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ย NARCISSA HATESย  THE AFTER-EFFECTS OF A QUIDDITCH GAME. It includes a sore throat, loss of voice, and the sudden incline of sugar levels in your body. Unfortunately, this happens every game.

"Alright, just to re-check... Two boxes of Ggulย  Tteok.." Florence readout off the list Briare created.




"Slytherin flags and banners."


"A love letter about how much you adore Alexander Parkinson."ย  Narcissa interrupted with a smirk, Florence looked up at her snickering lightly as the girl answered check before flushing a deep red and shooting her a deadly look.

Alexander Parkinson is a seventh-year Slytherin chaser, Briare has been obsessed with him since first year, she would attend every game and try to watch practices. It's not like he even knows what her name is or who she is.

"Is that box for him?ย We could never finish two boxes," Florence added.

"It's for the entire Slytherin team thank you very much." Briare replied, "Lucius, Regulus, Alexander, Vanity, Avery, Lestrange, and a mystery player." She counted off the names of her fingers.


"I watched practice last night and heard about the old keeper not playing this match because of a punishment his dad made or something anyway, I got shooed away before I heard the new keeper's name but Iย  know it's a girl." The black-haired girl answered.

"By shooed do you meanย  getting shouted slurs at you?" Florence asked.

"Yes," She admitted.

"Wait... Who did that to you?"Narcissa demanded, often whatever they were doing people would look at her friend weirdly and whisper nasty stuff about her because she looked different.

"Just the usuals, Lucius told them to fuckย  off."ย 

"You have to report this to Dumbledore." She said sighing causing the girl to laugh sarcastically.ย 

"It's not like he'll do anything, I'm different looking, a girl and a Slytherin."

"Fine, but tell us if anything happens and Cissy and I will take care of them," Florence told her slipping her hand into hers, she blushed slightly and nodded in agreement. Her friend smiled softly,ย 

"Ah, I don't deserve you two cuties."

"OH IF IT ISNT BLACK, GRIMROSE AND SEONG." Avery taunted, as the three girls entered the area where Slytherins get ready for the match. "I must ask Grimrose, how does it feel like to be friends with an oriental." He pushed her friend hard causing her to fall onto the ground.ย ย 

Florence dipped down to her level helping her up, "I'm friends with her because she's thrice the person you will be, but I guess you don't understandย  the concept of friendship since you have none."

ย The pureblood hissed stepping closer to the brunette trying his hardest to intimidate her, while Narcissa drew her wand and pointed it at his jugular vein, her eyes burned an icy fire. "Leave her alone."

"You are a psycho Black."ย 

"It runs in the family." She whispered without fear, everyone knew that her sister Bellatrix Black was crazy.

The boy took a swing at her, she ducked before his punch could hit her.

"Petrificus Totalus." A voice said from behind, Avery froze falling to the ground revealing Lucius Malfoy.

"Thanks." She told him who nodded in response.

"You better undo that spell, I don't want fights to erupt fifteen minutes before the game," Parkinson said appearing from behind the blond, Narcissa felt the sudden shift of energy in the air.

Lucius nodded before muttering the reverse spell, Avery shot up and tried to attack him "YOU LITTLE-"

"STOP! DON'T MAKE ME PARALYSE YOU AGAIN." Parkinson roared, surprisingly the boy begrudgingly took a step back. The Slytherin captain then composed himself again and smiled at the three girls. "What brings you, three beautiful ladies, here?"ย 

"Oh um... I thought I should bring up some Tteoks for you guys before the big game." Briare told him shyly pulling out a box of desserts.

"Why would we eat some Chinese shit?" Lestrange sneered flipping the box out of her hands, the seventh year managed to catch it with one hand, passing it back to her.

"We would love to try some, and Lestrange for your information, Briare'sย  Korean," Alexander said before turning to the crooked teethed boy who narrowed his eyes at him.

Florence and Narcissa exchanged knowing looks as they watched their friend trying to not burst, her face read 'HE KNOWS MY NAME!!'ย 

"Well, everyone can have two each," Narcissa said for the black-haired girl.

The team slowly came up one by one grabbing their desserts eventually Alexander came up, "I've always wanted to try these, I've heard how good they are, " He grabbed his serve and took a bite out of it. His eyes widened from the taste, "Wow, Briare, this is amazing do you make these?"ย 

"I sometimes help my dad." Her friend answered shyly.

Narcissa stopped herself from commenting something that would ruin their 'moment', "I think we should go B' the game is about to start."

"Right of course."ย 

"See you later alligators, I'll leave this for the mystery player," Braire said trying to make her voice spooky, Narcissa placed an arm around the girl as they walked away, not noticing the weird look Florence had on her face.


"DID YOU SEE THAT?!" Braire squealed after the game, grabbing the two girls' hands squeezing them hard from excitement. "He freaking winked at me!!"

A couple of minutes into the game the three girls had sadly already finished all the food, Parkinson had shot a winning goal and took a lap of victory, as he passed them he slowed down,ย  winking at their friend.

"I'm pretty sure he was just blinking." Florence teased smiling at Narcissa.

"What if he likes me!?" The girl exclaimed ignoring the brunette. "I mean, he knows my name, he knows I'm Korean even though it's pretty obviousย  and he winked at me."

"Who wouldn't? Your pretty likable." Narcissa told her.

Briare let go of their hands skipping ahead, her black hair bouncing with her. She looked like a lovesick puppy, she smiled at the sight of her friend wishing that one day someone would love her the same way Braire does for Parkinson.

authors note
Not me starting to actually ship Alexander and Briare, yes, that guy is Pansy's father and no I don't know his name so I made up a random name. I hope I don't get off track with this pair but I have an excellent plan coming up for them.ย 

I don't like my writing its shit but I have an idea so I'm going to keep writing.

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