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Cassidy POV {16:43 (4:43pm)/6:43am}

It was about time my friends are leaving now. It was also time for me to eat, I was pretty hungry.

I went downstairs into the kitchen and asked my dad to make me some food.

"Of course. What would you like?" He asked me.

"I'll just have pizza." I told him, pizza was one of my favourite foods. "Alright, I'll bring it up when it's ready."

I nodded and walked back up to my room. I sighed boredly and decided to just watch some youtube.

After about 15 minutes my dad had made his way upstairs and knocked on my door, "Come in." I said, my stomach growling.

He handed me the plate, I thanked him and he left. God I was so hungry, and this pizza looked so good.

I was about to tuck when I heard a notification from my phone.

I decided to just ignore it and continue to eat my pizza, after finishing about one slice I heard another notification.

This time I turned on my phone and saw it was Hanzo. Why was he up this early?

The messages read, "Hiya." and ":<".

I chuckled a little, it was kind of cute. I didn't want him to know I was just ignoring him so I made up some random excuse, "Hey sorry, I was speaking to my dad."

"No worries." He said. "Why are you up so early, is it not like 7am for you?"

He took a second to reply, "This is the time I always wake up." Damn, I could never.

It was a struggle for me to be waking up at 10am nevermind 7am. "Anyway, you promised we could play :["

Usually I'd find faces like that cringy but when he did it, it was kind of cute.

"Oh yeah I did, let me just finish eating and I'll get on." I told him.

"Alright, I will wait." I reacted to his message with a thumbs up emoji and turned my phone off.


I finished my pizza and brung the plate downstairs. Then, I turned on my XBOX and invited Hanzo to play.

But he took like 10 minutes to actually join.

When he got in I asked, "What took you so long?"

"Sorry, I was in the shower." He said. "Alright it's fine, let's play?"

"Mhm!" He said excitedly. I put us in a queue and we waited.

While we were waiting I decided to ask him, "So Hanzo.. do you have any social media, like Instagram? Just so we can message there instead."

"Yes, my Instagram is 島田半蔵." My eyes widened a little, I had no idea what he said.

I scratched the back of my head and told him, "Maybe you should just add me." He chuckled and I gave him my Instagram.

A little later I checked my phone and saw a message request from 島田半蔵. His whole page was in Japanese but oh well.

I accepted his follow request and sent him one back.

Eventually we got into a game, "Now arriving at Rialto."

We both picked our characters and the game started.

About 3 minutes in I noticed that somebody was tbagging Hanzo.

"Why are they tbagging you?" I asked him, chuckling. "What??" He responded, sounding a little confused.

"I mean, when they crouch on your dead body." I said.

"Huh? I thought that meant friend?" I burst out laughing at this. I guess that explains what happened when we first played with him.

I just responded with, "Nevermind." and we continued to play.

Even though he was new, he was pretty good at this game. Anyway, we won and continued on for a few more games.

I checked the time and it was 20:32 (8:32pm). I guess time does fly when you're having fun.

I wasn't necessarily tired yet but I did want to get off of the game.

But I also didn't want to leave him, I actually liked talking to him.

"Hey Hanzo I'm gonna get off of the game now. But if you want we can call on Instagram or something?" I said kind of nervous, what if he didn't think of me in that way.

Like, what if he thinks of me as just someone to play overwatch with and stuff?

I waited a second before I heard him say, "Of course, I will call you when you get off." I smiled, "Alright."

I turned off my console, exiting the game and waited.


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