10: Dual

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two days had passed by living as an married couple for jay and hana. their reception was cutesy, secluded and limited to close family, faces they were familiar with. it was fun to the very end of it. this time they could have fun with their wedding pictures and it was amusing to do so. 

they did some cringe obliged-to poses on demand of their teasing siblings, where hana came out to be painted pink and jay like a melting ice cube nervous. 

they got a good day of rest too, forgetting the significance of their marriage now. and only despised to see each other's face first thing in the morning. 

hana was woken up by the loud siren-like alarm, which may actually be the thing that she loathes greatly more than jay. tilting to the other side, hana didn't see anyone in particular,  the pillow border she made was now around her, as if protecting her falling down. 

luckily, today was saturday, waking up at 7:30, school starting at 8...
or maybe not luckily...

"shit, I'm late to school!" hana groaned as she slipped into the bathroom, grabbing  a pair of clothes as she threw them as the bed and got her robe. highschool timings are the worst- 

"hana?" jay peeped through the door, his eye's trailed around the room as he stepped in, when no one was in his sight, he spotted the running shower's noise, soon getting the hint that his world βˆ’  he meant, wife was showering. 

he grabbed his phone as he plopped down a chair beside the study table, their dad sure had gotten used to his, and both his daughter-in-law's style. one who organized and needed different drawers for each and every thing, while one needed big compartments where he could dump things. 

jay was immersed in his phone, scrolling down a website which donned types of guitars and all things related, all appealing to his sore eyes. oblivion towards the silence in the room which ended with a door clicking, a sound a deep sigh heard before him. 

hana offered a glance at the bed and again at the figure laying on it, giving an equally offended look at him. "sh-it, i'm so sorry!" the bed plummeted as the figure ran out side, banging the door as hana turned crimson. 



"for fuck's sake!" hana groaned  as she held her robe tightly, the only piece that could protect her possibly.

hana groaned falling on to the bed, her eyes closed tightly, as her hand moved on her own on to her cheeks, slapping herself aware. "why me?" she cried to herself, nervously putting on her clothes, fully clothed and covered she stepped slowly out the room. 

fully suspicious. he wouldn't do that on purpose, would he? no. he's not that creepy. . .

the married couple made eye contact, "i'm really sorry, i was lost in my own world and planned to leave before you came out, like that, i got lost in my phone and forgot what i needed, really βˆ’" 

"no, it's okay. atleast you didn't see anything. now stop talking, please" 

jay clicked his lips, who said i didn't see anything...

"i'm sorry. . . uh, milk's in the fridge, i'm going out to get the car." jay ordered as he grabbed his keys.

hana looked around the counter, and back to jay, then the counter, and back to jay's back figure, she grabbed the tiny milk carton, running out as she locked the door. 

"you, you're going to drop me?" hana asked in disbelief as jay sat into the driver's seat. 

"what's to drop, we're both going to the same place?" jay questioned back again, looking confused, it made hana feel dumb found as she obliged sitting beside him in the passenger seat. 

she'd rather not talk after the morning incident. 

"hana, belt" he received no answer. "hana?" he turned again towards her looking annoyed, however his reaction changed upon seeing her fidgeting and squirming nervously around her seat, not meeting his eyes. 

"hana, your belt. . . " he tapped on her shoulder earning a little flinch, she quickly nodded before putting it on. jay on the other hand felt guiltly oddly, upset having turned his wife overly cautious. 

he didn't mean for that to happen. 

"um, we have time, you can buy something to eat if you'd like?" jay asked, playing with the car's functions not long before tapping onto his favourite feature, the roof. the convertible. the love. 

hana was surprised feeling the cold breeze hit her all over, her head automatically craned up gazing at the clear skies and open view of the whole street. in one way she felt so naked, feeling so open in the car. but so thrilled feeling so breathable.  

"no, it's fine" she smiled still focused outside, not noticing the lingering eyes. she's so happy with the little things, he thought. 

"okay, suit yourself wifey." 

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