𝟀πŸͺ: 𝟀𝟦/𝟩

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"jay? why haven't you gone home yet?" old park entered the office, holding a yellow folder as he expected an answer. 

"yeah dad, just need finish some stuff" he continued browsing through out his files, typing on his desktop, and all the related stuff. 

"have you called hana?" the older asked concerned, going beside his son. he paused for a second, "i haven't!" jay exclaimed in disappointment. 

"jay, be responsible! this child. . ." his father shook hi head, chuckling as his son grabbed his phone, and went flying out the room as he gestured to his father his five fingers, as a sign of five minutes. his father slowly went out to room as he heard his son talking somewhere a bit distantly, but happy hearing how enthusiastic he sounded. 

"young love, glad they accepted this marriage" old park said to himself. 


"oh hey jay," said the woman on the other side. jay couldn't help but smile, beginning to speak. "love i'm going to home late today. go to bed without me today" oh the temptation to get his keys and drive straight to home for him. 

"oβ€’oh, but what about dinner?" jay was honestly slightly surprised for his wife's concern, hana was still quite on the edge of the marriage thing even now. 

"i, i'll skip it for today. don't worry, just nag me tomorrow! byeee, love you!" jay laughed hanging up, escaping the scolding. but he knows she might kill him tomorrow, not only for his sake, she says, 'if you die, i die; you die physically, i die mentally.' 

but he never really understood what she meant, truly

the time ticked, and ticked. it soon turned 9:30, and jay was half way done with the work because of certain motivation. but it was once he got disturbed, "sir, i will be leaving now. and also, mrs. park is here" jay's father's secretary came into his office. 

"what..?" confused, the secretary took her leave, smiling as mrs. park was standing right behind her. "goodbye, mrs. park" she smirked internally as she sped out the building. 

"young love. . ." sheesh, does every person say that to weds now-a-days?  


"hana? why are you here? it's so late, you should be in bed by now!" jay nagged, utterly surprised by her presence. "you sound like my freaking mother. keep quiet" she ordered instead, parading in to his office as her eyes roamed around it. 

"i'm not a middle schooler y'know. i can't sleep till 11, it's habit" she shrugged, gesturing the stunned man to come over to his own desk. and he followed of course. 

"what's this. . .?" hana pursed her lips slightly, "how about i nag you now and make you eat right here, right now?" she chuckled, pushing him down on his chair to sit, seeing his mouth part. 

"now, eat and then start working" she smiled, about to make her way towards the comfy looking couch that was calling her name, only to stopped, and she couldn't believe anything in the world as of then. 

"i feel like i don't even deserve you" he snuggled his nose deep in to hana's neck, tickling her. his hands wrapped around his wife's waist as he made himself comfortable with her. 

on his lap. 

"let. . .go of me" her breath hitched for a second, trying to control her laughter, it tickled. what tickled? his chin and sharp jawline as he turned the chair towards the laptop while staying like that. 

"i told you to eat first" hana reconciled, remembering first. 

"i will, looks like i'm almost done" he smiled, gazing at the bright screen. 

who in the whole world knew, that it would be jay, the one despised her so much that he couldn't even go a day without doing something, absolutely anything upsetting her; would fall in love? with her?

a few minutes had passed, jay wouldn't budge at all about letting her get up, he enjoyed truly, and it became quite a bit in somewhat way, to hana too. only when she felt something as she could only be able to sit there, while he was, specifically. . . um, feeling something. 

hana squirmed in her seat, letting her head fall back, right in time as jay caught it.

"sleepy head, i'm done, atleast come till the car" jay reluctantly shook her slightly, not wanting to let go of his sleeping beauty but he had things to carry. 

"oβ€’oh shit! sorry, sorry" she quickly got up, almost hitting her elbow on her desk. ouch, that should've hurt. 

"jayyy" hana whined, turning jay to her attention. "what? what happened?" concerned, he came closer, only to get punched to his chest.

"ouch─ that didn't hurt but hurt my heart" hana blinked in disgust.

"starve, you'll grow old early" she stomped off, she noticed how the dinner she bought concernedβ€’ not knowing why she gotβ€’  grabbing her purse as she 'sashayed' away.

jay chuckled, following behind, almost about run fast and make up with her. he loved it, he himself didn't know why, but apparently.

he did fall for her.

stay tuned! love you!

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