sup readers? back and doing better for the summer <3
morning came as hana found herself on a very comfy but unfamiliar bed. she was in jay's room. it was cool, very cool and interesting for hana. she rubbed her eyes even though still half asleep. she woke up in different clothes, the shirt she had once stolen from jay, a gray shirt with his name written on the back with her own black shorts underneath.
"what the fuckkk" she swore first thing in the morning, touching the shirt as she smelled it for not-weird reasons. the scent was familiar.
"did he just-" hana's mouth hung open, korea's skies were bright blue with the sun shining brightly.
"yes, yes he just changed his own wife who was half asleep by the time she hit the bed" a raspy voice came from beside her where she didn't even notice jay sitting. "morning, now out my bedroom please" he smiled widely, walking to her.
"pervert" she passed a comment, grabbing her glasses which she spotted on the bed stand. "husband." smirking he pushed her out the bedroom. "arranged!" she aggressively said from out.
hana stood outside his door, deep in thought. she didn't fail to notice the slightly dark patches under jay's eyes. she reminisced him saying he wouldn't be home last night. she was a bit concerned at most honesty.
"i'll make breakfast" she said through the door as she went downstairs while wiping her glasses. "i wonder where or if he really wasn't home... who the fuck was that guy? i can't believe i cried. wait i kinda do, i cried when i messed up in the coffee shop. did jay do something to his so called cousin? making breakfast is so kind of me. it's the least i could do considering he almost would've been put into jail because he almost killed that guy."
"who're you talking to?" hana turned behind, seeing jay with a towel in his hand as he walked towards the table. "no one." she answered dryly, thinking about the guy jason. she contemplated whether to bring up about him while eating.
"do you not have work today?" hana made small talk. jay stuffed his mouth with food as she shook his head no. "it was only for the leave we took for school hana, we start college on 19th. no more work" he sighed with relief smiling, gulping water.
"oh, ohh okay" hana smiled a bit back. she wasn't used to jay giving such sincere smiles. she finally realised marriage is a pretty big deal. she's seeing the real jay aside from his constant bickering with her.
"you know... what happened to jason?" hana asked slowly, mustering up courage as she really didn't like a thing about him.
jay's eyes got smaller noticeably, he glanced at hana as he ate a piece of his pancake. "got him sued, i had to have a talk with him before, went to his mom, told them what happened. dad said he'll handle jason and i came home at like, um.. 4? something like that. don't worry, i won't ever let anything happen to you like that."
seeing jay be so serious broke a piece of hana. she escaped something horrible because of him. she hated to say it but she was happy about jay for the first time. maybe not first.
"huh, yeah. thank you." hana smiled, a sincere smile of gratitude.
he was a saviour that not many could have during hard times so easily.
"don't cry now" jay passed his water. "yah! i am not"
jay chuckled, giving his strawberry to hana's plate as they both ate in silence.
hana was laying in bed lone, she was alone in the house as jay left when his dad called. she asked where but jay just said "i'll be back, wait for me for lunch --" with a annoying nickname she didn't want to say.
she got a call as she swiped left, it was her older sister. "yah hana, i heard what happened. are you okay idiot?"
"i am. jay was there. you know he was really cool. but he was so mad. i can get why but he literally almost killed the guy. apparently they were cousins. but jay was so furious. he jumped on him and grabbed him by his neck. we got home late. he took care of me last night because i fell asleep. he gave me- wait. why the fuck am i telling you this?" hana scrunched her nose in disgust, she heard giggles coming from the other side of the phone.
"aunty hana, you're in love!" she heard her nephew's voice. "i am.. i am not" hana said. "you've always talked about jay so much, but i think this is the first time you talked so proudly about him. so like you" hana's unnie teased.
"did not. unnie, can jihoon come over? i think i'd like a kid around to make your little sister feel better." hana buttered. "eomma can i please go ova'? pleaseee" hana heard ji-hoon. mission successful.
