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Hanzo POV

I sat on my bed watching my show and before I knew it it was 10pm.

This was like, my first time in a while staying up past 9pm. Not because I thought it was late or anything, just because I prefered to have a more put together schedule.

I yawned but continued to watch the show. I'm sure that if I stay up a little later for just one night it wouldn't matter.

About halfway into the episode I was on, I heard a message notification but just decided to ignore it.

I didn't want anything to interrupt this, I'd just answer when the episode finished.

I had my chin rested on my knees as I hugged them, waiting in anticipation to see what would happen in the episode.

This one happened to be a very gorey one. Not that all of them weren't, this one was just especially gorey.

I winced a few times as blood splattered on the screen, but when it finally ended I lowered my legs and picked up my phone, only to find that the message was from Cassidy.

"Good morning, how are you?" I stared at the message for a few seconds, I was wondering why he said morning, even though it was almost 11pm.

That's when I remembered time zones were a thing, "I'm good now that I'm texting you." I told him.

When I had texted it I didn't realise it could come off as flirty but now I realise it definitely could've and probably did.

I was thinking about deleting it but by the time I went to do it he had already read it.

I sighed heavily and watched as he typed, I was kind of nervous to see what he would say back, but didn't want to overthink it too much.

He probably didn't even think I meant it in a flirty way.

Finally, I saw the message pop up. "So you're not mad at me?"

"No, why would I be mad?" I asked him, maybe yesterday he noticed that I had gotten a little annoyed.

"Oh no reason, I was just being stupid." He said. "Anyway, why aren't you in bed? Are you not usually asleep by 9?

I smiled at my phone, so he knows my sleep schedule? "Yeah but I am watching a show, plus I'm not really tired."

"What show?" He asked, I didn't really know how to say the title in English so I translated it and said, "Alice In Borderland."

"Oh wow! I love that show." He texted. My smile grew wider but right as I was about to type back I heard my door creak open.

It was my dad, "Hanzo? Why aren't you asleep." I huffed and replied, "I was about to go to sleep."

He nodded, "Alright, goodnight."

"Goodnight." I replied. I heard another message notification and hurriedly turned my phone on, he probably thought I was ignoring him.

But, the message was definitely not what I was expecting. "I guess we're just meant for eachother lol."

A red blush spread across my cheeks as I watch as he starts typing again.

I didn't really know how to reply, nor did I know exactly what he meant by this.

Suddenly, another message popped up. "Sorry, my friend stole my phone and typed that." I released the breath I didn't even know I was holding and quickly replied, "It's fine!! Who's your favourite characer in the show :p?"

He took a second to type but in the end ended up saying, "My favourite character is probably Kuina, yours?"

"Ah, I like her! But my favourite is probably Usagi."

He liked my message and suddenly I felt a wave of exhaust go over my body.

I was super tired since I don't usually stay up this late.

"She's nice." Cassidy responded.

"Yeah. I think I'm going to go to sleep now, goodnight." I texted before turning off my phone and putting it on charge.

I got comfortable in my bed and slowly drifted off to sleep.

{I haven't been on to update this in a while so I don't really remember what I was writing about so if it goes a bit off thats why}


I woke up the next morning a little later than usual but still feeling pretty energised.

I jumped out of bed and quickly texted Cassidy, "Good morning."

I saw he read it almost right a way - he replied, "Morning, did you sleep well?"

I felt my cheeks warm up and I smiled widely, "Yeah. What time is it for you right now?"

"It's 10pm, I'm not really tired though lol." I put my phone down when I heard my dad call my name.

"ハンゾー、言いたい事がある。" {Hanzo, I have to tell you something.}

I turned towards my door and looked at him questioningly, "何?"

"土曜日にあなたのおじいさんが遊びに来ます。" {On Saturday, your grandfather will be coming to visit.}

My eyes widened, my Grandfather did not like me at all. The feeling was definitely mutual.

I just nodded and sighed, it was going to be a long weekend.


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