17: Square one

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"Where were you? You told me you'd be home early today, put that phone to use by telling me if you're not Hana" Jay argued as Hana moved across him, her eye twitching as his voice got louder inside the quiet house. 

"You're a damn adult Hana, you can stay outside whenever, but that doesn't mean you don't stay on your word." Jay's hand raised to grab his wife's arm not long before she turned herself back. 

The faces. The voices.


"Stop being so dramatic, I was late by like what, 26 minutes. A lot could happen but nothing did, I just got a bit late with Sunghoon." Hana retorted, a spark in her eyes as her neck craned to his height, a fuming face to meet with. 

"So that's what you thought in Italy? It was me who made an effort to find you damnit" Something flickered in Jay's eyes, before Hana could even decipher it was replaced with rage. 

"Why are you getting so angry, I'm literally fine and in one piece right infront of you Jay" Hana raised her voice to match his tone now, both of them had one thing in common, the anger issues of an retired uncle. 

"Why wouldn't I be angry when my- you. ."

"You know what, my bad, I won't even go out after 6 if it satisfies you, there won't be a next time I'd let you yell at me like this." 

"Hana?" He scoffed, groaning as he threw his head back. Her voice cracked. 

"Hana, I'm sorry I lost my composure. You have to understand love, I can't not be worried about you after what happened in Italy. I just want to make sure you're-" 

Hana turned back again, her nose a little red like a cherry, the sight lightened something inside Jay, but he couldn't smile at her innocent like eyes. "Search up ways to convey that maintaining cool and not delivering the message opposite to it then." 

With that, their night ended in dispute, tucked under the darkness of their duvets and not speaking since. 


"Move." The familiar voice of Hana passed through Jay's ears, his eyes bigger upon the sight of raw sleepy Hana. She didn't meet his eyes long before sliding down the stairs at a quick speed, leaving a toothbrush-in-mouth Jay behind. 

"Your getting the paste and water all over the floor" He heard again, recognising the displeasure in her voice, laughing as he pictured her right down there making a gag face. 

I guess she's not mad, yayy.

"Thanks. . . you finally decided to wake up" he stated, breaking the silence. but didn't receive an answer as his plate was simply passed to him.

okay maybe not. . . :(

I should apologise. I was in wrong. also to maintain my image. 

ugh who am I kidding.  image my ass, it's my Hana after all. 

hana's heart elated as a warm hand brushed her waist, moving her to the right almost effortlessly as jay made his free hand's way to the fridge,  "I'm sorry about last night Hana, i was wrong for belittling you but i'm not going to apologise for being protective of my wife who got kidnapped recently. i just want you safe." 

"especially around me. i felt like i couldn't do that. you may hate me, i might've have once too, but i take my vows seriously, i always will and hope to keep you safe and sound with me." 

his eyebrows twitched at the sight of hana below his chin, big eyes as he smiled with a cringe face. "ugh, so cringe." he said to himself, flicking at her forehead. 

snapping her out of her daydream sight. 

the couple stood in silence, not exchanging words. what she heard was enough. what he said was enough to convey what he actually meant to. 

just as the phone rang. 

hana scurried over to grab it, clearing her voice before she even looked at who called. jay looked at her from the counter, his eyes not leaving her back once. 


"heyyy kiddo, how are you?" 

hana turned around, mouthing. 

'My dad'



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