𝟣: Who are they?

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The sun rays shine through the glass windows, sparrows which seemed almost extinct were chirping outside the same windows, sitting the huge mango tree infront of her condo, fog still streaming through the branches as cold air blew past the early risers heading to work outside.


The birds flew away, all in a rush, a squeaky voice running wild through the smaller streets of Seoul. Ahh, looks like the devil is awake, good morning miss Hana, couldn't say you were missed.

The girl groaned as she threw her blanket on the bed, and - half asleep, sleepwalked to the bathroom. Looking at the shabby image of herself, it could surely scare anyone. As long as you weren't Park jongseong or Hana's mother.

Speaking of these two special people in Hana's life though she wouldn't admit for the former, Hana's mother was the dearest. Most beautiful, kind creature who nurtured Hana. Like she was her own. She was divorced, signs that perhaps Hana might not be only hers, but raising Hana made her hers. Hana loved her mother, named Aera; only adding to herself.

And mentioning Jongseong, meet this hunk. He goes by Jay, since none call him jongseong much really. Well, unlike the little fangirls he has wrapped around his finger. He's your typical popluar athletic all-rounder yet jerk jock guy of your school, too cliche I know but it is what it is. 

But he's a little different, he values his brothers. His legal by the way - gang. Who by the fact, includes Ni-ki, their youngest junior, a fantastic dancer, a prodigy in deed. Jay adores him, since he's the second oldest, he doesn't have many to look upon except one, Heeseung, who he too loves dearly but shan't admit it, Jay makes it is responsibility to atleast keep his youngers in check. 

Back to the brunette, who sighed as, grabbing her bag and stepping out the room she loves, she locked the door and stuffed her keys into her bag, noticing her mother had left but left a box of food and juice on the table. 


He ran through the halls, his spikey hair right above his eyes, the band sparking with warm sweat, as it glistened down on his sharp jawline that could make a deep cut on a finger if someone ever touched it, cat-like eyes piercing sharp through the players, scanning like miliseconds, his foot continued to tap on extremely green cut grass lawn, his clammy hands gripping on the ball as he bounced it around his legs; 10 points to 9 points.

"you've got this, Jay, just one more point and we'll win."
Coach Mark said, his blueish grey eyes were filled confidence in his best player. 





"YEAHHHH!" Jay's team yelled, what a admirable day to start the school year by winning against one of the most arrogant teams. 

Pride taking a toll on Jay's sculptured face, engulfed quickly by his team mates and respected coaches. "WOOHOO!" coach Mark yelled, bringing in more sweat. 

They headed inside, covered in sweat everyone quickly ran into the bathrooms, there's only half an hour left until class starts for the boys. For football like this, the boys wouldn't mind coming to the field at 7AM in the morning as well. 


the blonde entered the classroom and took his seat, searching for one special person, looking for a specific brunette, the blonde glanced his watch, 7:58AM.

He smirked, this girl is never late is she? That's when the girl entered, earphones plugged in her ears and strands of chocolate brown hair over her face, her bag sling lowly on one of her shoulders. It's official that she's one of the most fashionable nerds out there, Jay's type. Well that would have been slightly different because he 'hated' her.

"Why nerdy bird, looking as meticulous as always, something new to your hair this summer?" 


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