13: Informal introductions

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A transport took them from Bucharest to Germany, and from where they landed, they got into cars and drove to a facility in Berlin. There was a whole squad of cars, and T'Challa, Sam, Cat, and Steve all rode in one. Bucky was in a specially armored truck and restrained, accompanied by armed men.

The ride was mostly silent. They didn't ask Cat any questions for the first couple of minutes. She stared out the window at the scenery, admiring the city.

"So," began Sam, breaking the silence, "you like cats?"

He was referring to T'Challa, who didn't answer.

"Sam," scolded Steve.

"What?" said Sam. "Dude shows up dressed like a cat and you don't want to know more?"

Cat thought he had a point. Steve, on the other hand, didn't. T'Challa stayed silent.

"Your suit," began Steve, keeping the subject, "it's vibranium?"

T'Challa turned to face Steve slowly.

"The Black Panther has been the protector of Wakanda for generations," he began calmly. "A mantle passed from warrior to warrior. Now because your friend murdered my father, I also wear the mantle of king. So I ask you — as both warrior and king — how long do you think you can keep your friend safe from me?"

Steve didn't answer.

Cat felt awkward in the silence between them. This hadn't been her fight. But she got into it anyway. She cared for Bucky. She knew he hadn't been in Vienna. He wasn't the Winter Soldier. The Winter Soldier was an entirely different person.

After a couple more minutes of silence, Sam spoke up again.

"And who are you, anyway?" he asked Cat.

"Catarina Palmer," she answered. "I met Bucky while he was in Romania," she said.

"Huh," said Sam. "And why did you tag along?"

"Cause I'm his friend. And I had nothing else to do."

It was silent again.

When they got to the facility, they parked inside and got out of the van. Cat stepped out after Steve, who was looking at Bucky. She stared at him as well. He didn't look up at them from inside his box.

It wasn't fair. But again, the others didn't know him.

"Where are they taking him?" she muttered to Steve.

"I don't know," he told her. He looked in the other direction at a group of people, one man and one woman, and three armed men.

"What's gonna happen to him?" he asked them.

"Same thing that oughta happen to you," said the man. "Psychological evaluation and extradition."

"This is Everett Ross, deputy task force commander," explained the woman. Cat assumed Steve knew her.

"What about a lawyer?" asked Steve.

"Lawyer," said Ross. "That's funny." He turned around to the three men behind him. "See that their weapons are placed in lockup. Who's that?"

He nodded toward Catarina, who was standing next to Steve.

"She's with us," said Steve.

"I can see that," said Ross. "Who is she?"

"My name is Catarina," she said. "I'm... let's just say, a friend."

"Well, friend, you've got yourself caught in the middle of this," said Ross, walking toward the doors. Everyone followed. "Too late to get out now."

"Knew that when the fight started," she replied.

Ross wasn't facing her when he reacted, but she assumed it was something like an oh, really? eyebrow raise.

Sam nudged her a little as they walked through the facility and made a face that said "impressive." She smiled back and shrugged as if it were nothing.

Cat glanced back at Bucky as they began walking out of the room. Steve did the same. He looked at them, then down. Cat felt horrible. It wasn't fair. At all.

She turned back around as they walked out of this part of the facility, and through hallways with multiple windows. Ross began talking as they walked.

"You'll be provided with an office instead of a cell," he told T'Challa. "Do me a favor — stay in it."

"I don't intend on going anywhere," replied T'Challa.

A person who Cat recognized as Natasha Romanoff joined them as they walked through the hall, and walked next to Steve.

"For the record, this is what making things worse looks like," she told him. Steve didn't look at her as he replied — only continued gazing forward.

"He's alive," said Steve. It seemed that was really the only thing that mattered to him.

"Who's that?" Romanoff asked, leaning her head forward to look at Cat.

"Catarina," said Sam.

"And... why's she here?"

"Joined the chase in Bucharest," said Cat, not looking Romanoff straight in the eye. She had to admit, she did admire her. Cat didn't know if she could look her in the eye. "I was friends with him while he was in hiding there."

Cat wondered how many times she'd have to say that today.

The group entered a room lit blue with multiple computer screens. There were small lights everywhere, and a meeting table with multiple chairs in the middle. Inside someone was talking on the phone.

"Romania was not accords-sanctioned," he said to the other line. "Colonel Rhodes is supervising cleanup."

"Try not to break anything while I fix this," said Romanoff, walking away from the group.

"Consequences? You bet there'll be consequences," said the man over the phone, looking straight at Steve. Cat recognized him as Tony Stark, leader in the science industry, and maybe even leader of the Avengers.

He stepped down from the platform that had the meeting table and continued talking. "Obviously you can quote me on that, cause I just said it. Anything else? Thank you sir." He hung up immediately and looked at Steve. Partially annoyed, partially disappointed.

"Consequences?" Steve repeated, looking at Stark.

"Secretary Ross wants you all prosecuted," said Stark, gesturing to them. "Had to give him something. He said something about a girl. That's you?" This time he nodded toward Catarina.

"Yes," was all Cat said.

"Not getting that shield back, am I?" Steve asked Natasha as she walked by.

"Technically it's the government's property," she turned around and said. "Wings too," she completed.

"That's cold," muttered Sam.

"Warmer than jail," said Tony, turning around quickly.


it's missing nat romanoff hours

anyways, enjoy this :)

i have a chapter of anticipation nearly done and I'm hoping to finish it today ;)

don't forget to vote!


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