lipgloss." he pointed.
the red haired girl flipped the tube over, reading the label.
she grinned.
he was right.
"how'd you know that?" cherry asked, with a grin.
"i don't know." ashtray realized.
the memory hit him like bricks.
her lips pressed against his, the sweet artificial taste of fruit.
"you remembered something." cherry guessed.
"yeah. good for me." ashtray nodded, choosing not to elaborate.
cherry looked out at the stairs that dotted the sky above them.
it looked too beautiful.
"i'm glad you thought i could help you." cherry grinned.
"of course. you're really cool." ashtray complimented.
cherry nodded her head, and looked away.
what she felt couldn't be put into words. she didn't understand it.
they were connected, even in death.
he found his way back to her, no matter what.
they were in an impossible situation.
it wasn't ashtrays fault that he didn't love her anymore. but it still hurt, a lot.
cherry extended a hand to him, which he took with a smile.
the only thing ashtray was sure about, was what cherry had been to him.
that was the only thing he knew.
the only memory he had.
she made him feel safe, and she made his heart warm.
did he feel so softly towards her because she was all he had left? all he'd ever have?
was it her or the memories that he wanted?
the vast world spread out in front of them.
tall buildings and loud cars fell on deaf ears. both of them were too caught up to notice that they were holding hands, or thinking of the other.
ashtray's memories were so close, yet so horribly far.
the same way the moon looked so close.
like if he reached his hand out just enough, he could touch it. he could hold something in his hands and be sure it was there.
be sure that it was his.
cherry couldn't count how many times she'd gotten high in her room all alone.
she claimed only to do it when she missed him, but that was every second.
she would close her eyes and pretend she was sitting in his room. she would pretend that in just a couple moments, she'd open her eyes, and he'd tell her to stop hogging the blunt.
the moment never came, and she was always still alone.
she'd craved for so long to just hold him, to just see him for a moment.
she didn't care what it was, she didn't care if he hated her, she just wanted to see him again.
every time she tried to shut him out of her head, she'd think of the insults.
she thought of the cold floor she'd slept on.
it was no use.
she valued the cruelty.
she loved everything he did.
it was all good.
it was all right.
he could hold her heart and smash it into a million pieces. he could leave her with the broken shards and she would find herself shoving them back between her ribs.
anything for a piece of him.
afterwards she would hold his hand and soothe the sharp cuts.
she'd ask if it stung to hold her.
cherry was all that was left of them. she was stuck in time, stuck in the place he'd left her.
ash studied her completely.
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