20 minutes passed and little ji-hoon was already over. hana's unnie hugged her sister unexpectedly, saying to take care. hana laughed as she spent a few minutes and her unnie had left. she would come back for dinner because hana insisted she wanted ji-hoon until dinner rather until afternoon. it was currently 11 and jay hadn't been home since 10.
"aunty, where's your boyfriend?" hana swiftly turned to her nephew who was making the race track.
"do you mean jay?" hana realised she couldn't even refuse to the wording as that would mean a million more questions would be asked by her nephew, she simply agreed and explained how he was outside on a errand.
"call uncleee" it was 12 noon, hana grew a bit impatient as much as the child. she wanted to talk, with the most annoying person she claimed as. "ahh i can't, you know what, you do it ji-hoon ah. don't tell it's me or... no tv" little ji-hoon nodded smiling at his nervous aunt knowing his soft aunt would never, she dialled the number and passed the phone to ji-hoon.
"hey princess" jay's voice came from the speaker which hana turned on before hand. jihoon saw his aunt scrunching up her nose with a little curve on her lips. ji-hoon sighed, thinking about cheesy it is. *sighhhhh*
"uncle it is me, lee ji-hoon the first!" ji-hoon introduced himself in courtesy. "ji-hoon ah, hi kiddo, why'd you call?" jay asked, a car vrooming sound distrupt's his voice. hana squinted her eyes as she told ji-hoon to talk whatever.
"aunty was too shy so i called to ask when you're going to be home uncle. aunty and me are starving" ji-hoon said dragging his voice, sighing as hana panicked waving her hands no. they heard jay chuckle and no reply.
"i'll be right infront of you in a minute." jay said, hana rolled her eyes as she took the phone from ji-hoon's hands. "bye princess" she could just see her husband smirking at her, getting pissed as how jay could know what is happening on the other side. it was creepy. but she double checked the house for bugs *skull*
as hana set the table, they could hear the door opening as ji-hoon rushed towards the door. "uncle jay! anneyeong!" ji-hoon said informally as jay picked him up removing his jacket. "hi darling, where's your old aunty?"
"old aunty? do you want this pan thrown at you? you're the old uncle here jongseong park" hana said furiously holding an red pan. jay and ji-hoon laughed as jay sat down stretching his back with putting ji-hoon beside him.
"where'd you go uncle? i waited sooo long for lunch since you didn't come" the four year old said nicely, hana came over to sit beside ji-hoon. "i told you it's better to eat at 12 cause your uncle would be late ji-hoonie" hana said fixing her nephew's hair by laying him on her lap.
"i know aunty, but eomma says she and appa eat together whenever they can." ji-hoon answered as jay got up. his eyes were on him as he spoke. jay had layed down and brought his back facing hana.
"ahh.. well you don't need to worry about that- yah" hana widened her eyes as jay layed back on her lap too, beside ji-hoon's little face closer to her stomach. "fix my hair too please" jay shut his eyes as got comfortable shaking his shoulders.
ji-hoon giggled at his uncle and aunt as he could see jay's face was as red as hana's thought he couldn't see.
"you're dumb" hana commented, slowly patting his head as she started to play with his long hair. "ji-hoon ah, bring your plate over here and i'll turn on the tv. i'll eat later with your uncle. i can't have you starve" ji-hoon nodded, he admitted he was wayyy too hungry to wait for the couple.
as ji-hoon went over hana noticed jay's swollen eyes, he must've been tired as hell to look so peaceful sleeping on hana's lap. she could have to say this was very cute.
jay was very cute sleeping, so closely.
jay turned over, his face towards her stomach as his hand placed itself on her left thigh. she removed his hair from his eyes as ji-hoon watched tayo train and hana watched too. jay was sound asleep already.
an hour later, ji-hoon had gotten his sleepy aunt two granola bars and water, his aunt called him the most considerate four year old ever in the world. jihoon was fast asleep on the carpet with his dinosaur blanket and hana had put jay's hair in a pony with her extra rubberband.
she was soon fast asleep on the sofa too with her husband on her lap and her nephew infront of her.
goodnight and goodbye :)
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